Leonardo and Blake Lively split after 5 mths..

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^ I thought someone said that was about Jessica Biel....?

I'm more inclined to believe the BI that Leo has herpes or some other STD
Since most of us don't believe it

Why is it so hard to believe? They aren't actually that unlikely of a couple, are they? Blake is exactly Leo's type and she was probably drawn to his success and persona. They make a lot of sense as a couple imo.
According to Lainey, Blake left Leo because her first choice - Ryan Reynolds is now available. Okay then :rolleyes:

^No. Blake is not Leo's type. He dates models and he likes to keep a low-profile. Blake is neither.
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^ :lol: You really don't see a trend/type with his girlfriends, Gisele to Bar to Blake?
^ :lol: You really don't see a trend/type with his girlfriends, Gisele to Bar to Blake?

The only trend I see is he's keeps downgrading.

I don't believe their relationship was fake. I don't believe it was a relationship. I believe it was a fling.
Lainey's constant yammering (and Celebitchy--who copies everything Lainey says) about Blake's "game" is so overblown and tiresome. I mean, yeah, I guess you could say she has game...if you want to be in the position of constantly chasing after A-list men. It could also be looked at as incredibly degrading.
The only trend I see is he's keeps downgrading.

That's irrelevant and a personal opinion. It's unfathomable to me that someone doesn't see that he clearly has a type. I agree that they were nothing more than a summer fling.

if you want to be in the position of constantly chasing after A-list men

Who exactly is she chasing after? These allegations are so pathetic :innocent:
^It's not that serious. Everything here is personal opinions.
The only trend I see is he's keeps downgrading.


harsh, but true.

besides, i don't see it so much as a type as they just all happen to be tall.
as much as we can all say leo may be sort of 'shallow', who cares really. he dates tall 'beautiful' (if you think they are) women because.. well.. he is in hollywood. and the majority (not all) of the women he meets/knows are probably also in hollywood or entertainment/fashion. and lets not pretend they are industries based on inner beauty. its also unrealistic to think he will turn up with some short, stumpy, 'ugly' girl who works in the local supermarket because he probably doesn't KNOW any girls who work in the local supermarket. and.. if you were a mega-celeb, would you willingly give your phone number to non-famous people? i doubt it.

call it shallow (it may be) but it is the reality of his life.
must be tough ey :innocent:

and whether he is gay or not.. who knows... but the above would still apply. he has the best looking beards to choose from!
Lord knows I'm really not a Blake fan by any stretch of the imagination (fairly sure I've expressed my encounter with her at an industry thing on here somewhere) nor am I big cheerleader of Leo. It's not like his world exists only of tall, blonde model types, he could date the pretty 5'5" girl in wardrobe who doesn't crave public approval at every turn if he were so inclined.

I've been in the industry over ten years, been around with my fair share of actors (so many of them can't keep it in their pants :lol:) but it's not all the games, intrigue and manufacture the people like Lainey etc would like you to believe-just putting that out there-sometimes things are actually what they look like! :D That said I have always looked at this relationship with a heavy dose of scepticism. :rolleyes:
^ i'm not saying his world is only those types. but the 5'5 wardrobe girl isn't socialising with him on millionaires yachts in Europe all summer either, nor is she attending the same parties in LA and NY, and nor can she jet around the world just for a date. so she doesn't really have the upper hand in 'getting to know' him. and if he did date her, everyone would jump on her case for just trying to date a celeb for her own exposure etc. its hollywood, people can make a story out of anything!

my point was simply: why criticize him for being shallow when the industry itself is shallow about the women/men who even get to the level of fame to be socialising with other A-listers in the first place. yeh, that is snobbish and elitist on their part, but that doesn't make it any less true. (of course their are exceptions and examples of actresses with extreme talent etc. but don't tell me blake got to where she is simply because of her acting skills)

i'm not a fan of either (well, i am a fan of leo the actor, but could care less about leo the person tbh), so i feel no need to 'defend' them. just stating it how i see it.
The only trend I see is he's keeps downgrading.

I don't believe their relationship was fake. I don't believe it was a relationship. I believe it was a fling.

Wasn't it reported that he bought her a Prius because she had been driving a gas-guzzling Range Rover?? To me that just screamed that their "relationship" was a PR stunt... it was as if they said, "Look at us, we're so in love! And in case you've forgotten, Leo is super super concerned about the environment!"
So maybe they actually were hooking up, because why not, she is his type... but I think it was mostly PR.
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