
OK, I tried these instructions & they don't work on me either. I have also had the size I wear confirmed by a professional bra fitter. My measurements are 31/38 (with a plastic tape measure not paper), which according to this puts me in a 36B. In actuality I wear 38D. 36B ... no way no how. Sorry about that ... :blush:

Now as far as firmness ... part of the reason they start mammograms when they do is they don't work on younger women. I had one in my 20s and it couldn't be read because the tissue was too dense, so they did a sonogram instead. I've had my baseline, and it could be read. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you guys are quite unlikely to be the exception to the medical rule ... good luck though B) ;)
Got fitted tonight randomly... I went to buy a bra and the lady measured me... turns out i'm a 38DD... I was really upset because there aren't a lot of cute bras for bigger cups.. but she found me a few... still... 38DD :shock:

Pill makes you boobs smaller? I can't believe that! Seriously?
I didn't know that but maybe it's cause I don't take the Pill.

I also hear that sometimes exercise may do the trick to bring your boob size down.

I've never actually been measured professionally because I don't have many bras-all my good non-padded ones last about 4 to 8 months-and I own two padded and one padded that acts like a push-up of sorts. I'm considering going to get it done but every time I measure myself I always end up with a 36D.

And in the course of a year and a half, I went from a 34B to a 36D.
I've experienced being small and big!!
I am now a 32A and somtimes I dislike it because all around we see sexy girls=big boobs, but really we know it's not's just the portrayal of women in some media. Whatever your size you can be sexy.

When I had my children I went to a 32DD, but lost all when I finished breast feeding!
It felt weird for me to be this big size because I had always been petite, and suddenly I was "Jordan" proportions!!

So, I think whatever your size, "think sexy, be sexy!" :-P
ok this is going to sound silly but I have a question.

I have fairly small boobs and tend to be a bit heavier on the bottom of my body. I have always considered having a boobs job sometime in my life, nothing pamela anderson-ish but just something to fill out a bit more in that area and make me feel a bit more sexy. I have thought about it for a few years now and I was wondering what your opinions are of them? And do you know of any boob jobs that look really amazing?

softgrey said:
implants need to be replaced for health reasons...
deadly black mold can grow inside the implants...even saline ones
(think about a fish tank or vase when you don't change the water)
and this can seep into your blood and bones...they should be replace every 5-10 yrs for precautionary reasons...

ahhhh thats so scary!
helena said:
this thread is too funny....

boobs are hot!!!!! :lol:

agreed, this is hysterical

I think all breasts can be HOT. It just depends on the woman. I dont like any sort of rib bones showing , thats more of a sign of being under nourished than having too small of boobs though. Personally, I like more of a chest, its womanly.

There are pros and cons to each.

CONFIDENCE is sexy, not the size :woot:
Just went to JC Penny and on my receipt it said that Jan 8th- Jan 14th is a National Bra Fit Event at JC Pennys!

Anyone else as excited as I am?
Jade/// said:
ok this is going to sound silly but I have a question.

I have fairly small boobs and tend to be a bit heavier on the bottom of my body. I have always considered having a boobs job sometime in my life, nothing pamela anderson-ish but just something to fill out a bit more in that area and make me feel a bit more sexy. I have thought about it for a few years now and I was wondering what your opinions are of them? And do you know of any boob jobs that look really amazing?

Don't get a boob job! Be lucky that you can have your pick of cute bras. If you want to temporarily go bigger, there are the things you stuff your bra with. They even use them in SI as seen on Mallory Snyder.

Plus be glad you don't have to deal with the pain that comes from larger boobs.
does anyone know of any way to 'firm up' breasts or lift them without surgery?
I heard doing the butterfly machines at the gym and push-ups help, but I'm not sure.

I have a love/hate relationship with my chest. I hit puberty at an early age so by the time I was 13, I had B/C cup breasts. And you know, it's like..."Whoo! I have boobs!" So I paraded around for a bit, feeling very proud and grown up because...well, I had boobs. :D

Then when I was in high school, I grew into a C/D. I got a lot of crap for it because apparently, Asians aren't supposed to have breasts (I'm Chinese). Teenagers are merciless. They said I stuffed my bra, got implants (right, in my teens), etc. If I showed any cleavage at all, even if the shirt wasn't that low, I was called a skank. Mom never let me wear tanktops out. They look bigger than they really are because my ribs are kind of small (I wear a 32-34 C/D depending on how tight the bra band is).

Just a random fact: In the 80s, the average Asian cup size was an A, which in the recent years, have shot up to a C. Go us. :D
Im never getting breast implants, their ugly.

Unless it's for medical reasons.
Hi, I have a question.

I did the instruction of how to measure the correct bra that was posted a while back.
My frame size was 28 and my bust size was just about 35. 35-28 is 7. Does that mean I should be wearing 32DDd? I wear a 36D right now and sometimes I feel like I am wearing the wrong size.

I am too self conscious to go get measure at the store.

Also I'd like to add that people should love their breast no matter what size it is.
Jade/// said:
ok this is going to sound silly but I have a question.

I have fairly small boobs and tend to be a bit heavier on the bottom of my body. I have always considered having a boobs job sometime in my life, nothing pamela anderson-ish but just something to fill out a bit more in that area and make me feel a bit more sexy. I have thought about it for a few years now and I was wondering what your opinions are of them? And do you know of any boob jobs that look really amazing?


A friend of mine uses silicone inserts in her bra, and they look really natural and bounce, etc. I call them silicone "explants." :p

But it's really the best of both worlds, because you can pad your bra with these things when you want to look sexy, and take them out when you want to exercise.

And, really, how "sexy" are you going to feel with a couple of foreign objects in your body, knowing every day that they could burst, leak, etc.
Jade/// said:
ok this is going to sound silly but I have a question.

I have fairly small boobs and tend to be a bit heavier on the bottom of my body. I have always considered having a boobs job sometime in my life, nothing pamela anderson-ish but just something to fill out a bit more in that area and make me feel a bit more sexy. I have thought about it for a few years now and I was wondering what your opinions are of them? And do you know of any boob jobs that look really amazing?


It seems like you are quite content with your choice, so I will spare you the "please love your body the way it is" talk.

As far as surgeons go.... it isn't a place to cut corners in price!! Even women that only go up one cup size can get stuck with the "glued on melon" look. Either they sit too high, have incredibly unnatural cleavage (think, "Wow, these puppies don't seperate, even when I lay!"), or can be uneven. Many women are obsessed with firmness/perkiness (especially when in their mid to late 30's when gravity starts creeping up on them). But don't be fooled! Natural (and beautiful!!) breasts are tear shaped. They slightly hang. And they certainly aren't supposed to be right under your chin!

When having a consultation with a Doctor, make sure he doesn't pressure you. That creep on the E! network, who has a show... his name escapes me right now... he seems to love to push women into a larger size than they originally came in asking for.

If you only want one cup size larger, don't let them talk you into anything more. This proceedure would balance your body out (which, even though I have never seen you, I doubt needs more than a one cup size addition)... you aren't looking for a new career that involves a pole and clear plastic heels!!
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