
^ Oh please.

I highly doubt wearing a bra gives you cancer.:rolleyes:

I was talking to some girl who was talking about having a reduction, just because she was a D cup. What is wrong with having large boobs?

Whether I look bad or "trashy" in clothing, or my boobs sag when I have kids, or I look fat in clothes (such a nice thing to say by the way) or..... I get cancer for wearing a bra, there's nothing I can do, because these are the boobs I was made with.

Sure it sucks when guys stare at your cleavege or your chest in general, but who cares? Even though some people are trying to put down larger breasted women on this thread, it just makes me appreciate my size even more.

Appreciate your size, but don't put down others while you're doing it. :innocent:
I think it totally depends on the girl. I prefer a slimmer girl with just average size, but between Hot, buetiful and cute girls, I always opt for cute where as most guys would prefer hot.

P.S. evey one thinks that my girlfirend is like 15, and I look like I'm 23, really im 17 and shes 18.
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fashionicon - I don't know if you are talking to me or not, but I don't think acknowledging that larger breasted women have problems finding clothes, getting backaches and so on is insulting them.

And I only said I learnt it could have possible links to breast cancer. I never said "bras cause breast cancer".
I read the article.. it only says women with higher density in their breast tissue rather than fatty tissues have a higher risk for breast cancer bc theres more breast tissue to become cancerous. I think eurasian's original post was very heartfelt.. that no matter what size woman you are, everyone has issues to overcome in accepting their size..

like many of the other members expressed, I think women of any size have their own ups and downs and are beautiful regardless :flower:
FashionFriendly said:
I dont want to offend anyone but Fabulyss, the reason most of the people in this thread say that bigger boobs are tacky are lets just say ahmm flat chested themselves so they feel the need to defend their body far as celebrities go comon lets face it celebrities with big boobs are alwayz considered hot by both men and women for example Angelina Jolie, Marlyn Monroe, and jennifer aniston...and also even in sports, btw the reason anna kournikova is so popular all over the world is not really because of the way she plays tennis:p .So i guess it comes down to this: Big Boobs are hot but sadly not every woman has them, so some feel the need to blast those who do have bigger boobs :innocent:

Thank you for the consolement :flower: It is greatly appreciated. However, my point was that none of those celebrities you mentioned above are over a C cup (aren't Jennifer Aniston and Anna Kournikova a B?!). Ask any girl D or above and she will tell you that yes, big boobs are considered attractive, but ONLY when they're no bigger than D cup (and in Hollywood, a C). This is the frustration.

In my opinion, anything over a C should be considered "big boobs", anything under it however, is merely average.

Also, there is a HUGE difference between hating your B/C cup for the sake of fashion, and actually having real "big boobs" (D+) and having to deal with back pain, ugly bras, trouble with shirts, bra straps digging into shoulders, and unwanted male attention (I am the most troubled by this last one, its absolutely awful).
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Eurasian Mélange said:
fashionicon - I don't know if you are talking to me or not, but I don't think acknowledging that larger breasted women have problems finding clothes, getting backaches and so on is insulting them.

And I only said I learnt it could have possible links to breast cancer. I never said "bras cause breast cancer".

Actually it was to anyone, but it was geared a little towards your post.

"links to" or "bras cause cancer", it still has the same sting when some with larger breasts reads it and thinks to themselves, " Let me go burn my bra, because it could give me cancer.":innocent:

And I think saying, "I look less tacky in my clothes than bigger breasted women" or " I think having big boobs makes girls look fat in shirts" is insulting. Or is that the way civil people should talk to eachother?

You know if the tables were turned and I said something similar pertaining to smaller breasted women, almost everyone in this forum would be in an uproar.:innocent:
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my boobs were a full A cup, then i got on birth control and they were a full and PERFECT B cup.

now i am off birth control and they are a less perfect i-dont-know-what because ive stopped wearings bras and have no clue.

probably an A again.

i miss my perfect boobs.
i think having bigger boobs can get frusterating if they do not porpotionally fit your body.

i am a teenager whose pretty tall (like 5' 7") and skinny (at like 112 lbs), yet i'm a d cup. it just doesn't really fit me at all...
fashionicon said:
Actually it was to anyone, but it was geared a little towards your post.

"links to" or "bras cause cancer", it still has the same sting when some with larger breasts reads it and thinks to themselves, " Let me go burn my bra, because it could give me cancer.":innocent:

And I think saying, "I look less tacky in my clothes than bigger breasted women" or " I think having big boobs makes girls look fat in shirts" is insulting. Or is that the way civil people should talk to eachother?

You know if the tables were turned and I said something similar pertaining to smaller breasted women, almost everyone in this forum would be in an uproar.:innocent:
I said possible links to. That is a lot different to actually saying "it links to" because that means you are absolutely positive that it definitely causes cancer. I don't understand how that would hurt someone when it isn't even certain that it causes cancer. There is just a possibility. Sorry if it did hurt you or anyone else here because that wasn't my intention. I was just stating my own reasons for not bothering with bras anymore and even if it doesn't cause cancer, it is still healthier (in my opinion) to go without a bra because my boobs can actually breathe and it feels a lot more comfortable.

I never said the other things, so please don't take that up with me if you have a problem with what someone else said. I myself agree that that is insulting. I think some people need to put down others to feel better about themselves when they shouldn't because there are plenty of advantages for small boobs as there are for large ones and they both have their disadvantages, too. Neither one is better than the other. Both have good and bad points, so there is no reason to put down or praise one over the other.

I've found that with small breasted women they can have lots of emotional issues and with large breasted women they can have lots of physical issues both relating to their size. Some are so upset with their size that they have developed psychological issues. I know one girl who has a completely flat chest and she never accepts anyone praising her and all advice and compliments fall on deaf ears. She can't accept herself or the fact that some people do like smaller breasts; she labels them as paedophiles so if you say "Oh, big boobs are better" she says she has been proven right and if you say "But small boobs are good, too" she says that you are a perverted freak. I know another girl who has very large breasts. She was planning for a reduction but because of a disorder with her blood she couldn't have it done and she got so depressed she considered killing herself. Men would sexually harass her and people would always judge her as a sl*t and a wh*re. Even at her daughter's school the parents complained about her, saying that she was a p*rn star and a bad influence on the children! It is not her fault she has large breasts and that doesn't make her a p*rn star or a sl*t. A sl*t is someone who sells their body and big boobs have nothing to do with that.
I'm a 36-38D, 21 years old and have had C cups since i was 9 years old. No joke. Anyway...they're not quite saggy, but not quite up to my chin. Why are people into perky breasts...when it's only natural that they would head south? I always wear a supportive bra, but nature is nature...
I think it's because it's a sign of youth and sagging=oldness which isn't the sexiest thing to most guys.

I have a full 36D and it's not that fun because I have to deal with a lot of unwanted male attention from guys I don't know, but the guys at my school don't pay attention. It's really tough because I used to run track when I was younger but now even with a sports bra, it hurts a lot.

Oddly enough, I have a bikini that I wear (I can get away with wearing a string bikini) that can make my boobs look smaller-and all of me actually.

As far as reductions go I've considered one but I figure if I get 10 sports bras or something and layer them I might start running again, I might lose weight and go down to a C or hopefully even a B.
^ Have you tried going to a specialty bra shop? I used to have a sports bra (nicknamed the Iron Maiden) that really worked. I think it was Natori ... One of my foster dogs had a fight to the death with it and won--I was impressed :p (It's funny--I talked to the girl who adopted him & found out he eats her lingerie too :lol:)

You really should be able to find a sports bra that works for you. The Iron Maiden truly was amazing.
fashionicon said:
^ Oh please.

I highly doubt wearing a bra gives you cancer.:rolleyes:

I was talking to some girl who was talking about having a reduction, just because she was a D cup. What is wrong with having large boobs?

Whether I look bad or "trashy" in clothing, or my boobs sag when I have kids, or I look fat in clothes (such a nice thing to say by the way) or..... I get cancer for wearing a bra, there's nothing I can do, because these are the boobs I was made with.

Sure it sucks when guys stare at your cleavege or your chest in general, but who cares? Even though some people are trying to put down larger breasted women on this thread, it just makes me appreciate my size even more.

Appreciate your size, but don't put down others while you're doing it. :innocent:

Second that Fashionicon :flower:
I hear ya ..
Karma to you
fashionista-ta said:
Btw, here are some American sizing instructions I ran across ...

How to measure the correct bra size:

You will need a tape measure (preferably paper) in inches, and a pencil. (For the best results, you should be wearing your most comfortable bra (lightly lined) when the following measurements are done, though this is not mandatory.)
There are 2 things we need to determine to correctly find your bra and cup size. These variables are your frame size and your chest+breast size. Keep in mind, however, that determining your bra and cup size is no an exact science. If you find you should be wearing a 34 C, but a 32 B fits you better, obviously get the more comfortable one!
1. Determining the frame & bra size:
The frame size is the diameter around your chest JUST BELOW your breasts. Using the tape measure, measure around your ribcage directly under your breasts. There should be no breast tissue measured while determining your frame size.
To determine the bra size, add 5 to this number. If the number you get is odd, round up to the next even number. For example, if your frame size is 26 inches, when you add 5 to this you get 31 inches. You should therefore round up to the even number which is 32 inches (since bras only come in even numbers). This is your bra size, 32 inches. Record this number.
2. Determine breast size:
The next measurement goes around the chest over and including the fullest part of your bust (usually at the level of the nipples). Technically, you should take this measurement while wearing a comfortable bra. This is the diameter of your chest+breast. Record this number.
3. Calculate cup size:
Now, take the chest + breast size number, and subtract your bra size number. Then use the table below to determine your cup size.
Difference (line 5 minus 4) Cup Size

0 to 1/2 inch AA
1/2 to 1 inch A
1 to 2 1/2 inches B
2 1/2 to 3 1/2 inches C
3 1/2 to 4 1/2 inches D
4 1/2 to 6 inches DD (E)
6 to 7 inches DDD (F)
7 to 8 inches G
etc., etc. etc.

4. Example:

Let's assume your frame size is 33 inches, your bra size is therefore 38 inches (33 + 5 = 38 inches). In addition, assume you measured your chest+breast size at 43 inches. Now, take your chest+breast size (43), and subtract your bra size (38). You get 5 inches as the difference. Using the table above, you find that anyone with a difference between 4 1/2 to 6 inches (including 6) has a cup size DD(E). Your correct bra and cup size is therefore 38 DD or 38E.​

Maybe I'm doing this wrong, but I don't get the logic. I measure 35 under my breasts and 40 around the fullest part. So I'm.... 40AA? I'll stick with my 36B's, thankyouverymuch. (I'm not ragging on you, fashionista :flower: I just don't get this)

Breasts are awesome. I love boobs.
well, I guess I can't edit my above post anymore, so I'll double up (sorry.) My breasts... are not cute. They're too long and fairly saggy, and I'm 20, have never been pregnant, not on hormonal birth control or any other factors like that. I always wear a bra, even when I sleep (but I think that might be more of an urban myth than a factor in perkiness.) I'm not tiny but not huge (5'6'', 140ish lbs) and I don't know if losing weight would make them look any better, considering they're at the same sad state they were when I was about 16/17 and about fifty pounds heavier. I feel really self conscious about going braless in outfits that aren't suited for bras, and I'm always reeeaaally self conscious in more intimate settings because I hate the way they look. Anyway, long story short, I want to get a lift and possibly my aeriolas reduced. Anyone have experience with this, wanna give me some elaboration? I wouldn't go any bigger (36b) and wouldn't be opposed to having fat and tissue taken out and the overall size reduced.
And sorry if this is all a little TMI. :D
I have to wear a bra when I sleep-I've never been able to sleep without one because otherwise my boobs hurt like hell the next morning.
I never understood that measuring stuff. I'm 28 around my frame so that equals a 34 band right? Well around my breasts is only 32. Does that make me have negative boobs?
I said way up there somewhere ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ that it isn't so much the size as it is the shape and 'firmness'.

The ones I hate are the really flabby ones. I saw Mimi Rogers topless in a film once and just about got sick. She was on her back on a massage table and they just sort of hung off to her side under her arms.
Echoes said:
I said way up there somewhere ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ that it isn't so much the size as it is the shape and 'firmness'.

The ones I hate are the really flabby ones. I saw Mimi Rogers topless in a film once and just about got sick. She was on her back on a massage table and they just sort of hung off to her side under her arms.
UGH! I know.. it's totally shape and firmness that matters. Flabby breasts, no matter the size, are not attractive!!! My god, push up bras were made for a reason...
ouch..that sounds harsh. Some people just don't like push up bras i guess.
Trista i'm with you on that one.

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