If you're young, you should probably wait a couple years (until you're 23/24), because your body is changing, and in a couple of years your morphology could be very different, and you environement too. Besides, as you said you only recently "got them", so like any other body transformation, maybe you need a little time to accept your "new" body.
It's ok to be embarrased by your body when you're a teenager. Everybody's different, by any mean you should try to embrace who you are, not try to be "like everyone else". Maybe now you feel your boobs are making you stand out and you don't like it, but in a couple of years, maybe you will change opinion about both it making you stand out and you not liking it, life is a loooong very loooong road.
And yeah, the teenage years suck, at least for most people

, so i'd say just suck it up like everyone else

. (don't people have dads anymore

post-scriptum: I preemptively apologize for if i sound unsensitive to some.