
I have heard La Perla makes good bras for small chests.
I think they are quite expensive though.
yeah, i was wondering if anyone knew of some bras that would be cheaper than that..
I know a French catalogue that makes bras in AA, but looking at the US version of the website they don't have them there... You would have to order from the UK catalogue (don't know if any other countries' versions of the catalogue would have those bras) and in addition to paying for the shipping, the UK is more expensive than the US overall. I know several more places, but, once again, they are all based in the UK.
ok ok you guys, i just have to tell you this. i just asked my boyfriend if he thinks my boobs are saggy and this is what he says "they're not that saggy". did you guys hear that? he said "not THAT saggy". i don't know, i guess i have myself to blame since i'm the one who asked lol. anyways, i just needed to get that out lol
^ Tell him his balls are saggy :innocent:....
Or his penis isn't that small.

yeah, i was wondering if anyone knew of some bras that would be cheaper than that..

I quite like Calvin Klein bras....
they aren't too expensive and I often find them on sale.
Not sure of their size range though.
boobs are boobs big one's are usually gross and only get the same kind of bad attention... little and those just in the middle are great as long as it looks natural ....a thread simply called boobs tfs is the best. :)
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^ They're gross. I don't understand that. It's just natural. You can't control breast size. A girl with naturally large breasts isn't gross.
Exactly, I could not control anything about my boobs. Very few people can-and not all of us are going to get reductions just to please.
La Perla makes the best lingerie especially for small breasted women! i once read an interview with Kate Hudson (who must be queen of the A cup and so HOT) and she said she loved La perla as it was beautiful for women with small chests and so I tried it and am now safely addicted :) it is expensive-ish but so worth it and beautiful - couldn't get away with a lot of it if you were bigger than a small C cup at the very most tho!<br><br>have a look at that video :) <br><br><br>
Oooh, La Perla! Makes me drool! Too bad I can't justify spending so much on a bra, even a pretty one. I can usually find an almost-as-pretty one for 1/10 the price... ;) But hey, if I had the money, honey, I am sure I would be buying La Perla right and left.
i know it is a lot! but sometimes when you have really small breasts ( i dont know your position) it is actually hard to find nicely fitted bras - as cutxpaste was asking for a range good for small chested people. I also find elle mcpherson - especially the boudair range - especially good for a smaller bust - infact sometime i have to go up a cup size which is always SUPER exciting :).... maybe you can justify one day for a special bedroom occasion Erin :)
I like Barely There bras for my small boobs. They're pretty basic and comfortable. I've seen nice stretchy lace ones at Macy's. Wacoal has some nice styles too and usually has a good fit.
What kind of bra to wear?

I'm a bit embarrassed to ask this, but can anyone recommend a bra that holds the breasts and stops them from going up and down (not for sports)?
I have a C-cup and noticed that when I'm wearing loose fabrics it looks very weird :blush:
i'm kind of interested to know how people feel about their nipples/areolas/etc?
has anyone had any kind of nipple/areola reduction surgery or anything like that?

most people seem to have gotten breast implants out of those who've had surgery, but i think that smallness has it's bonuses too...
Nipple and areola reduction are getting pretty common. It seems that most women get the procedure done along with breast augmentation. There is a plastic surgeon named James Romano in SF that had an article about it and photos on his website. You can find it pretty easily with a google search.
I'm a bit embarrassed to ask this, but can anyone recommend a bra that holds the breasts and stops them from going up and down (not for sports)?
I have a C-cup and noticed that when I'm wearing loose fabrics it looks very weird :blush:
If you have a full bust you can`t wear loose fabrics without a bra because they jiggle,especially if you wear high heels.I did that and every guy on the street was staring.If you want support get something with an underwire and thicker bra straps,but make sure it fits weel because the underwire can damage the breast if it`s to tight.

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