
i think this whole myth that u can just up a bak size subrract one from teh cup and the bra fits is sort of silly.

It is not a myth, but if you already have the correct bra size that fits you perfectly it isn't going to work. The theory is that the cups themselves are the same size, but due to the different band size, they are proportioned differently on the chest. So if one already has the perfect fit, they are clearly going to have problems.

i am a 30 dd/e. I can not fit intoa 34c. i can fit slightly ina 34d. but it is oddly tight,and the 34 dd is roomy on the sides of the cups.
Perhaps the problem has to do with the brand? Just like with clothes sizes, one can be a completely different bra size depending on the brand because some run small and some run large. If it's not that, maybe they are even beginning to employ vanity sizing on bras here (I really hope not else soon I won't be able to buy any clothes at all).

secondly--- no has ever called me flat.
Who said anyone here was flat? :blink:


Does anyone know a store (not an on-line one) where a 30 band size is available?
^ i am not sure, but i think most of the lingerie store should have some
or just have them measure it for you, thats the easiest way
i was exagerrating for effect. basically.. in person i look bustier than the typical c cup. peopel can tell I am atleast a d. because--in proportion to my overall body,they look bigger. my point is the sizes look utterly diff in person, and if someone has that many questions, they should get measured. la petite coquette in nyc is great. nordstrom is amazing throughout the country. fredericks is good too.
I've had a bit of trouble even finding a 32 band size, so I was guessing a 30 would be even rarer. I was hoping someone could give me the name of a store where they know they have that particular band size because walking around looking for it in crowds of people with no success gives me headaches. :lol:

gia - I guess you have a very small frame overall, then. The girl who looked like she had Bs was more of an average size. It is similar to how, when a woman is very short, people think her breasts are bigger than they really are. On another forum I posted a quiz where people had to guess the bra sizes (since several people claimed to be experts on it). Two pictures were of women who both had a 32C. One was 5'10" and the other 5'3". On average, people guessed the taller women's breasts were a small B cup and that the shorter woman's breasts were a large D cup.

I don't actually have any bras any more. I gave up on wearing them before they had a 'tiny bra' explosion where I was currently living and then I suddenly grew two or three cup sizes. Don't the people need to measure over a non-lined bra? I don't really care if they have to measure me without any top on (I've had plenty of women and male doctors see me topless), but I know many North Americans would be embarrassed by that. This would probably also make me feel nervous and worry that they would measure wrong. Or would they just ask me to lift my top enough to measure the under bust and then measure over my bust with the top down?
nordstorm will order 30s for you. la petite coquette in nyc si great. huge ins tore selection. if a nordstrom is close to you--please go there. many places will try to seel you the wrong bra size to get you to buy something. its disgusting. one think to look for is how you fill out the cup. in bras with too big back sizes, it is uncomfortably tight between the breast, but overly loose at the outersides of the breasts.

bloomingdales carries elle macpherson. it runs extra tight int eh back. so, a 32 is easilya 30.
I'm a 34A and I have a really bony chest :blush:
I look really awkward in low(ish) cut dresses or tank tops!
^^^embrace it! im a bit bigger than you but still have a bony chest/torso so I hear body t-shirt bras are probs great for all sizes but especially good for A/B cups
checkout charloitte gainsbourg. she looks great ans she is your size.

Ok. So i'm 13 and i'm a 34D. I feel like I'm way too big. All the guys in my grade are always staring at my chest. I know some women would kill to have a chest like mine, but how can I dress to make them look smaller???
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MassieKurx3, I know how you feel! Wearing V neck tops or jumpers helps them to look smaller, you could also try a minimier bra. Wearing black does help!
Massiekurx3 please remember to do a search before starting a new thread :flower:
Ok. So i'm 13 and i'm a 34D. I feel like I'm way too big. All the guys in my grade are always staring at my chest. I know some women would kill to have a chest like mine, but how can I dress to make them look smaller???

Flaunt what you got! look at Lindsay Lohan she had big boobs since early on and she didnt hide them. Don't do what I did when I was young and be miserable all the way thru school wearing baggy clothes and hiding the whole time. Everytime you feel bad think of how many other girls are jealous of your bust.:p
Flaunt what you got! look at Lindsay Lohan she had big boobs since early on and she didnt hide them. Don't do what I did when I was young and be miserable all the way thru school wearing baggy clothes and hiding the whole time. Everytime you feel bad think of how many other girls are jealous of your bust.:p

Dont forget shes only 13, it would be totally unappropriate for her to show her cleavege all the time. I have only one advice, wear a good bra! hold everything in place. and have fun!:flower:
^ I don't think she means showing cleavage cause girls with big boobs will always be "flaunting" them so to speak unless they wear baggy clothing.

Massiekurx3 - You should definitely get a good, flattering bra and never, ever wear baggy, ill-fitting clothes because it'll just make you look larger.
Massiekurx3, sometimes busty women forget that it is a blesing to have curves. Most busty women I know have hourglass figures--something that under 10 percent of all american women have, yet most men prefer.

Don't over flaunt them--but don't be ashamed either. think of it as any other appealing physical feature.
how common is it for a pale person (well, esp brunette), to have pink nipple?

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