Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2006 : the Models

Yes. This show lacked the VS type models. Its understandable that theyd hire young looking models because they have a segment aimed for young customers. But still...

Im not being biased or anything, but VS runway without Naomi Campbell is just boring.

I used to hate Tyra Banks so much because she just seems so arrogant and all, but then I couldnt deny that she was gorgeous(VS 2003!! Like perfect!) and now that she Isnt there, it just seemed well.. sad!

There Isnt any flavor, its just models walking back and forth.

I actually LOVE Adriana Lima like that! She seems fun and happy! Not like the mad, snobby girl before.

Eugenia!! One of the sexiest walks last year!!
julesrules815 said:
you picked the worst picture of her!! this one is naturally pretty

Um, that's not natural. She's wearing mascara and possibly some other makeup.

I think people are overrating (not just on here, on another forum I was at) Karolina's handling of the shoe situation. It's not that impressive, lol. Natasha Poly did the same thing last year.

Aaand lastly, I was surprised to see the amount of airtime given to Stam. Angel cam featurette + 3 outfits + opening a segment? Safe to say she'll probably be back next year.

It didn't feel like the VS show without Heidi and Tyra. Odd.
Fernanda should of renewed it in time.. She should know the pain in the ***/time consuming that stuff is, she's Brazilian for God's sake it happens all the time.

I'm still quite surprised Bianca Balti and Eugenia Volodina wasn't in it this year. They were amazing last year. Ugh, remember the russian bit and Eugenia came out... *sigh*
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MY take

Where was Cintia? I would have loved to see her on the runway. She's absolutely awesome.

Someone says they don't like to see the girls smile but on VS they ask the girls to smile and show high energy. It's a nice change of pace from all the high fashion shows where they have to look dead. VS allows you to show your personality and if the model doesn't use the opportunity to show it, that's what really gets me upset.

Here's my take on all the girls in order of my favs.

Gisele-The girl is flawless IMO and can do no wrong. She is only number two to Naomi in my list of all time favs. Her walk is out of control hot and she oozes sex appeal. She does look down an awful lot, but considering how fabulous she is I can let it go. Her best segments were the Highlands and the Flight Attendant.

Oluchi-If Oluchi is pregnant then wow! Next to Gisele, she is a force of nature. She's sweet, sexy, and confident. Love her graceful walk.

Adriana Lima-Perfect for VS and just perfect all around. I think she was a lot spunkier than ever and I really liked that. I liked her in the opening segment.

Ajuma Nasayana-One of two of my new favs! She is breathtakingly gorgeous in everyway. I would kill to have her skin. Her walk was fierce and they should have used her more.

Karolina Kurkova-Last year I fell in love with KK. I used to think she was fugs (especially the disturbing Marilyn Manson photo she did with Vogue in 2000. Gross!). But her walk is hot and she looks like fun. This year I liked her even better than last year. Not better than Gisele but I like her all the same.

Izabel Goulart-Weird face but a complete pro. Love her walk, attitude, and personality. And I like her better than Alessandra.

Julia Stegner-I don't care what anyone says, I fell in love with her last year and I still love her. She is the bomb diggity. Her smile is refreshing.

Alessandra Ambrosio-Great VS model but I don't find her all that beautiful. She definitely knows how to work it though and she's a crowd fav!

Natasha Poly-I think she's ugly, but she is the ultimate professional just as she was last year when her shoe came off. Stunning walk.

Miranda Kerr-Like her!

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley-LOVE HER!

Selita Ebanks-Much better! Liked her a lot this year.

Katja Shchekina-She is my second new fav! I love her look, I love her walk, but after reviewing the tape for the sixtieth time I think she could have given a little more. If they bring her back next year, I hope she's better. Because I know she can do it.

Ana Beatriz Barros-People call her boring, but I love her look. I think she could look a little more exciting when she struts but she is still pretty to look at from head to toe.

bLike her a lot but I thought she was better last year.

Jeisa Chiminazzo-I love her! The look of her is stunning all in itself.

Angela Lindvall-I made the comment last year in the VS05 thread that there was a reason why the cameras slow moed on her. She was breathaking in all her segments last time around but I felt she fell short this year. Usually she's in my top three.

Caroline Trentini-Wasn't impressed. She and Heather Marks look so much a like I can't tell them apart.

Caroline Winberg-Liked her this year, but loved her last year.

Doutzen Kroes-Ditto

Elise Crombez-Didn't care much for her, but I lovde her body.

Flavia de Oliveira-Brilliant.

Hana Soukupova-Though I don't understand the appeal of most Eastern European models (especially those from Russia) since they all pretty much look alike to me, I must say she like Natalie V and Valentina and Katja stands out in the natural beauty department. I liked her look, but I don't think she was for VS.

Heather Marks- See Caroline.

Jessica Stam-Pleasantly surprised since I think don't like her look at all.

Morgane Dubled-Like her.

Raquel Zimmerman-Not a fan.
Mr. Fabulous said:
Just say it.. you liked everyone. haha

LOL. As I get older I find it harder to be as discriminating as I was as a young'un. You look at life differently on the other side of 21 and you have all these epiphanies. Like if I diss Doutzen, will that Karma ruin my beloved Marc Jacobs strappy sandals in pink from last season? LOL.
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What, no take on Andi Muise?

How come on most of these review lists Andi is never reviewed? lol
Caroliiine said:
What, no take on Andi Muise?

How come on most of these review lists Andi is never reviewed? lol

YEAH, what's up with that!!! :angry: :ninja:
ok, I thought I would give my review. This is My opinon so don't jump on my tushy, if your a fan of one of the girls I dislike this year.

Gisele- First thing is I don't believe that she should have opened the show again, since she opened it last year. I believe Adriana should have or Karolina since the three are the leading Angels. But back to gisele, her walk IMO was perfect and now matter what is going on she never seems to get distracted. But like someone said I wish she would show some sort of expression on her face, she is always so charming and funny on interviews and etc but comes off very cold in the shows.

Alessandra-No comment:innocent:

Izabel- It's time to tie this girl to a chair and smack her hand and say NO MORE GYM! I was watching the show with some guy friends of mine and they all were disgusted by her stomach, hand this girl a pizza!!! Granted I'm not to found of her face. Plus I can't help but think she does not deserve her Angel position, she's good but IMO not that good.

Karolina- LOVED HER!!! She looked stunning and put a little effort into the show, she twirled with Justin which was Genius! Plus the show incident showed what a true pro she was, it made me admire her more than I did. I also love her sense of humor, the whole bra skit at the end was adorable.

Natasha- A little to thin for the show this year, but I liked her a lot more this year she looked more in place than she did last year. She also had the most awesome walk.

Raquel- Hmph. A total let down, I didn't know who she was until the 2002 show and she was cute, and then when she came back in 2005 she was just pure sex, the long blonde hair and gorgeous body I loved her in 2005. When I saw her in 2006 I couldn't help but rub my eyes and think OMG please not let that be Raquel. The dishwater blonde hair and absolutly no stage presence.

Caroline W- I was not to found of the dead bird on her shoulders in her first outfit, but her presence was unbelievable, she had a very sexy confident walk and the grin at the end added and cuteness to the sex appeal she was giving off. The little pose in the airline segment was one of my favorites next to Adriana's :)

Hana- OMG! All I can say, I never was a fan of hers thought she was way to thin. But after watching the show she is my top 5, she looks like she has gained weight, and the whole walk with the cape thingy (lol) in the first segment put her to my favorite in the whole 1st half of the show. Plus she had the best outfit in the airline segment, the red looked stunning on her.

Jessica- Something that annoys me about her, but I can't pin point it quite yet.

Katja- After seeing the fashion show pictures months ago I was stunned and happy she was in the show, and she looked gorgeous. When i watched the show, I felt like she fell flat, she was pretty yes, but her walk was nothing special and her outfits where not that impressive either, also in the clip backstage she seemed VERY camera shy, which ( I love her) she needs to get over if she's going to do the VS show.

Elise- hmm get back to you on it.

Oluchi- She just glowed! I loved her outfits, and she had the best wings in the show IMO. She was cute in the few backstage clips they showed, if I didn't think she deserved to be an angel before now I sure do now.

Adriana- MY GIRL! I loved her before, but now I just want to pick her up hug her and love her and name her george and keep her cause she is my pretty little Adriana lol. People were saying she gained weight, which yes she did but ever hear the saying "Want to see if a girl is pretty add 10 pounds to her and if she is still sexy/pretty she's gorgeous" Well she prooved that point, she just became sexier and even more femine (Sp) Her performance was above all the rest once again this year, her walk was bouncy and filled with energy and for anyone who thought she mimicked Tyra with the point thing, heck check again. Tyra pointed to the audeince, while Adriana just made a direct connection with the camara. Now granted I could have done without the airport outfit, the granny panties it was awful, but the pose at the end just was end all she made it work. Also the white outfit, one of my favorites and she worked the cape like a pro.

Caroline- She wasn't really sexy but she was one of those that was just cute.

Rosie- One of my new favorites, she was so gorgeous. When I saw her I said outloud "Wow" her walk was good and she had the presence of a model who had done the Vs show for years. When i saw an interview backstage on ftv with her at the show she was so adoable and totally herself, totally love her now.

Morgana-Didn't like her last year, and that hasn't changed for this year either.

Jeisa- I don't get the appeal of her either, or at all. She doesn't ever look like she's having fun, in candids, or even in any other shows. I just don't get the appeal and think she's all wrong for the show.

Flavia- Loved her outfits, and that's all I noticed enough said. Her cheekbones are a little to sunken in for my taste.

Selita- I know a lot of people can't stand her but I love her energy, she like Adriana and a few others just look like they are having so much fun. She has a cute personality and it comes out in her walk, her outfits were not my favs but her face made up for that.

Ana- I never have and I'm not sure if I will ever get the appeal of her. Now last year I came close to being a fan, she looked stunning. this year like Raquel I didn't see it. She came off bored to me, and not there at all. Even the group of guys that I was watching the show with asked "Does she do drugs, because she looks like it" and I'm sorry but I have to agree this year.

Angela- Ok stop doing the funky walk and stop moving your hands like your going to do magic. Ugh.

Ajuma- She has an excellent walk but I'm not so sure she is right for the Victoria's Secret Show.

Julia- See Morgana.

Andi- Fell in love this year. I thought she was gorgous last year, but this year was icing on the cake. She looked gorgeous and I personally loved her outfit in the Airline segment. I love how she always flirts with the camera too.

Miranda- I didn't really care for her or not care for her before the show. But after watching the show I fell in love with her as well, she was spunky and funny backstage, and her walk was cute. Sure it was classic or outstanding but it was just cute and it matched her persona.Plus loved her little white outfits one of my favorites of the show. She pulled it off so well.

Heather- Like some above. I never seen the appeal of her before the shjow, but she was just so cute I love the blonde hair and and she wore my favorite outfit in the show her last white one. I loved the kiss at the end, and if Victoria's Secret has a brain in there skulls they will keep for quite some time.

Doutzen- Like someone said LOVED her last year, liked her this year.
^Great reviews! :woot: Although part of me is really excited since you liked Heather. ^_^

Really though, your reviews were excellent!
xxOceanEyesxx said:

Butch. Elise looked BUTCH.

Love her and all, but in the Scottish segment at least, it was like...ehm. she looked fab in the gold one though.

Boomer said:
^^ I didn't think she looked very girly either...Is she...ummm... of an alternative lifestyle...? :blush: :unsure:

that i found on VS any of you all thinks Elise butch?
^^A bit, definitely in a good way.
When she said "honey what could go wrong, everything could go wrong", it's soooo sexy...:blush:
ha!!!! i was thinkign the same..she got a really sexy voice :p

i watched an interview on her once and just the way she talks and the way her mouth does this cute thing..i can't explain it..but yea....i never really thought much of her till i saw this interview

somethign about her oozes mass sex appeal...though sometimes i do think she looks a bit butch but other times..she is so cute and definityly beautiful..but not typically know what i mean? i making sense :huh: :unsure:
has Daria W ever been considered for the show?? does she have potential? i think so.. she has a great bod, exautic look

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