Live Streaming... The F/W 2025.26 Fashion Shows
I disagree with the inclusion of Anne in this list of pale beauties.Also fitting into this category are Tilda Swinton, Julianne Moore, Cate Blanchett and Anne Hathaway. Unfortunately the latter four sometimes get criticised for being 'too pale' even though they're positively glowing.
Pheobe is a seat-warmer extraordinaire and the official muse of Michael K at Dlisted.btw,can somebody answer me this? who the hell is this pheobe price and what the hell was she doing at cannes?
Did any french tFSer watch Le Grand Journal yesterday? Didn't you think that Ashwarya is damn rude and pretencious?!!
It's only the third day of a near 2 week festival. It's a bit premature to deem the whole thing boring. The line up of films is very extensive, featuring many "stars" , and they'll show up once their films premiere.WHERE ARE THE STARS?!?!
honestly, so far it's the most boring red-carpet @ Cannes i've seen. there are simply no big stars there! Monica and Aishwarya? that's it? no offense to them, i know they're very famous and beautiful .. .but they're the only 2 proper stars so far!
last year we had a TON of pics. and party pictures! it just seems so blah this year!
*AND where is Cannes' staple glamour queen, my dear Eva Herzigova?!!? she always makes a grande showing at Cannes!*
happycanadian, first it just started and second maybe people like Juliette Binoche or Sophie Marceau aren't considered big stars in the US but they are huge in France.
ditto, hopefully it'll just get better and betterbut, hopefully, you're right as well, Tiffany! it is just getting started ..