Naomi Campbell Arrested

m.j. said:
i don't buy all this 'naomi hit me'.... she probably did it once, and now, some unknown ppl r trying to get attention...

So true, I think she does have anger issues though but who care's she stunning; I think people are over-hyping the situation!
Belle Princesse said:
she does have anger issues though but who care's she stunning;quote]

Erm the world doesn't work that way thank goodness! :p

I do think people must be extra litigious around Naomi now. But any decent person wouldn't get themselves into these situations repeatedly.

There have been reports that she has been like this over the course of the last TWENTY YEARS.

A horrible personality really marrs her beauty. It marrs anybodys face.
1karina1 said:
She needs to get over herself! Big time!
Actually what she needs is a good f**k- she's very sexually frustrated!:innocent:

OMG LMAO!!!!:lol:
Does anyone else think it's interesting no is "being there" there for Naomi. When Kate got into trouble and Naomi held "a press conference" to say that she loves and supports Kate 100% but yet now Naomi is in trouble no is saying anything. Even if she is in the wrong I find it weird that no one is coming out and saying I support her and hope she basically calms down. Where are you Kate, Christy, Linda, Stephanie, Elle, Cindy etc.

I haven't to disagree with the people that think that this latest arrest is not real. The last person was a professional there to help her. Of course he would report it. It's really sad that no one seems to know why she blows up. I'm sure she has shrink and there has to be a reason she reacts like this.
Because Naomi is not even on the radar? She'll make your stock plummet, noone wants that.

I couldnt care less really, I just dont want to run into her in a dark alley.
I hate her. I hate her . I hate her.

Christy Turlington once alluded to the fact that Naomi was "difficult". I translate "difficult" to "psychotic."

Why is she allowed to get away with this everytime? I am seriously beginning to question the British justice system.
The problem is she hasn't hit the right person.
Like the little cell phone and maid incident, That maid should have caught that cell phone in mid-air and shoved it up naomi's a**:angry:
time to dig out the old tee ... naomi hit me .. and i loved it (on the back)
Label Basher said:
Does anyone else think it's interesting no is "being there" there for Naomi. When Kate got into trouble and Naomi held "a press conference" to say that she loves and supports Kate 100% but yet now Naomi is in trouble no is saying anything.

Because being on drugs is more tragic and we see a damsel in distress thing. Unless Naomi comes out with a PC and says "I have this disease, I need help, and I'm willing to voice out and thus help everyone else with my problem."
I've seen her on programs and she comes off very sweet and nice, maybe
a little too sweet and nice but somehow I do get this diva vibe from her...
it's normal to have attitude and tempers but i guess if you hurt people...
some people can only take so much and that's when they feel the need to
contact the authorities... her anger management problems ,if it's true,
are over due...hopefully she'll get the help after this incident...
fouroclock said:
Because being on drugs is more tragic and we see a damsel in distress thing. Unless Naomi comes out with a PC and says "I have this disease, I need help, and I'm willing to voice out and thus help everyone else with my problem."

I would assume that it's because it's the 3rd time this year for Naomi, and what seems like the 30th time overall that people have had to be there for her because she's a rage-aholic. Maybe they know from past experience that being there for her apparently doesn't help, and she's just going to go out and hit someone else.

I don't doubt that she's actually assulted any of these people, but at the same time, I do think people are more likely to report it with her, than to let it slide/not go to the authorities, because of her pattern of violence. One of these days she's going to crack someone's skull open.

Also, while I'm sure that violence and anger can be addictive, it doesn't have the "victim" status that drug and alcohol use, or eating disorders, or a disease have, because there's another, often bleeding victim right there, distracting us from poor Naomi. I know that when my dad shoves my mom across the room, I pay more attention to her injuries than his need to have someone be there and understand him, but perhaps I've been remiss.

Didn't Russell Crowe recently hit someone in the head with a phone because he was pissed off? Wasn't the general consensus that he was behaving like a thuggish *** and deserved no sympathy from any quarter? Does Naomi get an endless supply of passes because she's takes a great picture and wears clothes oh-so-well?

Violence is violence, and it's unacceptable.
CelineChic said:
Only an idiot would find assault funny.

i found funny for ppl to belive in all that 'naomi hit me'...
fouroclock said:
Because being on drugs is more tragic and we see a damsel in distress thing. Unless Naomi comes out with a PC and says "I have this disease, I need help, and I'm willing to voice out and thus help everyone else with my problem."

I would have to say it appears more tragic, because in reality they both may be spiralling out of control.
m.j. said:
i found funny for ppl to belive in all that 'naomi hit me'...

Me too. She isn't Mike Tyson- if someone hit me on the head with a celly or something- do you think I'm going to run away screaming? It's a small cellphone not a hammer. Slap her back- defend yourself! Fools:doh:

I don't care...I really like Naomi despite this. She takes 'Diva' to another level. Plus she has lots of friends in fashion (how could she gte a 80 page spread if she didn't)- she must have a calm, nice side to her.
I just dont believe this. I mean who is stupid enough to let a person hit her and not fight back?? Theyre just after her money. Fools!!

maybe people arent speaking for her because they dont have to, they dont believe everything.

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