Classic Icons Must-See Film List- Add Yours!

Definitely Gone With The Wind for me..
i watched it several times and i can still watch it many times more,it is my favorite film ever..
A Place in the Sun
only for the two most beautiful creatures ever to be seen on film - Montgomery Clift & Elizabeth Taylor
West Side Story - loved the music
Young at Heart - Frank Sinatra looks soo gd when he's brooding on screen, and u also get to see doris day sing.lovely.
Paris- Troy Donohue (sp?) :heart:
What's New Pussycat? - one of the first woody allen appearances and of course the wonderfully elegant Capucine
Splendor in the Grass - the amazing chemistry between Natalie Wood and Warren Beatty , and a real tearjerker.
Last Tango in Paris - marlon brando!! woohoo!
Shoot the Piano Player - my fave french new wave movie
Guns of Navarone - ok i'm a big fan of male-buddy movies too...
Silk Stockings - the 1950's remake of Ninotchka but with CHYD CHARISSE!!!
Million dollar Mermaid - there is only ONE esther williams and this is the only esther williams movie u need to watch. gorgeous sets.
other great classics-
To Catch a Thief
Rear Window
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Cool thread! I love classics and musicals! For Jean Seberg fans I suggest Bonjour Tristesse. Lovely movie! The scenery is just amazing! Also A Summer Place.
Das Kabinett! :heart: And if you choose that route, you must also experience Nosferatu and Metropolis, and any film featuring Theda Bara. :wub:
How come I've never come across this thread before?!

voodoo_mary said:
Young at Heart - Frank Sinatra looks soo gd when he's brooding on screen, and u also get to see doris day sing.lovely.
:woot: I'm glad you mentioned this movie! It's one of those underrated movies that I love and can't afford to miss everytime it's on TV.

Although it's really, really hard to get classic DVDs over here, from what I've seen I love :

Sunset Boulevard (1950)
My first black and white movie! With William Holden and the superb Gloria Swanson.

Leave Her to Heaven (1945)
Gene Tierney at her best. Devilishly stunning too!

Camille (1936)
This movie is fast becoming my favourite. Greta Garbo's performance transcends my expectations and Robert Taylor is :wub:

Cover Girl (1944)
An endearing musical that introduced me to both Rita Hayworth and Gene Kelly. One of my favourite pick-me-up movies.

On the Waterfront (1954)
See Marlon Brando manifacture the acme of brilliant acting by an actor B)

Mr Deeds Goes to Town (1936)
This movie is light-hearted and too cute, starring Gary Cooper and Jean Arthur. See my signature!

Waterloo Bridge (1940)
Of all Vivien Leigh movies I've seen, I like her best here. And together with Robert Taylor, they make a beautiful couple in a splendid but tragic romance :cry:

East of Eden (1955)
An underrated gem with James Dean in his debut. A poignant and unforgettable movie.

A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
Maybe I've watched this movie many many times because Brando was hot in it, haha, but Vivien Leigh stole the show for me. I can memorize almost all the lines :ninja:

A Place in the Sun (1951)
Of course, Montgomery Clift and Elizabeth Taylor. Do I need to say more?
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there arent many gene tierney movies around are there? anyone know where i can get the DVD's of them?
i recently bought sabrina on DVD. am planning to watch it in bed very soon.
i jus thot of a few more movies i want to add to that list:
great expectations- the one with john mills.
umbrella's of cherbough - i love bittersweet love stories.
and theres this ingrid bergman movie with cary grant... god i can't rem ember the name now..she plays an actress and he's a friend-they fall for each other and the whole movie only has one or two sets. one of which is her apartment...oh well.. someone else knows?
Mr Hulot's Holiday - very slapstick and funny french movie with hardly any dialogue.
voodoo_mary said:
there arent many gene tierney movies around are there? anyone know where i can get the DVD's of them?
Maybe you should try Amazon, most of her movies are there on DVD except for Son of Fury. If you buy Laura, there's a special feature on the Gene Tierney A&E Biography which is pretty interesting.

voodoo_mary said:
and theres this ingrid bergman movie with cary grant... god i can't rem ember the name now..she plays an actress and he's a friend-they fall for each other and the whole movie only has one or two sets. one of which is her apartment...oh well.. someone else knows?
I believe that movie is called "Indiscreet" ^_^
jennifer~ said:
Das Kabinett! :heart: And if you choose that route [...]

and dr. mabuse the player. another classic of german expressionism. i just love it when they use floating words to show the (fleeing) mind of someone in the film. :lol:
Gentlemen prefer blondes
Seven year itch
Some like it hot
The misfits
All about Eve
Funny face
Gone with the wind
Breakfast at Tiffany's
Rosemary's baby
East of Eden
Rebel without a cause
The giant
The african queen
The wizard of Oz
Cat on a hot tin roof
Whos's afraid of Virginina Wolf
larien said:
Definitely Gone With The Wind for me..
i watched it several times and i can still watch it many times more,it is my favorite film ever..

Same here for me!! I've seen Gone With the Wind at least 10 times and I can watch it again and again...One of my fav. films ever...
Belle De Jour
Some Like It Hot
The Misfits
Seven Year Itch
Breakfast at Tiffany's
Poor little rich girl..edie Sedgewick is in it and to me has never looked more beautiful
The Portrait of Dorian Grey
Bonnie and Clyde
Butterfield 8
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anyone seen 'lolita' (60's version) and 'pretty baby'?
i really want to watch these two..maybe i will during christmas =T

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