Hitchcock Films
Rear Window with Grace Kelly!

Psycho (Classic thriller)
Vertigo (my favorite of his)
North by Northwest (with a very well-dressed Cary Grant

To Catch a Theif (with Grace Kelly AND Cary Grant, on the Riviera

Italian Films
Cinema Paradiso ( beautiful film with amazing soundtrack by Ennio Morricone)
8 1/2 (mind-blowing)
More "Recent"...couldn't resist!
The Graduate (Great Soundtrack by Simon and Garfunkel...with Ann Bancroft in gorgeous leopard print coat and a young Dustin Hoffman.

Taxi Driver (with Robert DeNiro...great)
2001: A Space Oddysey (Kubrick....a must-see)
Rosemary's Baby (Polanski...with Mia Farrow)
Barton Fink (Cohen brothers....amazing.
Fargo is also very good)
The Shining (....Red Rum.....Red Rum....

Once Upon in America (If you haven't noticed, I love Robert DeNiro...

This is Spinal Tap (You'll pee yourself laughing if you watch this

Audrey Hepburn
Breakfast at Tiffany's (Classic)
Wait Until Dark (She is AMAZING in this...a thriller)
Old Hollywood
Sunset Blvd (Gloria Swanson and William Holden

Singing in the Rain (Classic...I love Gene Kelly and could watch this 100 times straight!
All About Eve (Bette Davis is FABULOUS....Also Miss Monroe's first movie!)
High Society (I haven't seen the "older" version with Katherine Hepburn but the one with Grace Kelly I love).