Cleaning Burberry

Jun 16, 2004
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okay so this was my very first designer handbag and i didn't take much care into it...i own a burberry nova check purse that is in the canvas style material and i wear LOTS of black so the black then rubbed off and stained my purse. Is there anything i can do to clean it or can i do anything with it at all like return it? (I bought it in Nordstroms and a friend told me that i can return anything there.)
A light spray with a blowtorch should remove that awful Nova Check :ninja:

I don't know Nordstrom's returns policy (I imagine will tell you) but they're not very likely to offer a refund on something you've damaged.

The dye should be fairly well set in the fabric if it's well made so a light dab of fabric cleaner won't upset it too much. It really depends what it is you've stained it black with.
professional cleaners? although i have never heard of anyone cleaning a bag that wasn't leather.
Since it is that plasticized canvas stuff... Soap and water should do most of the work...

I mean.. you can't really ruin canvas... if it was leather, it'd be a diff. story.
Saddle soap is what LV recommends for their coated canvas bags, and Burberry uses the same type of material (so they told me when I was luggage shoping). I wouldn't use soap and water, just to be safe did you consider maybe calling Burberry? Nordstrom's actually might take it back, they have a great return policy (none at all really--your friend is partialy right--they almost invented customer service), seeing as its kind of dumb that you can't wear black with a bag without it picking up the color. The bag actually might be defective. The purpose of coating a bag is so that it doesn't pick up stains. I doubt that could be proven though, unless it was fairly new and mostly unused.

yea nordstrom's return policy is excellent...i got a shirt there as a gift and didn't like it and i ripped the tags off thinking i would wear it and they returned it with no questions asked and gave me cash back with no receipt....good luck

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