My friend, the owner of Fly Boutique just called and told me they just got new stuff, in them she said that the best of them all was this Balenciaga navy blue/black w/ fish print scuba suit, pants are leggins fit, with tags, $130
Originally posted by MJCouture@Dec 6 2004, 05:02 PM
They carry MJ Collection bags actually. The only other high end thing they really carry is Lucien cashmere--I got a great tie die hooded sweater there for like $450 down from over a grand. Jil Sanders and Prada though....absolutely not.
OH and Matthew Williamsin??? NO WAY. Unless they pool stuff from other stores for their sale? But I dont believe so.
Originally posted by faust@Dec 6 2004, 04:43 PM
I think Theory went to Theory
I tried to go to Helmut Lang, but there was a line outside. Ehh, sorry, Lang or not, I am not standing in the rain for clothes...
Originally posted by modelmama@Dec 6 2004, 05:02 PM
By the way who is Matthew Williamsin? They do not carry that.
They do , however, carry Matthew Williamson- AND MJ Collection Clothing.
I suggest all the non believers should attend the sale.
At least to proove me wrong
Originally posted by modelmama@Dec 6 2004, 06:02 PM
By the way who is Matthew Williamsin? They do not carry that.
They do , however, carry Matthew Williamson- AND MJ Collection Clothing.
Originally posted by softgrey@Dec 6 2004, 06:31 PM
well...newsflash...i CALLED the store...and they DO NOT have prada...or ANY jil sander...
they have 2 paul smith scarves and stella mccartney is not at that location..etc... are getting and giving some bad info...i suggest YOU call the store...
Originally posted by softgrey@Dec 6 2004, 06:47 PM
so are you saying that the salespeople don't know what's in their own stores?
apparently prada is only carried in miami... and stella is only in the meatpacking district... etc...
anyway...whatever...i don't really care cause i don't shop at scoop...
but the info is misleading...
Originally posted by MJCouture@Dec 6 2004, 06:59 PM
Considering how violent this is getting you would think we were actually AT a sale....
And as for as the attack on my typo---tres mature darling.
Originally posted by MJCouture@Dec 6 2004, 07:01 PM
Did anyone in NY get to Helmut today (besides faust)? I was planning on going either tommorow or thursday, but if the stuff is already picked over I won't bother.