Hello all, I am new to the site but have been following this forum for a while now because I am in love with Dior. Since I do not live in NY or LV I have to get Dior online. I noticed a lot of criticism for Dior Homme sellers on eBay and I ask why? If you know what you are looking for you can avoid marked up/vintage items. And if the people buying them are so stupid, why should you care, they are just spending money on what they like as seen from the pictures and not necessarily driving up prices on the items you are after? The fact is they should do more research into what they are buying? But what's this "I reported the auctions because the sellers are obnoxious"? Are you trying to save the "stupid" people (you SAINT), or are you just bitter

that some people are earning money however they can which is not really anyone else's business (unless it is a fake item). And which is worse: selling vintage Dior items (which I am sure were expensive and overpriced when the items were new years ago) or buying a bunch of Dior Homme items on 50% sale and selling them for even higher on eBay? (I like to call this practice Dior scalping). Please enlighten me.
The bottom line is that we are all VoTC (pretty much in the desiring of overpriced luxury goods that are not practical and most of us can't really afford). And if we could afford the stuff that easily we would not be bitchin about insignificant sellers on eBay. You know that you can BLOCK certain sellers while doing a search if you use the advanced search option on eBay, I recommend you become familiar with that feature. And please no more self-righteous babble, it's tiring.