How do you wear pink?

I love pink, but not too much of it. On most days, I wear suits to work and my suits are neutral colours like black, cream and chocolate brown. Shirts in any shade of pink goes well with my suits and add a nice dash of colour. I'm fairskinned and quite rosy so pink is good but I restrain from using pink make up when I wear pink.
I dont. Pink in general is a boring, dull color that is over hyped by men and women because of it's connection to feminity. It is worn by men who want to appear feminine and hip. I would never be caught dead in pink, in purple? Yes, Id be caught dead in it.

I just don't like the color in general...Never did...
Melisande said:
I agree, pink is hard to wear. You didn't specify what shade of pink...salmon, bubblegum, antique, etc. and I think it makes a difference. It also depends on your own coloring.

Very generally speaking, for myself, I like more subdued pinks w/various warm browns the best.

The wool sweater is powder pink and the shirt - stripes of powder pink with white - the shirt can be worn under the sweater,
The cashmere cardigan is bubblegum light pink and I bought the same color cotton camisole
The cashmere sweater is bright strong purple/pink color
I'm born blond and green eyes, but now I color my hair chestnut and pink suits me well.
I'm always afraid of looking girly - I have always been a tomboy, I work /successfully / in a male dominated profession, I do weightlifting and boxing, I wear mostly pants but I love to be elegant.
Summer is the time when I get a little bit more relaxed with my clothes.
Here is a picture of me in pink /at home/
Thank you for your suggestions.
I think I like the best the gray/pink combo!
Aww, you look gorgeous Aris! That's a nice photo too. Gray would be great. I would also say olive green may suit you well with pink too. If you feel more comfortable in boyish outfits, you would look great matching pink clothes with military or safari-like shapes and colors, cargos, jackets etc. Or even darker greens and burgundy/plum as some have mentioned. Cream would be elegant too. Have fun! :flower:
Melisande said:
Aww, you look gorgeous Aris! That's a nice photo too. Gray would be great. I would also say olive green may suit you well with pink too. If you feel more comfortable in boyish outfits, you would look great matching pink clothes with military or safari-like shapes and colors, cargos, jackets etc. Or even darker greens and burgundy/plum as some have mentioned. Cream would be elegant too. Have fun! :flower:
Oh, Thank you for the compliment! I love the idea of military - what exactly do you have in mind?
I'm a little stiff with my style - I have 15 - 20 suits like this one for work:;jsessionid=5QO1W0RIEJNWICQAAJ0BPVQKAABHKGLO?itemId=prod3850014&parentId=cat20053&masterId=cat30005&grandMasterId=cat000008&cmCat=

For the weekend basically I wear blue or black jeans with black tops and black boots with heels.
I feel I need to be more creative - relaxed with my clothes, but I'm soooo in to classic
Yes, You are right about the olive green it looks good on me, but all I have is black, white, cream and beige.
I like two tones of pink - one is a very pale almost flesh colour and the other is raspberry pink. Both look good with black, navy & grey.
same for me helena !
pink has to be either v.pale & dusty almost heathery . . :heart:
or shocking raspberry. . crimson . . v.vibrant
none of this in between 'baby pink' crap :ninja:
i like wearing dusty pale pink w/emerald, teal & greys . . ;)
& raspberry w/navy

*still in general i rarely wear pink ! :lol:
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Generally pink in my opinion goes well with...
Navy (deep navy not bordering on blue)
Chocolate tones
I'm fond of the lingerie pink/dusky pink colour with army greens, (like a sludgy muddy green) I'd call it Khaki but I know it means different in the US to what it means in the UK.
Greys definitely.
Champagne colours, I can imagine a nice champagne silk garment with a light/lingerie pink would look lovely.
where is Hanne - I'd like to know how she wears pink!
:lol: i hate baby pink w/a passion
& fab the army green . . khaki . . is an excellent combination !
. . + i agree w/the dusty pink w/champagne . . vintagey tea-stained neutral colours . .
v.pretty, feminine + delicate look . . :heart:
* i like to wear those kind of dresses . . silky things w/tough leather boots :boxer:
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Baby pink is the 'typical' colour I think of when I think of the 'clone' type, bottle blonde hair, pink 'because it's girly!! *hair twirl*' short skirt etc.
There's so many more sophisticated shades of pink that are looked over because of this 'feeling' that comes with pink...
it has tarred the image of pink . . :lol:
pink = trashy tweenie paris hilton uggs diamante . . :innocent:
must admit rarely have i seen someone pull off a baby pink 'thing'
it's awful.
pink/grey, pink/brown is awesome. as well, pink top, jeans and a cargo/military jacket rocks!
yeh ah-no FFF - and the Vicky Pollard look!!!!!
Hey! I happen to like light pink and light blue, especially when combined with light grey and nougat; sort of 18th century colour combinations...

But sure, an overdose of girly pink is pretty tacky...
hmmm... baby pink reminds me too much of paris hilton!
i like shocking pink. but in small doses.
i won't think twice about carrying a vintage 1950s fuschia purse or wearing apair of hot pink long as there's some balance with black or grey
tott said:
Hey! I happen to like light pink and light blue, especially when combined with light grey and nougat; sort of 18th century colour combinations...

But sure, an overdose of girly pink is pretty tacky...

tott pale pink has just been spoiled for us girls by the likes of ms Hilton unfortunately. Its different for boys. I really like pale blue when worn with the right colours

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