Doctor Who

So I've been watching Doctor Who since this the fall and I cannot believe I didn't watch it earlier. I should have listened to my friend a few years ago when she told me to check it out. It's utterly brilliant! My sister and I are completely hooked on Doctor Who. I finished watching the fourth season earlier today and am about halfway through the fifth season. Not going to lie, I totally cried when David Tennant regenerated. :cry: Please tell me I wasn't the only one. My question though is, I live in America, so do they ever actually air it on BBC America at a decent time? And when will they air the newest season here in the states (I know the season starts probably suppose to start in April in the UK but we're probably a few months behind, right?)?:flower:
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^ They haven't started filming the new series yet and I don't think there's a date yet for it to air, so get yourself all caught up, no worries ^_^ And BBCAmerica has finally caught on in the last few years that we like Who over here as well and they've taken to airing it the day it airs in the UK, at 9pm.
^Really? Oh my goodness, thank you for that! :flower: I'm so excited that I'll be able to watch Doctor Who the same day it airs in the UK. Because with most British shows we have to wait forever to get shown in America (*cough* Downton Abbey *cough*). Do you know what day of the week it's usually shown on?^_^
Saturdays! And the Christmas specials are whatever day Christmas happens to fall on. BBCA has been good with those, too.
^OMG I didn´t know Karen was leaving the show :( :( so Arthur is leaving as well?
Yeah they both are. I'm more sad about Arthur cause Rory is probably my favourite New Who companion along with Donna.
I'm interested in seeing what the new companion is like but at the same time I'm really sad about Amy and Rory leaving. Also, I herd a rumor that they leave in an episode with the weeping angels which makes me a bit worried. I really HATE the weeping angels so much. I can't even go back and watch those episodes because they freak me out. However, I can't wait to see what adventures are in-store for the doctor for his 50th year! Also, I'm wondering, do you think River is leaving this season too? I have a feeling that she might.
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I love the weeping angels, they are without a doubt my favourite Doctor Who monster, but this means that their ending will be tragic. I hope whatever happens that Rory and Amy are together.
I hope River doesn't leave as Alex and Matt have a really great chemistry but what else can they do with her? I think having the 50th anniversary next year and probably having David back for a bit might make it easier to end her story on DW and go back to the Silence in the Library.
It's going to be so interesting to see what sort of things happen in the 50th anniversary season... lot's of shakeups I suspect.
Woah... David's coming back for a bit??? Happiness!!!! :woot: I'm sort of interested in seeing what River and the 11th Doctor's last adventure and scene together is like. I bet it's going to be wicked sad and I'll cry that's for sure. And as for the weeping angels, I totally get why they are well liked by the fandom but they still freak me out. However, Sally Sparrow has to be one of my favorite characters, she was pretty awesome. But if the weeping angels are involved with Rory and Amy's last adventure with the Doctor then it's not going to end well. And I agree, Pixidust1603, I hope that no matter what happens that Rory and Amy are together. They are such an awesome couple and I love them to bits.
so the ponds are leaving for real? :( i really like them... specially Rory.
So there is this theory going around about Rory and it's pretty crazy (yet it seems plausible)! I just have to know what you guys think about it. Honestly, when I first read it I was like, "MIND-BLOWN!"

Rory has been becoming much more irrational and aggresively violent. Also, in the episode “Let’s Kill Hitler” after witnessing River’s regeneration and being exposed to RAW TIME ENERGY for the first time, he begins to complain of a “banging in my head”, which Amy dismisses as Hitler in the closet. Also think back to “The God Complex”. Rory did not have a room. He was the only character they made a point to say did not have one. And when the Doctor looked into his room all he said was “Of course it was you.” and we hear the wailing of the TARDIS distress call in 4 repetitions. The only other time it has made this sound was when The Master stole it in series 3. Also, Rory is the first human that wasn’t surprised that the TARDIS was bigger on the inside.
Where I read this theory...
I think that it's an interesting theory, but no way would Moffat and his team ever come up with such an idea - I like River a lot, but her character arc was badly developed in Series 6. Even the whole idea with River being the Ponds' child was not well-written and didn't make that much sense.
^i thought the River been the Pond's daughter was head to toes sick... i dunno i never really got into it and i didn't really like much River as i did love the Ponds, so seeing them not coming back it's going to be a pity...

Anyway the show comes back (finally!) on August 25. and the Episode's name is "Asylum of the Daleks" so yeah after a whole season without them... the Daleks are back!!! :woot:
I'm sort of sick of the Daleks now so I can't say I'm too excited to see them come back but I can't wait to see the episode.
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Sooooo, the season 7 trailer is out. :D:woot:
^Ahhh..... that looks so good! :buzz: But I'm a little worried about that last scene they showed with the doctor carrying Amy. Honestly, it's going to be so sad when Amy and Rory leave the show. :cry:
I'm so excited! I don't like this new scheduling they've introduced since Steven took over as it means I have to wait longer.

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