Doogie Howser Publically Announces That He is Gay

PoppyAzura said:
I think it's common knowledge that Doogie is gay. but i HATE that Perez Hilton is trying to out him. WTF? It's none of his business. I'm not gay but I've seen my friends struggle with their sexuality/deciding when to come out. Upsets me to no end...:angry:
I don't know why people here on tFS invest so much time and energy in what Fatso Perez says or does. Who cares! Just don't visit his website. I've NEVER visited his site, and I never plan to either.

And besides, Perez probably just wants to out gay celebs because of jealousy. I bet that when was younger, he probably tried to hide gayness, but he couldn't because it was too obvious.
He never came across as particularly straight... And if I may say so, I think he's incredibly cute, he has a kind of boyish charm I find irresistable! ^_^
DOogie Howser? What the f*ck?

He thinks he can have more fan by saying that? dream on :-P
In all honesty, Perez knows what he's talking about, even if he is rude and annoying. All the male stars seem to be gay... so I suppose all the female stars will enter into rehab for substance abuse soon?
He's not the only one. There are several gay/bisexual actors in Hollyweird, that don't want to come out because they fear it might affect their careers.
Im so sorry that he couldnt come out sooner ... i think its sad when people feel they cant come out for whatever reason :(
tiamaria said:
Im so sorry that he couldnt come out sooner ... i think its sad when people feel they cant come out for whatever reason :(


How terrible is must be to live your life according to other people's standards. :ermm:

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