Keeping Up with Lindsay (please put all Lohan news here)

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Jill Stuart already denied that she banned Lindsay Lohan. Anyway, didn't she use Lindsay as her campaign model a few years ago?

They also said this around the time of her second arrest:

“We continue to be supportive of Lindsay and her family’s efforts to get back on track and a healthful road to sobriety and rehabilitation, as anyone who has had a friend or where all of these high profile stories are emanating from, that also does not address the source, namely the restaurants & bars that comp these young people and the loved one struggle with the disease of alcoholism and addiction knows all too well. I would also question the virtuosity of an investigation or prosecution, especially in LA paparazzi that harass them relentlessly.”
@OhFerras that cucumber really filled me... i mean the salad* in response to the wrong Daily News, i'd rather be raising money for those that need it in Haiti @altitude360 then be at fashion week ignoring real world issues/reality wake up ny RT @LindsayLohan was NOT banned from Fashion Week, as reported -->

I love when she acts like she's on the moral high ground. Isn't this the same girl who was moaning about how her apartment is full of designer clothes? And after she got back from making a documentary about sex trafficking, she attended the launch of a luxury dildo :lol: The list is endless :rolleyes:

Just look at the tweets she made earlier:

This is become a bit much*Samantha R never raised a hand to me, I've never said she did* Enough is Enough. Focus on other more important.... ....World Issues @MDMOLINARI @ohferras need those dr. marten boots for Gautier! @OhFerras @mdmolinari MAN down! Fendi never hurt so much! She betrayed :( Butler, can u please get my purse from the other room? Please? @ohferras @OhFerras wrong-wheres ma Chanel! @mdmolinari "did I just say, I don't want mink eyelashes in my sleep?" Oh wow!!!!!RT @MDMOLINARI: @lindsaylohan hunny how are we going to get @ohferras away from the snack machine? @ohferras is a peeping tom!!
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According to the Red Cross, Lindsay kept everyone waiting and arrived 3-4 hours late:
Arrived at Altitude 360 for the Lindsay Lohan hosted iRock4Haiti benefit for British Red Cross Haiti Appeal.
about 13 hours ago from Echofon

@britishredcross party has started waiting for the celebs to arrive at the fundraiser. Lots of glamour.
about 12 hours ago from Echofon in reply to britishredcross

Lady sovereign, Vanessa feltz, footballer louis Saha and more here at the Haiti benefit. Looking out for more celebs.
about 11 hours ago from Echofon

Haiti benefit in full swing. Everyone waiting 4 Lindsay Lohan to arrive. Fundraising buckets starting to fill up
about 10 hours ago from Echofon

Lindsay Lohan has arrived at the Haiti benefit. Auction happening now. Lots of money still being raised via bids and bucket donations.
about 7 hours ago from Echofon
^ Unreal....! And now we find out that the Vast Worldwide Anti-Lindsay Conspiracy has struck again...this is so sad- Leave Lindsay alone you bi**hes!! She is just a sweet girl out having fun- enjoying her money and success, helping the poor downtrodden people of the world!! I hope once her next Ungaro Show triumph is over, she will get back to making her many upcoming films and ignore all of the haters!! :angry:


We're afraid there's not enough collagen in the world to entice anyone to spend the evening with Lindsay Lohan, or enough Diazepam on offer to make it bearable. Which is probably why only five z-listers turned up to Lohan's Haiti Relief auction at Altitude club last night...

The glittering celebrity guests who did pay the £50 for their ticket included, er, Janice Dickinson, Bianca Gascoigne, Katia Ivanova, Lady Sovereign and Calum Best, who refused to splash out the extra £20 for Lohan's finger buffet, because he'd already been offered it on a platter for free last year.

Lohan denied that she was only involved in the charity in London (and auctioning herself for the British Red Cross fundraiser) for publicity (God forbid!) or because she had been banned from attending numerous New York Fashion Week shows.

She typed furiously on Twitter:

“in response to the wrong Daily News, i’d rather be raising money for those that need it in Haiti @altitude360 then be at fashion week. ignoring real world issues/reality.”

Hmm, maybe more money could have been raised if Michelle Heaton was auctioning herself and hosting the evening instead?
^ How much money was raised? So who 'won' the auction?? Maybe Janice Dickinson will take her to an AA Meeting?? :unsure:
Lindsay Lohan leaves the bright lights of Hollywood... to party with London's Z-list

By Daily Mail Reporter

There was a time when Lindsay Lohan only mingled with Hollywood's biggest and brightest stars. But my, how things change.

The troubled Mean Girls actress spent last night rubbing shoulders with washed up reality TV stars at a Brit Awards screening party held at London's Altitude bar.It wasn't exactly the hottest ticket in town - all the biggest names, including Jay-Z, Alicia Keys and Lady Gaga, were celebrating across town at the live ceremony in Earls Court. From A-list to Z-list: Lindsay Lohan rubbed shoulders with British reality TV stars at a iRock4Haiti charity event at London's Altitude bar last night
Ekaterina Ivanova. and Lady Sovereign

Well, look who it is: Fame hungry Katia Ivanova and Lady Sovereign turned out

But those not lucky enough to score an official invite to the awards settled for a the next best thing.

A roll call of Z-listers turned out for the occasion, including Celebrity Big Brother rejects Katia Ivanova and Lady Sovereign and former I'm A Celebrity campmate Janice Dickinson.

Callum Best and Bianca Gascoigne, both former Celebrity Love Island contestants, rounded out the unspectacular array of guests.

At least it was all for a good cause - the iRock4Haiti event was raising money for the Red Cross.

When only the Best will do: Serial reality TV star Callum arrived ready to mingle

Lindsay, 23, who was accompanied by her 16-year-old sister Ali, has kept herself busy since arriving in London over the weekend.

She has partied at Bungalow 8, her favourite London nightclub, and spent a day shopping at Westfield Centre where she picked up 10 bags from Kurt Geiger.

She also attended a party to launch the new Playstation 3 video game 'Heavy Rain' at the Electric Cinema Theatre in Notting Hill.

Lindsay took to Twitter today to deny claims she's only decided to come to London after being kept off the invite list at New York Fashion Week.

The former front row 'It Girl' is now considered a 'brand damager' by some designers.

But she told her followers: 'I'd rather be raising money for those that need it in Haiti than be at fashion week.'
Jay will be so upset if they can't get together, I'm sure..
Message to LiLio: If you can't find him, check out his club here in Atlantic City when you're at Harrah's on Saturday night (of course he hasn't been there since opening night three years ago, but, you never know...) I'm sure the people at Harrah's paying you to 'host' the party at their place won't mind at all if you slip away after ten minutes and head to Jay's Club- no problem- you can say you had a headache and needed to find an all night pharmacy... ;)

SOMETHING very fishy is going on with Lindsay Lohan, and we’re not just talking about her new trout pout.
Despite promising the world she’s back on track, everyone’s favourite car crash, 23, has been hitting it hard since she landed on British soil.
We caught up with the cocktail-quaffing actress at London’s swanky Bungalow 8 bar where she had a permanent Sex On The Beach attached to her face.
The lone party animal spent the night with her minder, knocking back the booze and chugging on **** like they were going out of production.
Skinny Linds necked shots alone and frantically sent text messages all night.
She wasn’t the only celeb at the Adidas bash – hot model Francoise Boufhal, 21, JB, 23, from JLS, and Sugababe Jade Ewen, 22, were also there.

(Edit: Is this an A-List Party or what!!?)

Our spies say LiLo hasn’t stopped telling pals how much she wants to impress billion dollar mogul Jay-Z, 40, who is also in London.
One pal told Goss: “She is going all out to meet Jay. Linds knows how powerful he is in the recording industry.”
But from what Goss saw first hand, if she’s going to impress Jay she might need to rethink her plan.
^ Thought it said 'Harrods' - then I noticed it was 'Harrah's' I googled that and found this :shock:


Date: Saturday, February 20th, 2010
Time: 10:00 PM Price: $25
Venue:The Pool After Dark

Lindsay Lohan @ The Pool After Dark
with DJ SL

Saturday, February 20, 2010
Doors open at 10 p.m

Who is Lindsay Lohan?
Lindsay Lohan is an actress, model, and pop singer. Lohan started in show business as a child fashion model. She made her motion picture debut in Disney's 1998 remake of The Parent Trap and continued her acting career in movies such as, Freaky Friday, Mean Girls and Herbie: Fully Loaded. She also guest starred in the TV series Ugly Betty. Lohan launched a second career in pop music in 2004 with the album Speak and followed up with A Little More Personal (Raw) in 2005.

Lindsay will be following in the footsteps of 'Shana Sands Lamas' :blink:, last months attraction.


Venue: The Pool After Dark

Price: $10.00; Free to Casino/Industry Employees with ID before Midnight

Shauna Sand Lamas @ The Pool After Dark SINdustry Wednesdays with DJ Vito G

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Doors open at 10 p.m.

Television actress and model, Shauna Sand Lamas is most famous for her appearance as a Playboy Playmate. Shauna submitted photos to Playboy's Los Angeles photo editors and became the Playmate of the Month for May 1996.

Shauna is an accomplished model and student. At a young age, Shauna studied ballet, jazz, and theater. At 11, she enrolled in The School of Creative and Performing Arts and by 13 she received a dance scholarship with Ballet West in Aspen, Colorado. Later in life, she took time off from modeling and went to Paris and earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in International Business Administration and became fluent in French.

^ A-List all the way! Can Bikini Jello Wrestling Night at Edna and Leroy's Tip Top Bar in Waco, Texas be far off... :blink:
^ Harrah's is actually very beautiful, and they have this new huge indoor pool on something like the 32nd floor of the hotel tower- which is spectacular at night! (and there is always the chance any number of people will get thrown in...;)) The $25 cost, btw, is to get in the door, so you can buy some of their fine $18 drinks- the Private Party with Lindsay is a couple of hundred bucks extra to get into...Good luck even getting near her, though... :blink:
Trouble and suffering WAS sent my way, but the Lord protects His own and resotres our strength Psalms 71:20 Such a pleasure in Richmond Va., QUick and quite. Settling in office in Atlanta today and then going House shopping. What deals down here! Despise the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering;not knowing that the goodness of God leads us to repentance Romans 2:4 The rumors about Housewives of Atlanta are just that..RUMORS.As usual,certain evil people like to throw themselves in the mix for publicity. I am consulting for a large Atlanta based firm, while setting up the fundraiser that we will do on our cross country fundraising trip. And YES, the firm did get a house for me since I will be based here. They are doping the same with a place in LA. Heading out there today. Show mercy to those who have doubts, save others by snatching them out of the fire( from evil) And detest the clothes of those stained by their sinful lusts. Jude 23 Guess I'm still on East Coast clock. Up at 5am. Maybe the 4 hr nap on the plane did it. Or maybe it was the texts,@Lindsaylohan THANKS!!!! Thanks to all back in Atlanta( Erik, Keith, Rick, Cindy, John & co workers in the office). LOVE the house!! See you next week. @LindsayLohan...., need to have a serious PRIVATE talk...Get ready for "Crossing Borders". you will all love what it offers. This will be "REALITY" 24/7. Scheduled to start MaY 1st
Well, at least he's out of New York so he doesn't have to pay his child support...
Heeeere we go again..! Isn't the court apperence today? Michael said the 18th a couple of weeks ago...:huh: (The judge gave her an additional year to attend classes?? How about two weeks?? This judge is a moron..) :doh:

Lindsay Lohan’s father Michael says that he thinks it would be a good idea for his daughter to go to rehab for three months to get herself straight.
Lindsay has a Beverly Hills court hearing Thursday to review progress from her DUI conviction last year
Lohan senior is hoping to be there to tell the judge that Lindsay needs a stint in rehab.
“My daughter needs rehab for at least three months,” Michael told
“Come on… let’s face it, there are pictures of her out there—you reported it, others have reported it…of her drinking and taking pills in public. If you’re on probation, is that what the system approves of?”
“I’ve been trying to get into court with the judge for a long time,” Lohan said.
“The last time she was in court the judge should have d**g tested her. If she had, I know Lindsay would have come up dirty and she would have been thrown into rehab.”
Lindsay was given an additional year last October to complete her alcohol awareness program.
Michael said he shared heated text messages with his daughter on Tuesday night and that Lindsay became upset and angry when he told her a few home truths.
"Our relationship is strained,” he said.
He told Lindsay, “It really p****s me off that when you have trouble or when you’re in St. Barth’s and you have nowhere to turn to and you tell me everything is going awry and your sister [Ali Lohan, age 15] is missing…I’m up 6 hours in the night trying to hire a jet to pick you up and take you home…and then you flip the script on me.
“Whenever you need me, you call me. Whenever you have a problem, I’m there for you. You can’t backstab people. You can’t turn your back on the people that love you and want to help you.”
Lohan also told his daughter: “This is about you getting well, you getting healthy, me loving you and wanting you to do the right thing. The prescription d***s are killing you.”
The judge said its fine for her not to come to court so she won't even be there - no tests, nothing.

And the happiest girl in the world continues on her merry way ^_^

Last night 4.30am out in London

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^ Good!!! We wouldn't want to cut off our daily dose of Lindsay being carried out of a club with glazed eyes pictures!!
And when they find her lifeless body on the bathroom floor of some hotel room, everyone will say 'Why didn't someone do something!!' :cry:
^ Well....more likely:

Dina: "Lindsay's dead? Get me Nene and Niece Nash, we've got an exclusive for The Insider here!"
Taking responsibility for your actions is so over rated. Good grief. I think that will doom her is the fact that we are dealing with California's justice system. Steve O shows certain "herbs" to COPS and smokes it in front of them *with cameras rolling* and the cops sit there and laugh right along. :rolleyes: As a former Californian I expect this stuff.
i used to like this girl until she got a bit kuku..

sigh.. i thought she would go hilary duffs way..
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