Ed Hardy the new Von Dutch?

the tattoos are vintage...;)

ed hardy was apparently a very famous and well respected tattoo artist and the guy from von dutch bought the rights to the name and his original artwork from his family....
(he did the same with von dutch)

and he is definitely positioning the brand to be the next von dutch...

i think the artwork is quite beautiful...
not sure about the clothes ...:ermm:...
the leather jackets are kind of interesting...
they remind me of the kinds of tattoos that sailors in the navy or merchant marines used to get...


its's sold next to brands like great china wall and true religion...
very expensive and flashy 'rock star' denim...

i had a chat with the store owners who carry it here in nyc...
you can see if for yourself if you are ever on w.8th street at untitled
Hmm I dont like it. When I first clicked on the link I thought it had that Von Dutch feel to it. Im not sure why. It doesnt look like anything special to me.
I can't believe this guy (the owner) can sleep at night. I was wearing Dutch shirts 10 years ago, you got them at vintage car swapmeets for $10. And these were made from the original designs from his place in Compton. And now Ed Hardy? Instead of paying $60 for a shirt, buy a silk screen kit. You'll thank yourself.
I was wearing Von Dutch shirts way back in 1965, it was still cool then, but then Fonzie from Happy Days started wearing them so i gave them away to charity, i saw a bum walking with one of my shirts in 1977 once, i asked him why are you wearing Von Dutch and he replied, its cool, The Fonz is wearing them so i should wear one too. From that day on i knew i had made the right decision!
I've seen a bunch of it and like von dutch and similar brands, i find it extremely tacky/classless...
Its actaully owned by the same guy who started/owned Von dutch or they have some sort of VERY Close connection in ownership I like the hats for if I need to bum it up at the grocery store with dsquared sweats or jeans. I wouldnt mind a tattoo tee for bar nights during the week.

Also they do have some direct marketing styles of von dutch being Celebrity c*m junkies. They are digging their own grave.(I hope to get my stuff before the wannabe trend masses) As soon as this stuff hits mass popularity I give it a 1year life span an that includes it height of popularity & Death. LOL
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I read a recent article about Ed Hardy that turned me off the whole Von Dutch thing even more than the actual items.

Apparently he was a major alcoholic and drug addict. And racist.

One night he was driving drunk and under the influence of drugs, with his pregnant wife in the car, and crashed the car. The baby died. He fled the scene leaving the wife, to avoid any charges against himself.

And apparently only later did he come out.

And he's two daughters are currently working for/running Von Dutch.

I forgot where I saw the article, but it's also detailed in a book called the The Fake Factor.
I couldn't edit my above post for some reason^

Anyhoo, I double checked the book and it was NOT Ed Hardy, but someone else.

The weird thing is that it says he was a tattoo artist, and a artist that did bikes for Harley etc. And that his nickname was Von Dutch, and the beginning of the line took his name, and art and created stuff off of it.

WHICH is the same story with Ed Hardy!!

This guys name was Keith Harrison or something.

Oh well.

But the story about the car crash etc was related to this guy, not Ed Hardy.
I don't like Von Dutch at all, but I love Ed Hardy. The shirts and hats definitely have interesting art work. I would wear it if I could afford it.

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