Von Dutch

Von Dutch :sick:

I don't get what's so special about the stuff
:alien: completly clueless on what vondutch looks like to be honest :blush:

could someone post looks please?
This must be a joke :lol:

Kustom Kondom

The perfect stocking stuffer for the Von Dutch fans in your life. High quality latex. 4 Kustom Kondoms included.

:sick: I can see those lying underneath Diddy's Christmas tree

:shock: ohh ok, now i know.. bit hyped right? :lol:

thanks for the photos & link guys :flower:
i agree with everyone else who said wear something because you like it. just because a certain type of celebrity is wearing it doesnt make or break my choice of wearing that line and or design. i love fashion and i'll wear what i please however frivilous or serious it seems to others i aim to please only me. :P

i honestly don't get the trucker look but its been done before and it works for some. i hate anything with words on it or logos so it doesn't appeal to me. but i say if you like it work it :woot:
dont like it ... think it looks stupid and the clothes like trash but would never say people should not wear them
You might like the design of that t-shirt (you might not...) but you sure as hell wouldn't wear it unless you wanted to offend an awful lot of people. Clothes have connotations. Von Dutch has a connotation + it looks a bit silly some of it...

*edited because off topic
:blink: what was this link for prince? is this a Von Dutch? i dont get the connection and yes, VERY offensive to me :blink:
People earlier were saying that you should wear what you like and not be bothered by the image that the clothing portrays. I was saying that image is very important and that I wouldn't wear Von Dutch because I don't like its image (or its designs) and I wouldn't wear that Vivienne Westwood T-shirt because I find its image to be highly offensive.
vond utch is trahsya nd i think epopel with alot of money with knwo taste by it becuas of that, filling the money but no taste void. But what it hink si rediculous is people whoa re not welthy and not even intrested in fashion buying tehre $50 caps and logo mania t shirts and jeans.
Question...Does black+ designer clothes some how = or equate to ghetto ? :(
Does black+ rich+ and designer clothes= somehow equal ghetto fabulous? :(
I feel as though if one thing was so out of season it is the over usage of that word!! and also the word bling bling....
Originally posted by Barbie@Dec 12th, 2003 - 1:55 pm
Question...Does black+ designer clothes some how = or equate to ghetto ? :(
Does black+ rich+ and designer clothes= somehow equal ghetto fabulous? :(
I feel as though if one thing was so out of season it is the over usage of that word!! and also the word bling bling....
it has been noted by several that ghetto has become a code word for "black" among non-blacks. referring to something as "ghetto" is a way for people to say it's black (and therefore inferior)...so i know exactly what you are saying. i think it's really ashame that a lot of people still have such strong reactions to rap culture when, on the whole, the music is mainstream. you or i may not listen to it, but it's not really how it was when rap was started, yet a lot of people reject it like it is.

but back to von dutch: it's amazing that when ashton kutcher wore it was okay although he's one of the biggest cornfed hicks in hollywood. no one called it trashy. but as soon as a rapper puts it on, it's ghetto, it's trash.

i say, who cares. wear what you like.
Originally posted by mikeijames+Dec 12th, 2003 - 2:24 pm--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mikeijames @ Dec 12th, 2003 - 2:24 pm)</div><div class='quotemain'> <!--QuoteBegin-Barbie@Dec 12th, 2003 - 1:55 pm
Question...Does black+ designer clothes some how = or equate to ghetto ? :(
Does black+ rich+ and designer clothes= somehow equal ghetto fabulous? :(
I feel as though if one thing was so out of season it is the over usage of that word!! and also the word bling bling....
it has been noted by several that ghetto has become a code word for "black" among non-blacks. referring to something as "ghetto" is a way for people to say it's black (and therefore inferior)...so i know exactly what you are saying. i think it's really ashame that a lot of people still have such strong reactions to rap culture when, on the whole, the music is mainstream. you or i may not listen to it, but it's not really how it was when rap was started, yet a lot of people reject it like it is.

but back to von dutch: it's amazing that when ashton kutcher wore it was okay although he's one of the biggest cornfed hicks in hollywood. no one called it trashy. but as soon as a rapper puts it on, it's ghetto, it's trash.

i say, who cares. wear what you like. [/b][/quote]
i couldn't agree more! i don't care what people think but i do know what you mean about the word ghetto. i also think the words ghetto/bling are overdone!
Originally posted by mikeijames+Dec 12th, 2003 - 12:24 pm--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mikeijames @ Dec 12th, 2003 - 12:24 pm)</div><div class='quotemain'> <!--QuoteBegin-Barbie@Dec 12th, 2003 - 1:55 pm
Question...Does black+ designer clothes some how = or equate to ghetto ? :(
Does black+ rich+ and designer clothes= somehow equal ghetto fabulous? :(
I feel as though if one thing was so out of season it is the over usage of that word!! and also the word bling bling....
it has been noted by several that ghetto has become a code word for "black" among non-blacks. referring to something as "ghetto" is a way for people to say it's black (and therefore inferior)...so i know exactly what you are saying. i think it's really ashame that a lot of people still have such strong reactions to rap culture when, on the whole, the music is mainstream. you or i may not listen to it, but it's not really how it was when rap was started, yet a lot of people reject it like it is.

but back to von dutch: it's amazing that when ashton kutcher wore it was okay although he's one of the biggest cornfed hicks in hollywood. no one called it trashy. but as soon as a rapper puts it on, it's ghetto, it's trash.

i say, who cares. wear what you like. [/b][/quote]
I totaly disagree, ghetto is a style, it can eb worn my whiets, balck, maxicans whatever.

to me gehtto fabulous is just people mixing a lot of flashy logos and jewlery with their urband/ghetto style.
Like, why would anyone want to wear it??? I saw that girl on "Rich Girls" with the trucker hat...was not flattering at all. Very ghetto-not-fabulous... :yuk:

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