Edie Sedgwick #2

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Speaking of favourites, does anyone have any Edie anecdotes that particularly stand out to them? I love the excerpt from Girl on Fire where a woman remembers walking in on Edie penciling her scar with makeup in the bathroom - such a perfect example of the brand of quirkiness she had. Also the story Edie recounted of stealing a mailman's bag and jacket from a hotel and then running back when she realized it was a federal offense:D
So I think I found a new picture from a familiar session. I hope this works.
Thanks! I was wondering, could a girl get away with wearing her black tights and pullovers (and that's all!) now a days, or would that be too extreme? It seemed to fit Edie perfectly! ^_^
^I don't know, I've never really seen anybody since her pull it off and still look elegant.

onlyediesedgwick @tumblr
Thanks for those ScarlettLover! I love that session and have never seen those two before.
As for people being able to pull off Edie's style...I don't think so. I know I definitely couldn't, and I've never encountered anyone that could. I'm all for people experimenting with their looks, but Edie just seemed perfect in every way, shape, and form for the calculated outfits she wore. You are so right in saying that she was just so elegant and she just looked so right in what she wore.
^ Yup; it would be like me putting on a John Wayne outfit and calling everyone 'pilgrim'!! :lol: But (although a lot of people would disagree) I though Sienna did a fantastic job of becoming Edie- I can think of pretty much no one else who could have pulled that off!!
So I kinda got an answer from Molly Ringwald (via twitter) about that Edie Sedgwick film project that never happened (I was excited just to get a reply from her!):

Me: i know this is like 20 years overdue, but whatever happened to that Edie Sedgwick film you were working on?

Molly: I was too young for it...then too old!

Me: i think u would have done amazing as Edie! do you still have an interest in her?

Molly: I loved the book and the period but there are fashion icons who speak to me more these days.

(I know some of you wouldn't agree with me when I said she would have been an amazing Edie :P)
^ Ummm...I don't really think of Molly as Edie...besides, for my money Sienna closed the book on Edie films; I thought she was brilliant, which is also something a lot of people don't agree with... ;)
I think Sienna did a good job too. The movie was entertaining, but I had a hard time getting past the historical inaccuracies of it. Sienna did a good job on the voice, but I read a quote that either Michael Post or Jonathan Sedgwick said that they heard Sienna and thought it was a recording of Edie. If that's true, I hope they were just trying to express that she sounded somewhat like her, but I don't know how anyone could possibly think Sienna sounded EXACTLY like Edie. That'd be impossible, IMO, because Edie just had a unique voice, like everything else about her.

I also found some new pictures on ebay from the black tank top photobooth and the leopard coat photobooth sessions. I'll post them later. There's a watermark but it's not too horrible.
Oh, and does anyone know anything Edie's role in Color Me Shameless? I saw a while back in this thread or the last Edie thread someone asked that question, but I never saw a response so I figured I'd give it a go and ask again. I've done research and nothing has turned up :(
^ No! Interesting- I never heard about it, would love to know too...And I remember on of the film guys, I think one of the crew that ended up doing Ciao Manhattan, mentioned filming her during a parade in NY where she put roller skates on her leather rhinoceros and puled him down the street in the parade! I would love to see that- how perfectly Edie is that!! :woot:
We're all entitled to our opinions. Factory Girl was such a disgusting film, and Sienna's laughable portrayal was completely embarrassing.

Oh, and does anyone know anything Edie's role in Color Me Shameless? I saw a while back in this thread or the last Edie thread someone asked that question, but I never saw a response so I figured I'd give it a go and ask again. I've done research and nothing has turned up :(


I had found that photo of her in Color Me Shameless in 2005 or 2006. I'm not sure who took it, and the website I got it from has been closed since. It was shown in 2007 during the Real Edie Sedgwick screenings at Museum of the Moving Image in NY. George Kuchar talks about her cameo in this youtube video: youtube.com/watch?v=57bWrzonTlY (@5:54) I Haven't heard anything about the film since.

^ No! Interesting- I never heard about it, would love to know too...And I remember on of the film guys, I think one of the crew that ended up doing Ciao Manhattan, mentioned filming her during a parade in NY where she put roller skates on her leather rhinoceros and puled him down the street in the parade! I would love to see that- how perfectly Edie is that!! :woot:

Sorry, but that I believe that was Bob Neuwirth who said that: We never made a film with Dylan. After Edie left Warhol, I was actually the first one to make a film with her. We made it on Easter Sunday in Eric Dolphy's old loft near the Fulton Fish Market -- a Chaplinesque, satircial movie of Edie making breakfast, and ending up with her wearing a nine-thousand dollar leopardskin coat and walking her huge rhinoceros, that big footstool of hers outfitted with four roller skates, up Fifth Avenue in the Easter Parade. (p. 230 of Edie)
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^ Ah- fantastic! I would love to see that- I wonder what ever happened to the film? :huh:
Cat Marnell, is a girl that you may have or may not have heard of, a girl who apparently was an editor on XOJane.com (a project from the maker of Jane and Sassy magazine), a girl whose wadded up week old panties has cut the circulation off to her brain. She's the subject of an interview via nymag.com. She goes on and on about how much of an edgy "pillhead" she is, then she decides to drag Edie Sedgwick in on it. I have a feeling she, like a lot of other people, has based her information on Edie through Factory Girl.

Where did you go to boarding school?
I went to Lawrence Academy, which is in Groton, Massachusetts, where the Sedgwick Pie is.* I wanted to go there because I was obsessed with Edie. When I had to go to rehab the first time, I went to Silver Hill because Edie went there, and Edie’s brother hung himself there. I’ve always gone to rehab for the wrong reasons. But you know what — people think I want to be Edie Sedgwick, but Edie was practically ********. I’m not that person who just twirls around. I don’t even dance. I’m a book person, and a word person. If there’s any Warhol person I identify with, it’s Brigid Berlin. She was a speed freak and she’d just lay around in bed, like me. That’s all I do. That’s why I lost my job — well, quit my job. That’s what it was.

Likee most of you, I have a problem with her statement: "people think I want to be Edie Sedgwick, but Edie was practically ********." It's quite funny that this Cat person can almost follow in Edie's footsteps (going to a school near the Sedgwick Pie, rehab at Silver Hill) and then say that she doesn't want to be like Edie. It's even funnier when she says Edie was "********" when that wasn't the case for Edie at all. One solid fact is that Edie never followed in the footsteps of another person. Unlike this Cat person, Edie was an originator, not a follower. In fact Edie paved the way for many of today's young people. Cat, could never be and will never be anything close to being like Edie.
^I think it's apparent this woman has issues, so I can't see how any person with an ounce of sense would listen and take seriously what she is saying. It is sad that people are given a platform to say such ridiculous things.

Anyways, nothing that great, but Edie can be seen in the left part of this picture:

yourdebutante @Tumblr
^With The Velvets I take it? Strangest thing is how very short a time Edie was part of Andy's/Factory World- she was a sky rocket that came on and was gone very quickly, as far as the New York 'scene' is concerned...:(

BTW- from an eariler thing I said: I did not particularly like or 'approve of' Factory Girl, although it no doubt introduced Edie to a whole new group of people who may have never heard of her, but I though Sienna and Guy Pearce both did an outstanding job in it...
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