Editors Threaten to Skip Milan Shows Next September

Doesn't this all go to show that Paris is the only one that matters?

Or maybe that ALL the shows are becoming a bit pointless?
*see moderator note on page 5*

The CFDA did not make their schedule out of spite. They did so for a valid reason and kept with the traditon of the past 3 years. They are not bullying anyone. It is Milan that for some reason suddenly has an issue with the 2nd Thursday and has decided to infringe on another country's fashion week whilst making taunts (may the best man win?).

People are so eager to paint the CFDA as some stereotypical American villain that they are ignoring the facts and the atrocious behavior of Milan.
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I don't quite understand how there could have been such a huge misunderstanding over the "second Thursday" agreement... there's a pretty big difference between 3 years and in perpetuity.

Regardless, I highly doubt Milan and London are going to end up overlapping. With the CFDA on it's side, and the threats from Conde Nast, there's no way LFW could be swallowed up by Milan, despite its relatively smaller size. Right now, both NY and Milan seem to be playing chicken. Someone has to cave sooner or later. I have no guess as to who it's going to be, but it will be interesting. I have a feeling that if/when Paris takes a side on this the scales will tip one way or the other - I can't see Paris not getting its way.

I feel like I should bust out some game theory, here. :lol:
It's not like Labor day was just invented, when they were figuring out this whole scheduling thing, someone should have accounted for this major US holiday and raised it then, not now.

But they did raise it: in the past they made an agreement based on the second Thursday.

Also, I realise a lot of people dislike Anna Wintour, but it seems to me that she has been an avid supporter of Italian designers? I see a number of them in Vogue: Prada and Miu Miu a lot! Indeed, she always wears Prada; her name is forever entwined with that brand after a certain book-cum-film. :D

SnowWhiteDrifted: that is what I keep harping on, lol! I don't understand the supposed misunderstanding over the "second thursday" disagreement. There has to be some document somewhere that would show who is in the right. That, or one side is being rather disingenuous and using it as an excuse.
Oh, I'd bet a couple of cents that she's commanding this whole circus so she doesn't have to abide to anything, she'll happily skip it (didn't she already wish to?) and be more than glad to keep raving about Christopher Kane and Jason Wu. :lol:

Oh yes i remember. didn't she want to actually shorten Milan :lol::lol::lol:?
Well it so happens I guess that the shows start in NYC, and then go to Europe, since 3 of the 4 countries are there, in much closer proximity. And it also happens that the USA has a holiday in September (notice the "second thursday" apparently applies in Feb too) so they begin after that holiday. It doesn't seem like bullying to allow people to accomodate for a national holiday. At least not to me.

I have said before, I am not opposed to a compromise, i.e, NYC beginning the Monday following Labour Day instead. But this seems to have turned into an old "fashioned" stand off. Who will draw first? Pow!
right - with everyone in agreement. Not "second Thursday but since it's a US holiday we're going to ask Milan to change their schedule"

Milan was not asked to change their schedule. For the past 3 years NY fashion week has started on the 2nd Thursday of September.

In 2010 the Second Thursday of September fell on the 9th.

This year the Second Thursday of September fell on the 8th day of the month


Next year the Second Thursday happens to fall on the 13th which Milan feels is too late.


Milan was not asked to change their schedule.

Next year the Second Thursday happens to fall on the 13th which Milan feels is too late.

from the first post:

As reported, Italian designers are displeased with the plan of New York officials to start that city’s fashion week on Sept. 13 next year in order to avoid conflict with the Labor Day holiday in the U.S. The shift would put the shows essentially a week later than in recent years. The Italians contend the move is being forced on them by the Council of Fashion Designers of America and if Milan moves its dates later as a result, Italian designers won’t have enough time to satisfy production need
I thought it was the second Thursday *after* Labour Day, but it is the second Thursday of the month? If that is the case, looking at 2011, the NYC shows began 3 business days after Labour Day, whereas in 2012 they'd begin 8 business days after Labour Day, which is one week (5 business days) later. So I can see how this pushes things further for all people/businesses/countries involved.

But I guess it still comes down to the "second Thursday" in Sept & Feb agreement: was it made for a three year period or for perpetuity? If it was the former, then I can see Milan being really angry; if it's the latter, then NYC are just following the same "second thursday" rule that was agreed upon and they are not being bullies.

That said, I still don't see why they couldn't start on the 10th which would be a nice compromise for everyone involved. I guess from their view, they are thinking if they bend on the agreement once, then the agreement becomes sort of void. It implies that start dates are flexible. Hmmmm...
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Funny though, Paris seems like it will keep it's "normal" schedule right? Would the CFDA and London side with Milan if the Italian's followed the proposed schedule and skip Paris over Milan since they would over lap?
^ Sorry, if Milan follows the proposed schedule then Milan and Paris will overlap??? Is that correct?

I guess I am missing something, because many people here are making it seem like NYC have something specifically against Milan and that this is some Machievellian scheme to undermine them.
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*see moderator note on page 5*

The CFDA did not make their schedule out of spite. They did so for a valid reason and kept with the traditon of the past 3 years. They are not bullying anyone. It is Milan that for some reason suddenly has an issue with the 2nd Thursday and has decided to infringe on another country's fashion week whilst making taunts (may the best man win?).

People are so eager to paint the CFDA as some stereotypical American villain that they are ignoring the facts and the atrocious behavior of Milan.

I think Conde Nast is the one being painted as a villain, not the CFDA. Threatening to have all editors skip, acting like they own the world, and all that. It's not like the US's decision to respect their national holiday has been beaten up and torn in the previous posts.

I don't quite understand how there could have been such a huge misunderstanding over the "second Thursday" agreement... there's a pretty big difference between 3 years and in perpetuity.

Regardless, I highly doubt Milan and London are going to end up overlapping. With the CFDA on it's side, and the threats from Conde Nast, there's no way LFW could be swallowed up by Milan, despite its relatively smaller size. Right now, both NY and Milan seem to be playing chicken. Someone has to cave sooner or later. I have no guess as to who it's going to be, but it will be interesting. I have a feeling that if/when Paris takes a side on this the scales will tip one way or the other - I can't see Paris not getting its way.

I feel like I should bust out some game theory, here. :lol:
But what could Paris really do? Threaten to move PFW to the time we already have MFW and LFW. I don't think that would be in the best interest for anyone.
London could cram all their 'important' shows into 2 days i believe. sure it will be horrendous days, starting at 0900 and ending at 2000, but they totally could. London's biggest name is still Burberry Prorsum, isn't it?

send some junior buyers and junior editors to see the less important shows and have the seniors go to Milan!

at the end, the real business is made in the showrooms, if someone important couldn't attend a show, the PR people for the house would be more than happy to schedule an appointment for them to check things out in person.

also, how far back would it push the shows? a week? it's not SUCH a big deal!

but i do agree that it's very much bullying on the US' side.
Really? I don't see why New York are bullying, at least if my understanding of events is correct? They're being stubborn, yes, but bullying? It was Milan who wanted the date changed, not New York. My understanding is that:

  • The second Thursday falls late in September 2012 so Milan asked that New York move their start date back to give them more time for production
  • New York didn't want to change their date because of the agreement, and also because of the Labor Day holiday (3rd September)
  • Milan move their date back anyway to clash with New York by a day and to totally overlap London

I don't understand how New York are the bullies here? Because they didn't bow down and change their dates for Milan? Labor Day wouldn't have even been a factor had Milan kept their dates the same as normal.

It would have been nice for New York to be accommodating, but whether the agreement was permanent or not, Milan moving the dates (or expecting other weeks to change their dates) is very much against the spirit of fashion month and very destructive.

All the fashion weeks have themselves to blame in that if there is an agreement, why was it a gentleman's agreement and not a contract? It's just insane, did they not actually think there might at some stage be a power struggle?
I can't wait for the S/S 2013 shows to start. :lol:^_^ This is gonna be one hell of showdowns. ^_^ But personally, I'd still choose Milan over London.
I don't think it's reveling, but it is intriguing.

It's pretty much clash of the egos on a very very enormous scale. we are talking the fashion capitals pitted against each other, editors having to show their allegiances, and the losers - designers whose shows are skipped, designers whose shows lose their cast (ahem Gucci), etc.

lots at stake.
Oh my gosh! I feel bad for the models and designers with two lines in two different fashion weeks already. I can't seem to suck up all this information correctly, and it hasn't hit me that there's a clash in "fashion week dates."
I still say that Milan is the one being pushy, but the schedule CommanderTMugler posted was a good one. I mean if Milan is going to move their dates, might as well just exempt the "Second Thursday" rule and move NY back, too.
Well at least Galliano doesn't have to worry about any of this.
Not just the designers and models, but the show producers, casting directors, stylists, hair and MU artists... the list goes on, I'm sure.

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