Editors Threaten to Skip Milan Shows Next September

This despite the fact that it is the Italians, (and the French with whom they are closely aligned), who are the richest source of the advertising revenues that sustain the magazine industry and the products that sustain the retail industry.
No kidding. Alexandra is just deluding herself if she thinks major editors are going to skip Prada or Gucci for the sake of Jonathan Saunders and Aquascutum.
This whole situation is actually getting annoying as both sides are acting childish to prove who's more powerful and influential.
Yeah, I think it's completely unnecessary considerate the climate, and you really don't want to subject the entire London event to the inevitable, cruel answer that deserves, such as.. not even models want to go to London, and models want to go everywhere.

I think London should imitate Paris in its position, I know the difference is that one's vastly affected and the other isn't but this is going to get lower.. you better keep up some dignity.
^agreed. i think the british council should have kept it's mouth shut because at the end of the day,like i said previously,they end up looking like they're pandering to the CFDA.
Alexandra Shulman is a moron , the only big house in London is burberry, Milan , has way more , Gucci, Cavalli, Versace ,Prada ,Max Mara, Ferragamo,Alberta Ferreti , DG , all multi billion dollar fashion houses. Shulman is a F*** moron , who is going to skip Prada for Johnathan Saunders or Julien McDonald loool.
Personally, if I had a choice? London: hands down.

How is Paris involved, exactly. The title above says "Milan and Paris refuse to budge" but the entire article is about Milan. Paris don't have to "budge" as they are utterly unaffected!
i would prefer to goo 100x to milan then london!
london has like what 4 major designer? milan has 4 major designer showing collection in one day.:lol:
Honestly, I think that while Milan is considered to be more important than London by the editors and other atendees, the grudge that NY and London going to hold against Milan will probably result in many people actually completely skipping Milan. I am sure that the Vogue team as well as other magazines under Conde Nast's wing will refuse to attend Milan and follow the NY/London schedule as planned. Another problem would be the models - I am sure that most of the models wouldn't risk their relationships with the fashion magazines and if asked by Wintour 90% of them would stay in New York. Especially if the Marc Jacobs show is pushed to the last day of NY fashion week again, then I am pretty sure that everyone will stay to attend it. So all in all, I think that Italian designers are those who are biting the dust if this happens as they plan on doing it. There is an inevitable distaster coming unless the issue gets resolved soon - and Conde Nast better be satisfied with the solution.

but wintour only used the same 10 models in vogue.
beside like this season,no big models walk NYFW i mean who?3,4 maybe 5?
they all show up in Milan/Paris so i think Models(top models) will stay Milan. i will love that! :heart:
besides i think if London Play the cards Right n put Prada,Fendi,Dolce,Pucci,Versace,Gucci.Roberto n the same days of top Americans Desigener.(Jacob,Ck,Rodarte,who else??)
i think is clear people will choose Prada instead of Jacobs. n so on,Milan has the tools to do Damage to NYFW IMO.
^A conflict with the Olympics in London next year will prevent a change of dates.

But LFW is after the Olympics and putting LFW later would make it even further away from the time of the Olympics.

It looks to me like London just doesn't want to cower under the pressure of Milan or is receiving equal pressure from NY or is trying to maintain some sort of dignity or all three.

Alexandra Shulman is a moron , the only big house in London is burberry, Milan , has way more , Gucci, Cavalli, Versace ,Prada ,Max Mara, Ferragamo,Alberta Ferreti , DG , all multi billion dollar fashion houses. Shulman is a F*** moron , who is going to skip Prada for Johnathan Saunders or Julien McDonald loool.
She's only a moron if she believes it. I every statement in this situation has been carefully thought out, especially statements from people in positions like hers.

but wintour only used the same 10 models in vogue.
beside like this season,no big models walk NYFW i mean who?3,4 maybe 5?
they all show up in Milan/Paris so i think Models(top models) will stay Milan. i will love that! :heart:
besides i think if London Play the cards Right n put Prada,Fendi,Dolce,Pucci,Versace,Gucci.Roberto n the same days of top Americans Desigener.(Jacob,Ck,Rodarte,who else??)
i think is clear people will choose Prada instead of Jacobs. n so on,Milan has the tools to do Damage to NYFW IMO.
And how is London supposed to control how NYFW and MFW are scheduled?
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i would prefer to goo 100x to milan then london!
london has like what 4 major designer? milan has 4 major designer showing collection in one day.:lol:
Not many of which are particularly interesting in my opinion. I think Milan's grossly overrated and London is being used as a soft target because it's commercially the weakest.
Milan is planning to overlap with NYFW flr only ONE day! It is London who is their sacrifical lamb, and an "easier target" imo. I wouldn't be so bold as to assume "people will choose Prada instead of Jacobs" on that one day. Marc, like Miuccia, wields a lot of power, with three incredibly well-selling lines world-wide: the eponymous one, Marc Jacobs; the wider reaching youthful one, Marc by Marc; and the heritage house, Louis Vuitton. So to assume all editors, buyers,etc will go to Prada over Marc Jacobs is just that: an assumption.

We all have our own personal preferences and biases, but those don't factor in. I would choose London because I like more London shows/designers than Milan ones, and I found Milan the weakest this season.

However, it comes down to business. And it is true that Milan has more bigger selling names than London. Still, I think schedule-wise, if no compromise is reached, then most magazines, buyers/companies, and so on, will either divide and conquer, i.e., send some editors to both shows, or they will make a choice depending on affiliation, or they will go half and half. See a few shows in London and a few shows in Milan, to show support to both.

Right now, the way I am reading this, Paris is largely neutral. NYC and London are a team. And Milan is the other team. But is that the case? Is Paris neutral? Have they released a statement? Where will they go in this case?

Also, I want to know this: if, as the CFDA are saying, there was a long-standing agreement made that NYC always starts on the second Thursday, then there must be a legal document somewhere! Surely they wouldn't decide these things on a whim and put nothing in writing.

Finally, if this agreement has been in place for a few years, as seems to be the case, why are Milan having a problem with it only now? Just because of dates? Or is their time cut shorter? Sorry, I did read all the articles, but they are sometimes unclear.
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Milan is planning to overlap with NYFW flr only ONE day! It is London who is their sacrifical lamb, and an "easier target" imo. I wouldn't be so bold as to assume "people will choose Prada instead of Jacobs" on that one day. Marc, like Miuccia, wields a lot of power, with three incredibly well-selling lines world-wide: the eponymous one, Marc Jacobs; the wider reaching youthful one, Marc by Marc; and the heritage house, Louis Vuitton. So to assume all editors, buyers,etc will go to Prada over Marc Jacobs is just that: an assumption.
agreed and* if that happen and* IF milan really want to use the power they got they can put 3 of their major shows in that same day and* you know try to balance the power.
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True. But no doubt NYC will do the same, lol. ;) All's fair in love and war right?
... and I used to feel bad for Pasarela Cibeles (Madrid Fashion Week) who is in between all of these .. :P
London could cram all their 'important' shows into 2 days i believe. sure it will be horrendous days, starting at 0900 and ending at 2000, but they totally could. London's biggest name is still Burberry Prorsum, isn't it?

send some junior buyers and junior editors to see the less important shows and have the seniors go to Milan!

at the end, the real business is made in the showrooms, if someone important couldn't attend a show, the PR people for the house would be more than happy to schedule an appointment for them to check things out in person.

also, how far back would it push the shows? a week? it's not SUCH a big deal!

but i do agree that it's very much bullying on the US' side.
^^ To be honest any other country who schedules their fashion week at the same time as the main four get no sympathy from me. Why would fashion buyers/editors go to Spain when the need to be in Milan. Have it at another time and more of them will attend hense you make more money.
How is it bullying if they signed an agreement or whatever? That is what I don't get?

I wish there was more transparency about this "second Thursday" agreement, because that is at the heart of this issue isn't it?

NY say the agreement was permanent; Milan say it had a three year stipulation only.

Hence the stand off on both sides now.

Or am I missing something?
I agree with moving NYFW prior to the Labor day holiday just so it doesn't conflict with Milan and plus it would give a break for the people covering the show. I think the current schedule, as it is (prior to this whole mess) is way too hectic already and when you have something like this, where one day makes a difference, it throws everybody off.

I mean why should Milan have to suffer because the US has a public holiday? It's not like Labor day was just invented, when they were figuring out this whole scheduling thing, someone should have accounted for this major US holiday and raised it then, not now.

It will be interesting to see who will be at what shows. Given Newhouse's public statement on this, I wonder if Anna herself will have to abide and skip Milan completely as a show of allegiance to her boss?
I wonder if Anna herself will have to abide and skip Milan completely as a show of allegiance to her boss?
Oh, I'd bet a couple of cents that she's commanding this whole circus so she doesn't have to abide to anything, she'll happily skip it (didn't she already wish to?) and be more than glad to keep raving about Christopher Kane and Jason Wu. :lol:

Agree with Label Basher, Brazil and Japan show before and after the four main capitals respectively and they're more successful than Spain. I think they just gave up on being a part of anything a long time ago...

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