"Faux fur" on Sean John jackets was raccoon dog!

you know what irritates me most about this entire situation....that moronic capitalist sitting on his gaudy,blinged-out pedastal falsely appearing as if he was actually unaware of what went on. this is precisely the reason i have such disdain and digust against these people because they are NEVER honest in any form! now you can't really believe he knew nothing of what it was as he's always said he is fully involved in every aspect of his crap clothing.

we can't blame macy's as it IS HIS manufacturers that produces everything. it's his blood money that pays his sweatshop so ultimately he is fully responsible for it all.
^^ WORD. It reminds me of celebs who have cheap clothing lines that they sell through stores like K-mart and then act all surprised when it's revealed that they are being made in sweatshops. I mean given the crap quality and the low prices, they thought trained people were actually paid a decent wage to sew the stuff?

The responsibility lies with the celeb. They want the glory and the $$$ of having a clothing line so they should either damn well be involved and know what is going on at every step of the process or admit that they are nothing more than a hired name on a label and they don't give a rat's *** who gets harmed in the process as long as they get paid.

If Diddy was buying fur from China then he knew the risks he was taking in getting some cheap *** low grade fur that wouldn't be acceptable in the US.

"it disturbs me that so many people who are against fur, dont mind downing a McDonalds hamburger in their pumas or while wearing a leather belt."

I'm a vegetarian. I accept that people eat meat. Leather is a by-product of the slaughtering process. You get hamburgers and steak, you get material to make a leather coat. You don't see people eating mink burgers or fox steaks. The sole reason animals are killed is for their fur, something that I will never acccept or see as being necessary. So for me, leather and fur are 2 completely different things. You are killing the mink for a pretty coat and no other reason, whereas the cow is being killed for food and their hide.
I was saying that Macy's was at fault for labeling the jackets as being faux fur, because they obviously weren't. You could look at the tag and see that they were real fur. Sean John is obviously at fault for incorrectly labeling the type of fur that was used.
obviously,there was something misconstrued through the production detail they recieved. it's supposed illustrate everything about every piece of clothing they recieve and macy's of course,adds their own price-tags to the inside tag of the garmet.
sssanguine said:
would it be safe to say that most "faux" fur coming from china is probably some kind of dog fur? does this go on ALL the time, really? i am appalled also, and did not realize this may go on more than we know...

if it does, then why don't more people test the fur when it comes to the US?
and is dog fur cheaper then faux?
An HSUS investigation in China in 1998 revealed that fur sellers in China will attach almost any label their customers want on their coats. That investigation and subsequent ones revealed the inhumane and barbaric killing of domesticated dogs and raccoon dogs.

Today’s mass spectrometry results found that Baby Phat jackets labeled as “racoon” [sic] and “coyote” and sold at Burlington Coat Factory, a Calvin Klein jacket labeled as “raccoon” and sold at Burlington Coat Factory, and an A.N.A. jacket labeled as “raccoon” and sold at J.C. Penney, all tested positive as raccoon dog fur.

I'm disgusted. Just the idea of having animal fur hanging around my neck, on my body is appauling to me. Gross....:yuk:
i remember i saw a video of them skinning an animal alive...it got me so emotional afterwards with my mom and her fur coats =T

his company is pretty messed up
canuckcutie said:
I'm a vegetarian. I accept that people eat meat. Leather is a by-product of the slaughtering process. You get hamburgers and steak, you get material to make a leather coat. You don't see people eating mink burgers or fox steaks. The sole reason animals are killed is for their fur, something that I will never acccept or see as being necessary. So for me, leather and fur are 2 completely different things. You are killing the mink for a pretty coat and no other reason, whereas the cow is being killed for food and their hide.

this isn't true. except for maybe some low-grade leather/meat, the cows used for meat and leather are completely different--a cow that produces a good skin for a leather bag or shoe does not also make a good steak. generally, the by-products of the meat industry are not used by leather goods manufacturers, and vice versa.
There really is no other word than appalling, for such a "mistake" to be made, covered up, etc.

I also understand what SiennaLondon said about the Chinese fur farmers. We DO live far too comfortably here in the West, how do we know we wouldn't do the same thing as those farmers to support our families? Who knows, they might be desensitized because of the life they live or the poverty they deal with. So I have no idea what the solution would be.. as I'm a vegetarian and against any animal cruelty, but then you'd have to replace the fur economy for those farmers with something else. Dilemma, dilemma..

I also sense an inconsistancy here. It's easy to dislike diddy- his ego pours out his head-- and this could be icing on the cake for many people. But what about the beloved Olsen twins? Selling their clothes at Wal-Mart, the sweat shop use, -- why havn't we had an Olsen Boycott? Because it's sick that here they are, shopping at Barneys NY, while their workers are bleeding for an extra few dollars.
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I wonder if he even knew.

A Celeb "designer" should always check up on what they are putting their names on, certainly, but half the time I think that they really don't know. They are entertainers- not engineers or doctors. :innocent:
Sorry to ask a dumb question, but what in the world is a "raccoon dog?" I've never heard of such a thing.
IMO this is a bad internal control issue on Diddy behalf. I am certain he fired who ever was overseeing this aspect of production.
canuckcutie said:
"it disturbs me that so many people who are against fur, dont mind downing a McDonalds hamburger in their pumas or while wearing a leather belt."

I'm a vegetarian. I accept that people eat meat. Leather is a by-product of the slaughtering process. You get hamburgers and steak, you get material to make a leather coat. You don't see people eating mink burgers or fox steaks. The sole reason animals are killed is for their fur, something that I will never acccept or see as being necessary. So for me, leather and fur are 2 completely different things. You are killing the mink for a pretty coat and no other reason, whereas the cow is being killed for food and their hide.

my ex bf was hardcore vegetarian and couldn't live without his leather jackets:rolleyes:
i'm vegetarian, i agree that leather and fur are different things. i would even go further to say that different types of fur are different things. is chincilla fur equal to rabbit fur? i don't think so.

this vaguely reminds me of the meat industry in the us before roosevelt added all those restrictions. if anyone's read louis sinclair's "the jungle"...
back then when you bought meat you could be buying the body of a meat industry worker instead. whether diddy or macy's is to blame isn't really the issue. the point is that there need to be regulations so that when you order faux fur, you actually get faux fur.
Umm Zain said:
Sorry to ask a dumb question, but what in the world is a "raccoon dog?" I've never heard of such a thing.

from wikipedia
The Raccoon Dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides "nycto-" = Gr. "night," "ereutes" = Gr. "wanderer," "procyon" = "raccoon," "-oides" = Gr. "-oid") is a member of the canidae family (which includes dogs, wolves, and foxes) and is indigenous to east Asia. It is not a true dog, and is the only species in its genus Nyctereutes. It is named for its superficial resemblance to the non-canidae raccoon.

pic from allcreatures.org
Heroin_Chic said:
Well, my moral also is DON`T BUY SEAN JOHN. :doh:

I would even wear real fur (but not DOG!)

Uhhh, why. That's such a double standard and I don't understand it at all :blink:
TheKiwi said:
Both. Macy's incorrectly labeled the jackets as being faux rabbit fur, and Diddy's jackets were incorrectly labeled as raccoon fur when in reality they were raccoon DOG fur.


I think what Macy's did is worse. Labeling real fur as faux makes customers against fur support an industry they don't want to (although it is usually easy to tell by touching, I would have believed whatever the label said--not anymore!) but if somebody gets racoon dog instead of racoon, they're pissed because it's less prestigious or whatever, boo hoo. Sure consumers deserve to not be lied to, but if they want fur, and they get fur, how much am I really supposed to care about that?
I just don't understand the point of fake fur, so please feel free to enlighten me. Isn't wearing fake fur still sending out the message that you condone the LOOK of a dead animal? That really confuses me- I mean in effect aren't you are still justifying the look and end result of it, just not the process?
ckashie said:
I just don't understand the point of fake fur, so please feel free to enlighten me. Isn't wearing fake fur still sending out the message that you condone the LOOK of a dead animal? That really confuses me- I mean in effect aren't you are still justifying the look and end result of it, just not the process?

What's wrong with liking the look of fake fur? It's just another 'look', how do you know people wouldn't have invented it without the fur industry being in effect? I don't think it's wrong to imitate a natural fashion. Not only that but it does keep you warm to boot.

People say that about fake meats....oh why try and make vegetarian food taste like meat etc etc. Uh, because I like meat but I don't want to eat it because I know the process so an alternative is good?

I don't know perhaps it is in fact an odd mentality but I thought it was the common one. :blink:

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