Favourite Movie Scene?

The scene in The Crow when Eric paints his face white and there´s a song by The Cure in the background :)

Dream for an Insomniac, the scene when it goes from black and white to colour (although the rest of the movie is pretty crappy).

The scene in Kill Bill vol. 1 when B challenges O-ren.
Any scene in As Good As It Gets that has Helen Hunt in it.

She is an amazing actress.:flower:
oh i have sooooo many...

gilda - put the blame on mame scene

the great race- when tony curtis just blurts out "i love u" during their argument

breakfast at tiffany's - the final scene

dead poet society - the end when they stand on the desks

the notebook - when they kiss in the rain

west side story - i feel pretty

sabrina - when audrey hepburn is at the train station

the oppisite sex - june allyson wins her husband back from joan collins in a stunning red dress
this will make me sound like a loser, but the scene from Zoolander where they have a gas fight :lol::ninja:
Gone with the Wind - when Scarlett realises she loved Rhett all along and runs back to him as he's leaving...it breaks my heart everytime

Breakfast at Tiffany's - the opening credits

Never been kissed - I'm not that keen on the film as a whole, but I love the ending when you think Michael Vartan's not going to show up and then he does...

The fight between Colin Firth and Hugh Grant in Bridget Jones' Diary, and Hugh Grant's dance in Love Actually

The very ending of LOTR The Return of the King - when everyone bows down to the hobbits (I could go on for hours picking out other favourite parts)

The Roxanne tango in Moulin Rouge - I wish I could dance!
fave scene

im a total 80s buff so if i had to pick just one it would be the scene in say anything where john cusack holds up the radio with in your eyes playing. great moment....
Bill Murray shooting his commercial in Lost in Translation...


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"Im ready for my closeup, Mr Demille" from Sunset Boulevard...Brilliant movie.
The Virgin Suicides when they take about (the new) Trip Fontaine :heart:

The Virgin Suicides when they talk about (the new) Trip Fontaine :heart:
Romeo+Juliet scene 2 where's smoking alone on the beach
Almost Famous when everybody is on the tourbus singing Tiny Dancer + when the sister says : you'll be cool someday ..
Resevoir Dogs the scene when they discuss Like a virgin
Pulp Fiction when they dance B)


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Love Actually: The scene where Sarah (Laura Linney sp?) goes to her apartment with Karl (Rodrigo Santoro :heart: ) and she asks him to give her a second and she does her happy dance because Karl is this perfect guy and she's been crushing on him forever and he's finally there with her

The Scene with Mark and how he does the whole large card scene with Jules and he says everything to her in those cards
The scene in Forrest Gump when he and Jenny are walking home from school and the boys from school try to push him over and bully him and Jenny says "Run, Forrest, run!" .... and he runs awkwardly under the weight of his leg braces and then they magically break and he runs faster than ever and leaves splinters of metal on the ground. That scene had me in tears.
^ I love Forrest Gump! I like the scene at the end with him and his son..so cute!^_^

One of my favourite scenese is the fishtank scene in Romeo+Juliet when Romeo spots Juliet for the first time....Oh the romance of it all!!:wub:
I LOVE the fishtank scene in Romeo and Juliet as well taurus!!!

I also really like the scene at the end of the Shawshank Redemption where they meet up at the beach..... i cried!!

and i love the 'immaculate orgasm' scene in 40 days and 40 nights...... i mean come on, yeah right!!
Cosette said:
Bill Murray shooting his commercial in Lost in Translation...

just perfect.

lat pak. lat pak? oh rat pack.
Two come to mind:

the Good, the Bad and the Ugly: When Blondie, Tuco and Angel Eyes are in the graveyard with their guns pointed at each other and the music keeps building up and up until they shoot. All you see is focused eyes.

the Wizard of Oz with Dark Side Side of the Moon: The part when Us and Them comes on, the whole song. The best part is when then chorus kicks in and everyone starts dancing away with Dorothy.
harold and kumar go to white castle- when they start singing along to wilson philips in the EXTREME guys EXTREME jeep :p
One of m favorites since childhood (don't make fun!) is when Miss Piggy and Kermit get married in The Muppets Take Manhattan. I still cry! And I ADORE how Miss Piggy tricks Kermit into marrying him by bringing on a real priest instead of Gonzo. :lol:
A Walk to Remember

When Landon puts the tatoo on Jamie is so sweet and kinda sexy without being overtly so
La Dolce Vita - Anita Ekberg under the waterfall


Donnie Darko - family at the dinner table, "Did you just call me a..."

Last few scenes of Taxi Driver back in the taxi, with all the lights flashing

Every scene in 'In the Mood for Love'

Breakfast at Tiffany's when they steal the animal masks and this one:


Pulp Fiction at the end when Jules is all "And I'm trying to be the sheppard!"

I'm sure there are loads more I just can't think about at the moment.

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