Fendi Spy Bag

Ardiennet said:
UGH! I'm so pissed at Saks.com right now I could spit venom. After seeing a cognac spy on their website this morning (with a pre-order ship date of March something) I emailed them a complaint letter seeing as I ordered my cognac bag on January 3rd and still haven't gotten it (it was promised to deliver the 14th.) Why were they pre-ordering for a March shipment date if I hadn't even gotten the one I had on order!! I also complained about the fact that I also ordered a petrol spy on the 20th and that was due to ship the 30th. Well, my answer back from them was that they were working on the cognac bag to be expected to deliver by FEB 28! That's not even the best part....the petrol I had on order has now been CANCELLED as they can't get a hold of one!! Now I just looked on their web site and if you want a spy (black or cognac) expected delivery is DECEMBER 30TH!!!!!
I'm sorry to hear that! Saks.com did the same thing to me (strung me on, then cancelled) when I pre-ordered the Marc Jacobs Stam in taupe this fall.
Alexis902 said:
I bought a spy hobo at Neiman Marcus at the KOP mall and I paid 60-some dollars in tax :doh: They had only had 1 regular spy left - chocolate

You would have still had to pay it even if they shipped it cause there is a Neiman in PA, so don't feel so bad. :) And you still got a great bag..
In stock SPY alert!

Alexis902 said:
I bought a spy hobo at Neiman Marcus at the KOP mall and I paid 60-some dollars in tax :doh: They had only had 1 regular spy left - chocolate

Did you just do that today? I was there looking at bags earlier this morning and I saw both a Honey and a brown (Cognac or chocolate-ish...didn't ask the official name) spy as well as the smaller Honey (hobo?) bag. Sorry, I'm not sure of the name of the little bag, but the other 2 were definitely regular Spies...available for sale!
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ojodeazul19 said:
Well it was still your lucky day cause you got to get a petrol spy:)

I love living in a state with no tax on clothing and sometimes it pays off becuase there is no tax on other things too. Though it is interesting that the KOP mall does not have a Fendi though, but very happy because it means less tax for me.

Yeah, I think the KOP mall is worthy of a Fendi store! And a Chanel store, too. :innocent:

Ardiennet, sorry to hear about yoru frustrations with Saks! But an expected ship date of December 30th?? That's nuts! A whole year from now! I probably won't be pre-ordering with them then.

I think I'm wanting a honey spy...even though I shouldn't. Thanks for the tip frenchiefan! I hope it will still be there this weekend. I want to go take a look at it.
sorry to hear about the saks delay.

does anyone know whether eluxury keeps its word about pre-order delivery dates? or are they unreliable like saks?
Ardiennet said:
UGH! I'm so pissed at Saks.com right now I could spit venom. After seeing a cognac spy on their website this morning (with a pre-order ship date of March something) I emailed them a complaint letter seeing as I ordered my cognac bag on January 3rd and still haven't gotten it (it was promised to deliver the 14th.) Why were they pre-ordering for a March shipment date if I hadn't even gotten the one I had on order!!
I'm in the same boat with Saks, and seeing the Black Spy up for pre-order again when they haven't delievered on the one I bought in December. Wrote the same complaint, got the same runaround.

However regarding the December 30th expected delivery, that's the exact ad copy from last year. When I ordered my bag on Dec. 21st, that was on the page, as was the image of the Petrol. I think they just republished the same page because when you preorder, it says 3/15/06 for an expected ship date.
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March might as well be December for all I care - betcha when the ship date of "March 15th" comes around for those who pre-order, they won't get the bags till May.
Ardiennet said:
March might as well be December for all I care - betcha when the ship date of "March 15th" comes around for those who pre-order, they won't get the bags till May.

Probably, unfortunately. My bag was due to ship 1/14/06, and now Saks is saying they don't have a delivery date yet. I asked if it would be prior to the alleged 4/16 date they have for the black bags on preorder with the honey Spys. They said I'd have my bag before April.

April!!! For a bag ordered in December. Unreal.
I sympathize with you Shannon. :(
What is it with the websites and not being able to ship out what they have up for sale? I ordered a Nanette Lepore dress on Bergdorfs web site Jan 22nd, and heard nothing from them regarding shipment. Decided to check my account tonight (in light of what happened with Saks earlier today) and found that my order reads "CANCELLED" on that as well. I sent a smart *** email and got a response - "the product proved to be more popular than anticipated" so they were unable to obtain more merch....they claim they sent me a notification on the 24th and that I should check my spam filter....bastards. How in the hell did I get the confirmation from you guys in the first place if my email was "blocking" you?? What a bunch of crap. I don't care if they have confirmation of an email sent to me - I didn't get it on this end. I'm just not having any luck at all with the websites lately eh?
There's this famous local boutique in my city who sells lots of designer handbags include fendi. I saw 3 spys from my last visit, the colors are petrol, cognac, and hologram.the first two are selling in US$2300, not so sure about the hologram though. if anyone interested i can ask them to see if they ship overseas.
The little compartment in the front of my cognac spy seems to be spoilt. It keeps opening and doesn't stay closed, the bag is only 4 months or so old, and purchased on the phone from Neiman in Chicago (since i heard they had one in stock) I have the original receipt, if I take it to the Fendi showroom will they repair it for me?
baghag21 said:
US: $2075 (excl. tax). Also depends on which store, as there are slight pricing differences, +/- $50-$100
UK: 1150 Brit pounds
Paris: 1475 Euros
Singapore: SGD3675
HK: HKD16,800
Sydney: AUD2805 (unsure if price has been revised since)

Thanks, you'r the best :)
Uhhh im soo piseed I have NOT recieved my couture velvet spy that i ordered ( i think late october) hey they mid january and when i passed by today the SA says ( well we didnt get from italy, what am i supposed to do- do you want your deposit back) uhh i got soo maad!!! winter is going to be over with and i have not carried my velvet spy...:angry: :angry: :sick:
Kiss_my_tiara, mine did the same thing (the flap on the dangly piece), and I hear it's pretty common. At first I tightened it by tightening the screws on the sides of the flap (which worked, for a while), then it got so loose even that woudln't work. So I took it to my shoe repair guy, and he fixed it, but it's still not really, really tight. I bought it from Barneys BH, who had originally told me to bring it in and they'd ship to Fendi NY (because for some reason, Fendi LA doesn't do this). They also told me I'd be without it for a few weeks. So I called Fendi NY and they said a shoe guy should be able to fix it. So it cost me a few bucks, but no waiting. It is annoying, isn't it? Although I wouldn't call it spoilt, personally.
UNIQFashionista...So sorry to hear about your velvet spy. Not getting the bag on a timely schedule is one thing but to have the SA be so nonchalant and rude is another! It could have been somewhat more pacifying if the SA would have been more professional and/or apologetic about the situation and offering an alternative option or 2! Hope you get it very very soon :)
Well, Saks.com has now sent another cancellation notice in regards to the cognac spy I ordered on Jan 3rd. Anyone who is ordering from Sak's may want to start looking elsewhere...seems they cannot get their hands on the merchandise and fall through on the ship dates promised.
Ardiennet said:
Well, Saks.com has now sent another cancellation notice in regards to the cognac spy I ordered on Jan 3rd. Anyone who is ordering from Sak's may want to start looking elsewhere...seems they cannot get their hands on the merchandise and fall through on the ship dates promised.

Have these department stores ever heard of a marketing stratgey called Customer Service Excellence? Why would they deceive their customers in such way? They should have told their customers from the start, that there is a possibility that they might not get the spy bags due to its high demand or something...and leave the rest to the cusomter! Instead of placing an order and waiting for its arrival, in that time the customer could have searched for it else where!!:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
My local Fendi boutique has the Velvet Spy Squirrel Bag in burgandy for $3400 CDN.
I thought it wasn't that nice, I prefer a solid honey color!
i just started reading this thread and still cannot believe the crappy customer service you all are getting from these supposed luxury brand dealers. i had it with neiman and bergdorf when i ordered my stam. i paid for overnite shipping and it took a week and a day. and they were not at all apologetic about it. it seems like its even worse with the spys....i hope you eventually get the spy you want. that waistlist is unnerving when they're canceling your orders after having $1000's charged for the pre-order! you'd think they'd be able to handle their orders better than they do. i still cannot believe it. :(

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