Oh no! By the time I looked at eluxury, the Honey Spy wasn't listed anymore. Oh well...but I definitely will post pics once I get it! I tried to give you karma,
baghag, for your Honey spy description but it said I should spread some around before giving you karma again.

Anyhow, I may order from Fendi. I forget which store I called, as I called a bunch today. But they said they'd e-mail me some pictures tomorrow of the Honey Spys they had. I want the one with the most texture!
jbelle, do you mean splotches as in the ink splotches that some Spys have? Or splotches as in dirt splotches from a used one being returned? I'm a little wary of department store bags ever since my Silverado incident this past summer.
illini, I love that petrol satchel. The texture on it is great! Petrol is hands-down my fave Spy color. I say go for it!
kissmytiara, I think most have been using Apple brand conditioner for their Spys, which I also use. I think it works great! I have the Apple Garde spray, too, but I can't bring myself to use it. I'm too scared! As for the loose compartment, a few pages back, I think there was a discussion about that.