Fendi Spy Bag

hmmm im not a fan of the Arciadia but i love the others...if you HAD to sell another, id go with the Cognac
id find another basic black bag-the qualities of the spy dont shine as much in black, definitely keep the hologram-its lovely!
Get rid of the Hologram and Arcadia. Id get rid of the python too.


Hologram - It's ugly and looks cheap, also it's metallic and will got out of style soon. It doesn't look like a 1k+ bag, it looks like one of the Bebe knockoffs, also the color is a liability. A silver Spy, maybe, after metallics go out you can still wear it as a collectors piece, but that hologram reminds me of those hologram fabrics from the nineties...weren't they Ocean Pacific?

Arcadia - It's a liability colorwise, off the top of my head, I cant think of anything that it will go with, and that's the only way to dress, off the top of your head, it gives an ease to your look. It's really pretty though, really pretty.

Python - BLUE PYTHON, do you know how many things are wrong with that? But I can see why you want to keep it.

Sorry if that was a little harsh, but...ya. Have you worn them already, Id say exchange for maybe a Petrol spy or a Zucca spy.
SPYCRAZY!~I love your Spy collection! :)
With that being said, I'm not the biggest fan of the taupe bag with the purple handles. I love your cognac Spy, it's gorgeous and it's a color that will always be wearable. I've never been the world's biggest fan of the hologram either, but it is a unique and fun bag that just grabs your attention. I'd rather get rid of the python, actually, but since you love it you should probably keep it ^_^ A black bag can always come in handy, but on the other hand there are millions of gorgeous black bags out there, so if it's gotta go it's gotta go. The taupe/purple and the python are my least faves.
They're ALL so lovely. I personally wouldn't own a python anything. But that's cause I don't like the feel of it, i'm strange.

If I were you though, I would keep the Black and Cognac because they're so usable and go with a lot of stuff, which is important when bags are this expensive, then keep the python one for your really special one, 'cause it does look amazing. Then sell hologram and/or taupe and purple.

I'm very jealous, and can't wait till I graduate so I can get a black spy!
Spycrazy, I think everyone envies your collection, but no one envies your position- who would want to give up any of these?! As for my two cents, I'd part with the taupe/purple (because it can serve the same purpose as your cognac) and the black (to me, the black spy looks "flat"- I think you could find a better black bag). I think the cognac is a classic in the spy, and I think the hologram is truly unique- you'll never find another bag like it! Because the python is also unique, you may not feel the need to keep the hologram, and in that case I'd keep the black. But I think the taupe/purple would be my first to go. Good luck on your decision- this is truly a tough one! Keep us posted on what you decide.
Spycrazy -- I would get rid of the black. I dont think the color does the spy justice, you can find a much better bag for the 'calssic black bag'. I'd also get rid of the hologram spy. I agree with princess, stop the heartache at 2!
You guys are all great ~ thank you so much for sharing your opinions with me. :flower:
More or less, you're all confirming what I know in my heart... that the Black could go (I'm having trouble because it's SO soft and has great texture) but I think FENDI may plan to keep making them in Black each season? I can only hope...

#2 to go will most likely be Hologram. I just can't think about it too much.

#3 (should a third go) would probably be the Arciadia (Taupe/Purple) although my friend lizziechic thinks it's the best of them ALL in person and makes a strong case for it every chance she gets ^_^

Please feel free to cast your vote if you haven't already... I may just "tally" them and see what the outcome is! Thanks again to everybody.
Black and Hologram if a third needs to go taupe/purple. Hologram too stylish for a 2K plus bag. Black for all the reasons listed here. Taupe/purple really is also kinda stylish and hard to match. But if it was me, I would keep them all and find other stuff around the house to unload on Ebay.
hmm.. i think i would part with black and hologram.. hologram is lovely and grown on me a lot too but will you still wear it when it feels 'out of style'? this way.. you have cognac for your 'classic spy'.. arcadia for your 'playful spy'.. and python for your 'special spy'..
SPYCRAZY! Fantastic collection!!

To go should be the
1. Black (for similar reasons as posted by other TFSers)
2. Cognac (fairly common although a classic. Saw one IRL recently and it did not appeal to me as much as the dark brown)
3. For a possible 3rd, the Python (sorry but I feel more for the Chloe's Python Silverado rather than the Spy Python. Perhaps the "true" representation of the scales, depsite the numerous colours, make me iffy. Also, the Spy is already quite a fussily designed bag. The Python's numerous colours seem to be fighting for attention with the design. The Spy looks best with its rich, solid colours which allow the design to be true to itself. :)
Having said all that, Pinky's reply in post #5851 seems to be the most intellectually appealing :)
i also have to agree with baghag on pinky's post too. :) i am biased in saying that spycrazy should keep the purple/taupe spy since that was my first spy too. it's really great for fun/casual/everyday with jeans. i also think this will be great to use all year round because of the colors.
Hi everyone, What is the Spy which Lindsay Lohan has in Post #894, black and white called?
Thanks in advance
spycrazy, i know i'm in the minority but i'd keep the bags in this order:

1. taupe/purple- love it with jeans. so lovely and pretty. :heart: this is a very special bag.

2. black- if you always buy bags in the colors they look the best in, you'd prolly end up with 100% brown and funky color bags, you know what i mean? black is so easy to wear and there aren't that many beautiful black bags that are even a little interesting. i think building your wardrobe is more important than constructing outfits around your bags. but that's just me.

i'm not in love with cognac color, and there will be discoloration over time. you will always be able to pick this color back up b/c it's so popular in n. america, and you'll prolly be able to pick up the dark brown too (which i prefer to cognac anyway). there are so many gorgeous python bags out there. you should be really in love with one to keep it. good luck!!
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ilovepositano said:
spycrazy, i know i'm in the minority but i'd keep the bags in this order:

1. taupe/purple- love it with jeans. so lovely and pretty. :heart: this is a very special bag.

i absolutely agree with this!! it is soooo wonderful with jeans!

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