Get rid of the Hologram and Arcadia. Id get rid of the python too.
Hologram - It's ugly and looks cheap, also it's metallic and will got out of style soon. It doesn't look like a 1k+ bag, it looks like one of the Bebe knockoffs, also the color is a liability. A silver Spy, maybe, after metallics go out you can still wear it as a collectors piece, but that hologram reminds me of those hologram fabrics from the nineties...weren't they Ocean Pacific?
Arcadia - It's a liability colorwise, off the top of my head, I cant think of anything that it will go with, and that's the only way to dress, off the top of your head, it gives an ease to your look. It's really pretty though, really pretty.
Python - BLUE PYTHON, do you know how many things are wrong with that? But I can see why you want to keep it.
Sorry if that was a little harsh, but...ya. Have you worn them already, Id say exchange for maybe a Petrol spy or a Zucca spy.