Stealing Style...

Stolen style is sooooo lame. If you and your friend get the same thing every once in a while, then it's ok. But if it is happening ALL THE TIME...LAME!
I have a friend that does this, I hate it when she buys things that I said I liked. I try not to tell her, but sometimes I forget :doh:
God I've never seen this thread before but I once had a friend too who stole my style... I say once as we fell out over it... I could not cope with it... i'd buy something or suggest I liked something and next thing she has it... she even used to buy clothes for her daughter that I would buy for my nice!

Eventually one day I just had it out with her... I just asked her why she did it... I was going to buy a mulberry ledbury bag in black and next thing she had one... she did not have an answer and after a few choice words from me... I can say bitchy things when I get wound up... we have never spoken again... but to be honest I dont care... she is the one who has to go out and find someone else to latch onto"!
So funny to read all this.
One of my best friends friend - who I don't really see alot - really is stealing my style...
Last week we went to dinner and I wore a tight black shirt (really low cut in the back) and a high waisted dark green slouchy skirt with a belt ... So I see her again a couple of days later and she's wearing EXACTLY that outfit... same shirt, just different skirt...what the hell... I don't wanna be mean, but the style just doesn't suit her body type so it doesn't really bother me. Actually I think it's a huge compliment... copying always is the best confirmation that you got great style :-)
then it's not that personal, i guess. It is stealing part of your identity... It gets very annoying.
What would you do if someone started copying your style?

Someone I know is copying absolutely everything I do and how I style myself :shock: Anyone else been in the same situation? Help lol
i wouldnt really mind it since you cant even be sire they are copying your style, sometimes we just imagine things especially if its someone we dont like so much
It's my older sister and I think she is copying me... She wanted an iPhone for ages although they are very expensive. She was showing me one online but I mentioned I'm saving up for a Blackberry. Next day she told me she's bought a Blackberry! Then she phoned my mobile on the Blackberry singing "Woop! This is my brilliant new Blackberry!". She overheard me talking to my Mum, I was saying I was about to buy some aviator sunglasses online... The same day, she goes to town and comes back with aviator sunglasses on. Then I came downstairs one day wearing cat eye liner and my hair in a ponytail and pouf - a few hours later she was wearing cat eye liner and her hair in a ponytail and pouf, saying it was for a "night out"?! She keeps asking me wear I buy certain things and then buying the exact same things. I've just got into an argument with her now and she's gone out with a friend to stay the night. I feel pretty stupid about worrying about people "stealing my style" now that I know there's much more important things to deal with :(
i don't know...
sure...there are giant issues in the world...
but that's not really relevant here, imo...

what you describe really sounds annoying...
and that is a completely separate issue from world peace, etc...
being concerned about bigger things doesn't necessarily mean you don't still notice the smaller things...

just don't let it totally consume you...

i have recently adopted a new policy...
i am buying all the things that i like...
even though i know my friend has them...
(because i am the one that told her about them in the first place)
and i am also wearing them all the time...

see how you like it now, missy...!!!...

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yep- it just keeps on happening...
i know it's supposed to be a compliment...
but i really want to punch people who copy me...

*i just feel like---
sheesh, can you get an idea of your own please?!...
i mean...
i know i have really good taste, but can you get some of your own please instead of just copying me ALL THE TIME...?~!

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As long as you don't buy tailored clothes there will be thousands of people around the globe who own the same items. I don't see why it is a problem to be inspired by your friends - everybody is inspired by the stars and that seems more "legal"?
Melissa, maybe stop telling your sister what you plan to buy - then you will at least be the first to own it.
I've got a friend that had no idea how to dress himself, so he sometimes takes antoher friend wih him to shop because she has a better eye. But after the last time they shopped together I saw them again and she literally dressed him the way I dress (same style, same items).

I guess it's a compliment but I don't like the fact that the friend that is known to have no taste now looks like me.. :doh:
As long as you don't buy tailored clothes there will be thousands of people around the globe who own the same items. I don't see why it is a problem to be inspired by your friends - everybody is inspired by the stars and that seems more "legal"?
that might be true if one dresses in Gap clothing from head to toe...
if you're just a victim who follows the latest trends, then sure, you're going to look like everyone else and i doubt anyone will care...
but for those of us who don't do that - who make an effort to create our own individual look - it becomes an issue...

if you quote someone, then you should credit them...
plain and simple...

i feel like ferwormany-
i don't want to be known to have the same style (or even the same item) as someone who i think has bad taste...
basically, i don't want to be associated with them in any way...

even when they copy me, they still don't look very good, because they really don't know what they're doing...
so they always get something wrong...
the fit, the proportion, the accessories, whatever...
it's ridiculous~!
it's like hitting a sour note on a musical instrument...
*and, frankly, it makes me cringe...
:doh: --- it's painful to see...
i have to look away...

anyway- i guess i will just look really good all the time and they will always be trying to keep up...
HA!- good luck with that, baby!...
that might be true if one dresses in Gap clothing from head to toe...
if you're just a victim who follows the latest trends, then sure, you're going to look like everyone else and i doubt anyone will care...
but for those of us who don't do that - who make an effort to create our own individual look - it becomes an issue...

if you quote someone, then you should credit them...
plain and simple...

i feel like ferwormany-
i don't want to be known to have the same style (or even the same item) as someone who i think has bad taste...
basically, i don't want to be associated with them in any way...

even when they copy me, they still don't look very good, because they really don't know what they're doing...
so they always get something wrong...
the fit, the proportion, the accessories, whatever...
it's ridiculous~!
it's like hitting a sour note on a musical instrument...
*and, frankly, it makes me cringe...
:doh: --- it's painful to see...
i have to look away...

anyway- i guess i will just look really good all the time and they will always be trying to keep up...
HA!- good luck with that, baby!...

I don't think it matters whether you buy GAP or Balenciaga - in both cases there will be others owning the same items. As long as you don't pay a designer and tailor for making something only for you, you can't blame other people for buying stuff which is available in the stores.

To be honest I haven't seen anyone in this forum who has a really unique style. Many of our members have a good style, but I won't say it is something I haven't seen anywhere else - in other forums or in magazines.
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I think this conversation is detioriorating by the day...

Zarina is right - nobody here is doing something completely individual... so what are you bitching about?

also, someone who copies someone else's exact outfit can rarely be a person of great personality - these are usually the people who run after the individuals and intituitively, the rest of us can tell who the copycats are...

hence, talking and bitching about these people, only makes them seem way more important than they are...
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ok- no personal stuff here...
i'm not talking about anyone on this forum...just venting in what is supposed to be a safe environment...

also- please refrain from personally insulting anyone or calling names...
this will be edited, as usual...
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