Frances Bean Cobain vs Ali Lohan

Why is she famous? Oh...she's Kurt Cobain's daughter, yeah....I guess that gives you lots of real talent. Not that I'm a fan of Ali Lohan or anything but, shut up both of you.

Its a difference if you're Kurt freaking Cobain's daughter - or the sister of a talentless *********.

Besides, you never hear anything about Frances Bean...she's totally quiet. As a matter of fact that's one of the first things I ever heard her say...

Masquerade, you've pretty much hit the nail on the head. Thank you.

Frances isnt a famewhore like Ali, and she's really got it together as far as her life is going. She is the anti-celebrity. She wants nothing to do with being photographed by the paparazzi or to give interviews...she's a really smart young woman who, despite having one parent dead her entire life thus far pretty much and another one who's batsh*t crazy (yes even though I like Courtney, in the past) has raised herself up right. You'll see. She wants to direct, produce, and she's a fantastic writer from what I've heard/read.

I'll agree she needs to work on her grammar, but from anyone who has read her mother's twitter, she has one up on her. B)
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I disagree with all the people picking on the spelling. Who cares if she's not a good speller, she still gets her point across. I'm a terrible speller and am university educated... good spelling and grammar do not go hand in hand with education/intellect.

in this day and age between spell checkers, texting acronyms and computers the art of proper spelling is not being taught to kids. The computer just fixes it for you rather than an individual having to learn the proper spelling in the first place.
That is the saddest thing I have read. You're in essence saying using proper grammar and spelling doesn't matter. Sorry to burst your bubble, in the real world it does.
Its a difference if you're Kurt freaking Cobain's daughter - or the sister of a talentless *********.

Besides, you never hear anything about Frances Bean...she's totally quiet. As a matter of fact that's one of the first things I ever heard her say...
Totally agree with you, I think that Ali is a fame wh*re, that probably deserved all of France's harshness or maybe I'm just biased because for what I saw of her show, she was an spoiled little girl, that was desperate for media attention.
Hard to argue she's not a 'fame wh*re' when she posts a letter like this no?
That is the saddest thing I have read. You're in essence saying using proper grammar and spelling doesn't matter. Sorry to burst your bubble, in the real world it does.

I'd love to live in your happy world where my opinion is the saddest thing you've ever read. there are plenty of "real world" articles to read online about tragedy around the globe and human suffering that are much sadder than an off the cuff opinion on the state of spelling or grammar in modern society. Read the front page of a newspaper some day to get some perspective darlin'.

I never said that spelling and grammar don't matter in business and in life. they are certainly important just like good table manners and personal conduct. However, in this day and age good spelling and grammar are far less 'necessary' given the pervasiveness of spell check on every PDA and facebook. No longer do kids need to learn how to spell since words just get underlined in red and they click a button and it's corrected. there's no education in that process and many teachers will back me up and agree that kids are worse spellers as a result of this culture.

I'm sure Francis, like many kids these days, is a product of this PDA and computer generation and therefore I'm not going to hold her to task about her spelling and grammar on a twitter post. She comes from a country where even the former president's grammer is a disaster when candidly speaking. Her post was not a school essay, a cooperate report or a submission for publication. it was the musings of a 17 year old on her own forum. I read what she wrote for the content, not as an editor but as a curious celeb watcher.
Well, she is entitled to her opinion and the right to expressing it

Just because she herself comes from a famous family doesn't make what she is saying any less true as far as I'm concerned. It could apply for many celebs in general, but comes off as a bit mean spirited since it's so directly aimed at this one person in particular.

As for people getting up and arms about spelling mistakes... please, she's posted it on her twitter - not written a thesis. And anyone who came from a family whose dysfunction could rival and actually surpass the Lohan's with such a level head at 17 years old certainly gets my admiration.
:lol:Dayum Jennika love how you contradicted yourself.
I think talent runs in Frances family....I can´t say the same for Ali. I bet Frances had a lot of oportunities to just take advantage of her last name, but I don´t think she did. I think she´s trying to do it the right way. She will always be Kurt Cobain´s daughter and still I dont think she´s taking the easy way......
About Ali... well I dont have anythig good to say abot her...or her family.
The comments came fast and furious, with people calling Cobain out for grammatical and spelling errors, and for the hypocrisy of using her own famous last name to land an internship at Rolling Stone.

After spending the day defending herself against the haters, Cobain posted a final tweet, then deleted the account altogether.

“So i will no longer be posting on twitter.I won’t question myself or my ideas due to a heckle of idiots who invaded a once interesting site,” reads Frances Bean’s Twitter sign-off.
i don't know if frances went the right away about expressing her opinion, but i do think she is right in many ways...
but for me also, the spelling did make the arguement loose some of it's credibility..
I think Frances is right but as is pointed out above, with the Rolling Stone internship she is hardly innocent of capitalising on the fame of a family member.
Most people dont know the story behind her internship at Rolling Stone though. It was offered to her, her mother probably asked editors to create the position for Frances. Why not take it? I think they were happy to give it to her, she didnt necessarily seek it out, and an internship shadowing writers, what have you, is quite different than a reality show, putting out some failed mp3's/I have no clue of Ali's music or anything she's done 'artistically' that has been released, if it has...AND tagging behind your sister and consistently capitalizing on

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