i was one of those people that drank the kool-aid in the 80s...most of my basics (jeans, cords, sweaters, tees) were from the gap, i even worked there...
but the love died in the nineties and early 00...the fits were totally off and their take on trendy just didn't work...
i've been in the gap a few times over the last few weeks, and i do really like alot of what i see (and i've bought a few things)...
the problem is it's too "fall" and not so "transition" clothing, which could be why it's not really moving...
the plaid shirts, etc. are well cut and pretty, but the colors scream october, not august...
if you go into abercrombie, they don't have alot of sweaters, etc. in stores now...they still have denim minis, lightweight cargo pants, and those ubiquitious t-shirts...
besides, i like to think the gap consumer isn't the same as the abercrombie consumer...