Girls (HBO)

Am I the only one who thinks this season focuses more on Hannah? I'm not sure I like that.
i know i was like WTF are you doing, your sitting there with a hot guy, who really only wanted you there for ONE thing, SEX and your talking about your feelings & his lolllllllllllll, and did we really need to see her nude so much, come on, i swear if i have to see her boobs again i swear ill scream

:lol: I just started watching this show and I already think this. I cannot stand Hannah, to me she is super selfish and a spoiled brat. Your 24 and you rely on your that's how you take responsibility in your life. :innocent: She also needs to get out of that awful relationship. :sick: I have not finished season 1, I'm on episode 7 so maybe all this starts getting better.

Besides Hannah, I really like all the girls. Jessa's style is my favorite, its so out there compared to the others, and I hate Hannah's wardrobe.

I do enjoy the show but did it really deserve the Emmy for outstanding comedy series? I can understand giving them the award to support up and comers and encourage them to continue writing.
welp Hannah has reached a new low for me from this past episode. I cringed every time I saw her on screen. Poor Marnie, :lol: soooo embarrassing to watch her do that, and Charlie just gets hotter each and every time for me
Am I the only one that thinks her OCD came from nowhere? What the hell.
Two cringe-worthy moments in last week's episode: The scene with Marnie singing (desperate, of course) and the scene with Adam and his gf. Idk, it was very uncomfortable to see and reminded me why Adam is such a creep.
I thought the season started out fantastic, especially the storyline with Donald Glover and Lena. Personally, my favorite episode has to be the one with Jessa and her husband (Chris O'Dowd is a hottie, imo) breaking up. That scene where she's crying with Hanna in the tub while they're both bonding and then the Oasis "Wonderwall" song starts playing is brilliant. Towards the end, I felt that it seemed rush and didn't know what t focus on. For example, the randomness of Charlie becoming rich and Hannah's OCD.
I have such mixed feeling about this show, on the one had I think its a VERY accurate portrayal of not only the people in my age group and city but people in general. I always see her as the tortured artist almost like Anais Nin, a slave to her hyper sexuality.

The stress and anxiety you experience when you have to put you work out there to be judged and ridiculed is almost unbearable. It was brilliant to show Hannah's debilitating health due to her ebook deal.

I was soo shocked to see the Adam's jizz, I did not need to see that.
I absolutely loved the ending in the last episode. Lena Dunham is romantic. Who knew that? :blush:
I'm actually really glad that the Charlie character is out. For some reason, he irked me to no end and the whole ending with him and Marnie in the finale was just so...expected? Not in a good way.
Just finished watching the 2nd episode. I practically hate all of them. They're all rather pathetic. Hannah seems to do a lot of waiting and doesn't know how to make things happen. Shoshanna is a stereoypical nerd. Jessa annoys me with her "indifferent" hipster coolness.
Marnie is very likeable though. She's ambitious, direct and strikes me as the only one who knows what she's doing or how to do things. And she's prettiest.

Also, the setting comes off as kinda fake. Is this an accurate portrayal of student life/early working life in New York? It doesn't seem to be.

I think you might be annoyed with all this, cause the series is pretty much different to what we see on Tv nowadays, they look regular, normal clothes, normal make up, and as you said , Marnie, yeah she wears make up and she is the most glamorous of them all.

I believe the show would be boring if they all were like Marnie, every character there, is an individual and it is fun to watch sth different , than all that glossy series we can watch every day.
The second episode was worst than the first.

Jessa is the only character on the show I can stomach, and of course she's portrayed as the one with all the issues. Shosanna isn't well written. Hannah says horrible things at horrible times and is baffled when people are horrified. And Marnie drives me up the wall. She b*tches about her wonderful boyfriend. She's furious when Jessa doesn't show up to her own appointment. She's not concerned for Jessa's well being or her mental state. Oh no, Marnie's upset cause she's waiting around for Jessa.

I was really looking forward to Girls. I'm a young woman living in New York, so Girls was suppose to appeal mostly to me. I read all the reviews that stated that Girls is so "real" and "funny". However the show is the complete opposite of those characteristics for me.

I find the series quite representing the student and post-student life:) and I like it.
Btw, Shosanna fits exactly to be in the movie 50 shades of grey , she is so clueless and innocent:D
hmmmm not sure about that, i find it very refreshing & realistic, heck Sex in the city was unrealistic, not many girls have those fab clothes, live in those nice flats or have jobs like, were as girls they are scrambling to find rent money, there clothes arent anything grand, and they act like some girls i know, but then my thats opinion

I thikn ppl might dislike the show cause it is totally opposite to what TV offers nowadays, dont get me wrong here, I love 90210 , for example, but how is it realistic? who gets so much money, writes the books, is an author x, gets such crazy career and all the drama that has been there since the day no1.

And, yeah Sex in the city, hell how unrealistic it was, especially Carrie, her writing one article once amonth and getting paid so much so that she could buy everything , I have always found it funny.
:lol: I just started watching this show and I already think this. I cannot stand Hannah, to me she is super selfish and a spoiled brat. Your 24 and you rely on your that's how you take responsibility in your life. :innocent: She also needs to get out of that awful relationship. :sick: I have not finished season 1, I'm on episode 7 so maybe all this starts getting better.

like you ,ive just started watching it, im on ep5.
when it comes to Hannah getting money, there are a lot of ppl who get money from their parents, and I dont know if you, I mean people, have noticed that she is really troubled, like she was on an internship for what like a year? i cant remeber, but the point is - she was not paid, who agrees to such a thing? so it shows she is kinda troubled,
But I like her, she can be sweet at moments.
^ I'm pretty sure a lot of people would agree to unpaid internship, I mean she was promised she would be hired. If nothing else, you have more experiences, more knowledge and maybe you can do some networking and get another job.

Anyways, I just started watching and it's quite cool, more realistic than some other tv shows. I just don't get why everyone says Marnie is selfish and only thinks about herself? She's not perfect but neither are other characters. It's like the blind leading the blind.

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