Watch Live & Comment... The 2025 Golden Globe Awards!
all i can think about when i see her is "MAKE ME FEEL GOO (d)" from Monster's Ball... that sex scene has stuck with me and grossed me out so bad I just cannot feel the same way about her. I agree about the short short pixie i just liked the dress she wore that night.Originally posted by LolitaLuxe@Oct 22nd, 2003 - 12:15 am
she scares me..remember that oscar speech
ever sinse then + the movie monsters ball, she deeply deeply disturbs me.
thanks for sharing tho" they are better than the elle cover.....was she asleep on that elle cover ?
Contessa -Originally posted by contessacolette@Dec 12th, 2003 - 12:35 am
jane mag has always stuck to their philosophy, since its very first issue, when it comes to covers: they go for the natural look and they don't overembellish their models.