Harper's Bazaar Australia November 2010 : Amanda Ware by Simon Lekias

^ I assume so. I'm not sure though.
It would make more sense as they had both versions ready to go!
i find it so awkward what they're going to print on the kelsey cover.. because the coverline is "australia's next top model" or whatever, so are they going to print "kelsey is the runner up" hahaha?? "kelsey was australia's next top model forr 2 minutes before sarah corrected her?"
i'd think they would print both eds. even tho the photog and the stylist weren't that happy with Amanda when they were shooting her. else it would make no sense to have Kelsey on the cover, no? Kelsey on the cover but nothing about her on the inside?
apparently theres rumours that there might be two covers? the other would be kelseys

Yes, you're right they're running both Kelsey and Amanda's covers (as well as offering Kelsey $20,000 and sending her to New York as well - which was fair)

But anyway, I far preferred Kelsey's shot to Amanda's and I agree Amanda looked better in the Celine dress, so I have no idea why they chose the Miu Miu? They're all pretty covers though, even Sophie's was amazing
Not too fond of this cover mainly because the model doesn't look too good.
Are they printing Sophie's cover?

I'm glad Kelsey's cover is better than both Amanda's and Sophie's. Sophie's is so poor.
Amanda's Celine shot was nice, but I think the one they chose was a good decision. That one just wasn't cover material and she looked too blank.
like someone else said, i don't think anyone expected Sophie to really win and her cover had the Bazaar text all over her head.

and from what we've heard, the only person to really pull off one great shot after another was Kelsey, both Amanda and Sophie weren't up to par.
Hopefully Kelsey's ed is published, she worked that shoot and gave more interesting intensity and variations!
It's a shame that they used that picture of Amanda. I know it's in that Miu Miu dress, but the Celine dress was a much better picture. Although some prefer Kelsey's shot (her face is more engaging, can't argue that), for what the issue is selling - SUMMER - Amanda's is a lot brighter and colourful and it captures my eye a lot more.

I'm glad they're running both. Wouldn't mind Sophie's cover to run as well even though I didn't like her much she does take fantastic photos.
yeah, it's weird they picked that pic of Amanda, even tho they said that she was way too stiff and hard to direct during the shoot in the Miu Miu.
It almost seems as though they picked that shot just for the dress which we all know has featured on so many covers in the last few months!
^Yeah I totally agree. They said in the previous show that she looked amazing in the Celine dress, so why didn't they put that on the cover? It was so silly
I adore the pose of Kelsey but I don`t like what she`s wearing. Sophie works that notorious Miu Miu dress but sadly her expression is too bland. There`s also a problem with the text, they`re everywhere and there`s a lot of space left blank.

TIP: They`re asking if their decision was right. To know if it was right, release both covers and see who sells more. IMO only
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HB confirmed that they are running kelsey's cover as well, which is unfair on Amanda.

goodness ... they may as well have been first equal ... there seems to be no differentiation between their prizes ... kind of compromises the value of the top prize & the competition ... although it strikes me as something the current ed of HB would do, its more a tabloid/grazia guesture than being HF exclusive


She has a lot of potential, but I feel like her fierce photos are accidental because she always looks like she's resting on being naturally pretty. Hopefully experience will refine her because she's a great winner. My favorite is Kelsey though and if the votes were that close, she deserves a cover too. I wish all of them luck!
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Amanda's ed looks... nice. Are they running Kelsey's as well?

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