Heels for Men

I just think that to pull off the look, it has to be an overall look... body structure, if someone has a "manly" body, the heels just look odd...it's like trying to put a swim team member on clichy's...it's a clash, same thing with wearing a very very masculine outfit... it doesn't work for me... you know?

About me posting more pics with heels, well, soon. Ocean Drive Magazine did a photoshoot with me for Revolver, a club I promote for, and im wearing heels...so next month is gonna be on mag stands ;)
jj, face it mate, you're a cross dresser.there's nothing wrong w cross dressing, you're stepping across the lines drawn by society etc... but don't need to justify it with comfort, range etc... the fact is, you like wearing women's shoes, and why the hell not? the very fact that you're stepping across the lines drawn by society, mean that you shouldn;t be looking for affirmation or validation - you're doing for yourself right?
so go for it, wear women's shoes and don't need to apologise for it or be touchy about it.
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That's the most refreshing attitude I think I've ever heard on this topic!
Men in heels pics

Here's a few I found surfing the web....


  • back.jpg
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  • Owens6.jpg
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  • pirell2l.jpg
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The dude in the first picture a couple posts up looks ridiculous.
If a guy is wearing heels....PLEASE be HOT. See forum member "JIM". ~He looks great in heels.
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Another pic of a guy in heels...

Went to a Persian resturant with friends last nite and wore this outfit..

Off white cotton shirt over black KC Tee,

Back pants fitted at the waist and hip with 4" snipped point hh boots.

Fitted, waist lenght lambskin jacket.


I really don't know what my reaction would be if I saw a dude in heels.... It wouldn't bother me, but it would take some getting used to.

All the power to you all for pulling it off quite well!
Dudes in heels?

I love an opportunity to wear heels out and get the reactions. Most of them have been positive. There is a certain segment of the female population that admires and respects a guy confident enough to wear high heels in public. I've had a few tell me that I was way too hot...Younger and older women! Anyway, I do enjoy crossing the gender lines and communing with other sexually aware people.



**Please make sure the pictures fit the post**
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Not for me.... Too much i think. I dont even think that i could stand on those....
TourniquetMX said:
I'm not so sure about the first photo... :o
You can say that again... :doh: I wasn't quite prepared for cross-dressing pictures when I clicked on this thread. But whatever makes you happy...
AlexN said:
You can say that again... :doh: I wasn't quite prepared for cross-dressing pictures when I clicked on this thread. But whatever makes you happy...

Isn't it all a bit fetishistic ? :shock:
^Yes! Absolutely. Although I don't care that people do it, it just kind of creeps me out...I shudder at some pictures.
AlexN said:
^Yes! Absolutely. Although I don't care that people do it, it just kind of creeps me out...I shudder at some pictures.

Agreed . B)

" It's just NOT my cup , ( of tea ) , as the pansy general said about the war .
My Dear , the NOISE and the PEOPLE !!! "
( Angus Wilson - ' Hemlock and after ' . A good read , though I do say so myself . )
Well, looky here (from The Telegraph, London):
Graduate's high heels for men are staggering for models
By Hilary Alexander, Fashion Director
(Filed: 10/06/2005)

While women have for decades plundered the male wardrobe, few men have been happy to embrace feminine sartorial style.

But Rui Leonardes, a young shoe designer, took a step towards balancing the score at the Royal College of Art's MA Fashion Graduate show in London yesterday with a collection of high heels for men.

Male models wearing high-heeled shoes from Leonardes' collectionHis models teetered down the catwalk in six-inch, spike-heeled stilettoes. The shoes, ingeniously constructed, were hand-made in a mix of leather, denim, tweed, wool and bright nylon to match various suits and trousers. One bright pink floral pair came with a matching jumpsuit.

"I wanted to question masculine stereotypes," said Leonardes, originally from the Azores.

"I practised walking in them myself for two days. It's not too bad. It's a bit like walking in cowboy boots, only higher."

The models were not so sure. "I was certain I was going to fall over," said Tilal Imani.

Thomas Donocik added: "They pinch your toes a bit, but I don't mind. It's very rock 'n' roll."

Tibor Rohaly, a tutor in menswear technology at the RCA, had just 15 minutes backstage to master the art of the catwalk stiletto-strut when one of the male models was pronounced incapable of walking without wobbling. Other menswear collections featured variations on the skirt and kilt, with Dracula cloaks and suiting recurrent favourites.

Womenswear tended to be warrior-like and the footwear was generally practical and flat.

Stephanie Aman's collection featured chain-mail and silver lace battle-tunics emblazoned with crusader crosses, accessorised with knee-high gladiator boots.

Vrettos Vrettakos showed leather corsetry, seamed and pleated like armour, with flimsy chiffon draperies and Boadicea boots.

The Royal College of Art show, which featured the work of 29 MA graduates, brought the 2005 student fashion season to a close.
fashion designer shows high heels for men

Hi all
Last month a fashion designer made high heels for men. Rui Leonardes, a young shoe designer, made this big step. May be, in the near future, more men will walk in high heels on the street. Are we ready for this fashion change? How do you think the men in high heels look like?

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