Hi! I just joined this website, and seeing so many professionals is intimidating but also exciting. I'm 15, and I want to be a fashion designer. I've read books on fashion illustration, I'm a fashion fanatic, and I want to be big a big name some day.
The only problem: I don't know how to get there. I'm taking a fashion design course and sewing course next year in grade 11, and I'm Canadian, so I hope to go to LaSalle College in Montreal which is said to be the best fashion school in Canada. I'm smart, and I'm definitely determined to reach this ultimate goal.
I need all the advice you can give, please help me out!
P.S: my name is Erika, and my username is what I'm thinking to be my label... its a hybrid of my middle name (Sylvia) and my first name. What do you think? It would be pronounced Air-ill-eye-ah