High School Students, How to Prepare For Fashion School

it depends on what school you are applying to...

i know that parsons doesnt want the student to have too much pattering or sewing skills..perferably just a blank sheet..they just look to see if you are intersted in the area

and good at art is definetly important

im junior in hs right now..but i am in my school's special arts program so i dont worry on the art part

i took other art courses other than my program courses..like
computer art (photoshop & flash)
fashion illustration and currently taking sewing and co-op at a bridal studio
i will be taking fashion industry in my senior year

i do want to know what central st.martin looks for..since i want to go there more than parsons

i dont fear my porfolio not being good enough..i just fear my academic >_<''

money isnt a problem for me..since my parents make money for two basic reasons..to get by day by day with a comfortable life style and to get their two daughters into good uni/colleges XD
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LoveMyBoots said:
Are there any classes you have to take before you can take AP Art History? I know it may be different for every school, but I'm on spring break so I can't really ask until after this week; and I want a quick answer! :blush:

Usually you need a teacher or counselor recommendation, but no pre-req classes before it. If they do thats crappy, because all the school I know that offer it, do not. I actually think taking Art History before Art makes you appreciate things better. Basically talk to you counselor about taking that as one of your elective classes (some places you can take that for Fine Art credits to your highschool graduation requirement).
At my school you don't need to take any prerequisites for AP Art History..plus at my high school it counts for 2 classes, I think like 6 credits for college or something! And my school's philosophy is the more AP's the better for college. Unfortunately I have zero AP's..being really sick the past 2 years and in and out of school I haven't been able to keep up with harsh AP work!
I only signed up for one AP class next year, AP Biology. But, I don't know if my scheldule and requirements will permit me to take another one. To get into this other program during senior year, it's best that I take Chemistry also... So, I think I may have to wait until junior year for me to take AP Art History. :cry:
Nid help !! i'm juz 15 n nid guide in fashion industry........

hey there !!

i'm adie/male/15yrs/malaysia....
i'm looking for some info about fashion designer....i would like 2 b a fashion designer n really really nid guide about fashion industry....hope u can elp :)
u can contact me through MSN or Yahoo Messenger

MSN Messenger - [email protected]
Yahoo Messenger - [email protected]

hope u can elp me !!!!

thanx !!!
I attend West Island, which is part of the English Schools Foundation, in Hong Kong. and there's a programme here for Fashion and Textiles. Every year, starting at Junior year, one or two design paid internships for Donna Karen Jeans. Pretty nice... I'm working towards that.
^ sounds awesome!!

I'm lightening up on myself. I've decided I really want to do art. I've been so sick lately (out of school now for 4-5 months..wont be back until fall. junior year!) and am going to have to give up competitive figure skating..being out 2 wks is hard enough, let alone months. I really want to do something with product/graphic design/advertising. I'm very interested in marketing, so I think it'd be great to work in some kind of advertising/marketing/design firm. I don't know if any exist though? Is there any kind of job like this?

I took advertising design as my art class this past year, and next year I'll be taking Ad Agency, you actually design for businesses in the community/school newspaper,etc. I was originally going to take Marketing, but if that's what I want to do I can take that in college, it's not a must now.

I'm also MOST LIKELY going to take a course at a local college for the month of July for college credit (orrr maybe just for experience not sure yet) where you pick 2 classes and they're each 3 hours, 5 days a week. It's pretty intense, but I'll know if I really want to expand my artistic abilities after taking this. Not sure what classes to take though. I know Drawing for one (that needs to be improved!) and the other 2 I'm looking at are Acrylic Paining or Mixed Media..I"m thinking Mixed Media.

Sorry long post. Just thought I'd give an update and ask some more questions!
aDie_me said:
hey there !!

i'm adie/male/15yrs/malaysia....
i'm looking for some info about fashion designer....i would like 2 b a fashion designer n really really nid guide about fashion industry....hope u can elp :)
u can contact me through MSN or Yahoo Messenger

MSN Messenger - [email protected]
Yahoo Messenger - [email protected]

hope u can elp me !!!!

thanx !!!

hei man!!! what's up?! Im from malaysia too!!! currently studying in london. if you have any questions, feel free to ask. I'll try to answer them!

muxu said:
it depends on what school you are applying to...

i know that parsons doesnt want the student to have too much pattering or sewing skills..perferably just a blank sheet..they just look to see if you are intersted in the area

and good at art is definetly important

im junior in hs right now..but i am in my school's special arts program so i dont worry on the art part

i took other art courses other than my program courses..like
computer art (photoshop & flash)
fashion illustration and currently taking sewing and co-op at a bridal studio
i will be taking fashion industry in my senior year

i do want to know what central st.martin looks for..since i want to go there more than parsons

i dont fear my porfolio not being good enough..i just fear my academic >_<''

money isnt a problem for me..since my parents make money for two basic reasons..to get by day by day with a comfortable life style and to get their two daughters into good uni/colleges XD

Wow. I thought you had to be really good at sewing to be accepted to any desgin school, but I draw better than I sew. Hopefully, I can come up with a great portfolio. Also do you have any suggestions on how to find a great sewing class? I live in a small town and there aren't a lot of opportunities. Thanks :flower:
wow, you guys are so lucky that your schools have a variety of art classes. My high school only has basic Art and 3D Design :yuk:
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^which doesn't sound too good...but 3d design sounds like it's got something to offer...

would you like to pursue the arts or study visual arts as a sideline to fashion?
it may be good to learn how to draw, but i think a knowledge of contemporary art helps more...cont. art is just much more relevant to fashion.
it's a reflection of our time (fashion also)...you may get inspired by it..not to mention, some of it deals with clothing and body image.

-jana sterbak
-adrea zittel
-joseph beuys
I'm going to be in my 3rd year of Art this year and I love it. It has helped me a bunch with color and drawing techniques. I don't how 3D Design will be since I haven't taken it yet. I just wish the school had some sewing classes. It's been really hard learning how to sew on my own and I don't have time for sewing classes outside of school. Hopefully my fashion sketches will help me get into Parsons or FIT.

What would be the best medium for fashion sketches? Or are the schools looking for a variety of mediums? I love working with pastels right now.
^ i think it's up to you.
it's nice to see some creativity...but i've seen a lot of terribly overworked illustrations.
i have yet to make mine look effortless..
ameliamaria59 said:
wow, you guys are so lucky that your schools have a variety of art classes. My high school only has basic Art and 3D Design :yuk:

Same here. We don't even have 3D design and all of the art teachers of my schools since 6th grade have all been moody and volatile...
i'm a high school senior as well. My suggestion would be; if you aren't ready for a full-fledged design school or fashion school check state universities for fashion programs which might not be as intense. I'm planning on doing an in-state fashion merchandising program @ my future college ( knock on wood!:) )
LoveMyBoots said:
Are there any classes you have to take before you can take AP Art History? I know it may be different for every school, but I'm on spring break so I can't really ask until after this week; and I want a quick answer! :blush:
At my school it says you have to have a B or better in advanced English and recommendation of English teacher...if this helps you^_^

Also, I do not want to be a fashion designer, I am looking into more bussiness side of fashion like merchandising or marketing and writing for magazines would be soo perfect also....so if/when I go to fashion school what sort of classes would they be impressed by? some options are journalism (probably the best best for magazines, right?), photography, art, and AP art history....I'm not really sure if any of these would be of interest to a school if I want to do fashion merchandising, for example, but I'm not sure.....any advice would be great! :flower:

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