High School Students, How to Prepare For Fashion School

^ not in my experience..
..although colleges do, and it might be worth mentioning if you have an interview (which i never had...)
...so I'm doing IB, and my school basically just offers art and photography, nothing related to fashion or business at all. However our art facilities are really good, and the teachers are awesome and let us head in whatever direction we want...

I was wondering...if I want to do something with business and fashion (maybe marketing, advertising, management, whatever but not designing clothes..) then do you think it would really be a big deal that I haven't taken any classes specialising in fashion?
I love fashion. I'm currently taking Textiles and Fashion Design, which is pretty awesome. Its hard though, the whole process - brainstorming, designing, planning, making. But Im always so happy with the final product I get, so I think its pretty worth it.
girl? said:
...so I'm doing IB, and my school basically just offers art and photography, nothing related to fashion or business at all. However our art facilities are really good, and the teachers are awesome and let us head in whatever direction we want...

I was wondering...if I want to do something with business and fashion (maybe marketing, advertising, management, whatever but not designing clothes..) then do you think it would really be a big deal that I haven't taken any classes specialising in fashion?

I dont think its that big of a deal. I know several people that have gone on to design/merchandising at a fashion school and havent taken any formal classes directly related to fashion (not many schools offer it.) However art (for design) and some business classes are offered at practically all schools and they will obviously help. Outside classes or just teaching yourself what you want to learn is always a good idea.
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J'aime_la_mode said:
I dont think its that big of a deal. I know several people that have gone on to design/merchandising at a fashion school and havent taken any formal classes directly related to fashion (not many schools offer it.) However art (for design) and some business classes are offered at practically all schools and they will obviously help. Outside classes or just teaching yourself what you want to learn is always a good idea.
Thanks :) I think all colleges look at what you've done within your school...like if your school only offers 2 APs and you took one, then they're happy with that, but if your school offers 10 APs and you didn't do any then you're not challenging yourself...I guess it's the same with fashion schools, if your school doesn't offer anything fashion or business related, then there isn't much you can do about it.. At least I will be doing art and economics :) also my boarding school is about an hour away from London so outside lessons are basically out of the question but I think I should be okay..
I'm in IB too, if you mean international bacclaurtate, and i find if you want to go into fashion, it has nothing to do with it. i find it's much better to get training at like an art school or a school related to being creative instead of being stuck in academia, unless you really want to pursue what the diploma will allow you to pursue. i doubt design schools really care about being an IB kid.

...so I'm doing IB, and my school basically just offers art and photography, nothing related to fashion or business at all. However our art facilities are really good, and the teachers are awesome and let us head in whatever direction we want...

I was wondering...if I want to do something with business and fashion (maybe marketing, advertising, management, whatever but not designing clothes..) then do you think it would really be a big deal that I haven't taken any classes specialising in fashion?
I'm going to be a senior next year and am interested in going to FIT for their marketing program. Does anyone know how competitive it is to get in? I know a considerable amount of people apply.
There is a whole thead about FIT here ... with lots of specific information. You should read that then if you don't find the answer ... ask there.
i read on a site, its slightly more competetive than Parsons, which isn't very difficult. about 47%? chance to get in.
where did yo uget that information from? parsons isn't very diffcult? orelly? didn't know that but OI is it expensive. FIT is so much more resonable.
I'm going to be a senior in September (yikes), and I'm starting to panic. On one hand I love fashion design, but on the other, I know the field is extremely competitive and saturated. Regardless, I will continue to pursue it. I think my ideas and sketches are quite strong, well, at least in comparison to my sewing. My sewing is amateur, to say the least :unsure: (I know the basics, but pretty much my entire summer will be dedicated to going beyond that).

I know there are a lot of other careers in fashion to consider, but I feel "average" in everything I do. I'm just so frustrated now because there are a thousand things I am interested in, and it feels like by picking one thing I am limiting myself. I would be content with any of the fashion careers I have in mind, but just "content" is not always enough. Maybe I'm just really greedy and want to do everything, or I keep overthinking.. again. So I don't really know how to pose a question with my jumbled thoughts, but some general advice would be really nice ^_^:heart:
Senior as in highschool or college? Sorry alittle confused there. Just curious what place is a good place to study. Don't mean to go all cliche on you but don't worry so much about competing with other people. at the end of the day, it's about pleasing yoruself and doing your best which is different from being the best, no such thing. just try to get your foot wet. I want to do a lot of stuff too, but sometimes starting with soemthing instead of a bunch of other things is better. concentrate on something that you would like to do NOW and later it'll grow into something else. fashion acts all ellitest, but their human too.
^ Yes I meant senior in high school, sorry! I guess my post was basically (supposed) to ask what I should be taking in high school if I am leaning towards fashion design, but open to other fashion careers. Thanks for the advice myblazerisblazed, it was helpful :flower:
Im going to be a senior in high school
I can sew ok..but my
main focus is to do fashion merchandising
what would be the best school and how should I
prepare for it..Im on here everyday
I know trends, models, photographers, top brands,
etc...Im also good in math
is there anything else i need to be good at?
Math is the key factor in merchandising ... it's analyzing consumer's past buying trends and knowing what an how to order so the company makes a profit. It's basically accounting ... so that is where to focus in school.

There's a thread about Fashion Merchandising which may also give you some other ideas, too.
I don't know it off hand ... You'll have to do a search.

Every member really needs to use the advanced search feature ... so if you don't already know how, here's a link , which is pinned to the top of the Member Support forum for easy access, about how to find any thread.

And then just use the search this forum link on the bar above the list of threads in this forum because it's in here somewhere ... Careers and Education. Don't use the word "fashion" ... it's too common and it will bring up too many threads ... try "mercahandising" which will probabl yeild the best results.
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High School Credits For Aspiring Designers

Hi everyone!

I am going into my grade ten year of high school, and I was just wondering if you have any suggestions on courses I should take.

At my school my French teachers aren't the best, however, if French would benefit me a lot in the industry then I would for sure take it again.

Also if you have any suggestions for independant study courses that would help me alot.

Thanks a lot!^_^

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