Qatar: the women pass to the action
In the tread of Sheikha Mozah, the wife of the emir of Qatar, the women of this richissime Gulf State break the taboos, assert themselves in the business… and open the way of an Islam of the Lights.
Appeared the 11.12.2009, by our special correspondent, Dalila Kerchouche
At it, all is vertiginous. Its heels. Its silhouette. Its skyscrapers. Its ambition.
Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, the sculptural one and charismatic wife of the emir of Qatar, sees high, and far. For it, and its country, State confetti of the Persian Gulf and seat of the chain Al-Jazeera, which wants to be anti-Dubai. At the end of November in Doha, it is with a spectacular show with American that it inaugurated the WISE (1) (“wise” in French), the first Davos of education with thousand personalities come from one hundred twenty country - presidents of university, ministers or women of influence, such
Carla Brown-Sarkozy and
Irina Bokova, managing director of UNESCO…
Simple stake of image? Not only. Because when atypical First Lady in abaya black (traditional veil which covers it foot in course), goes up to the platform, the whole room quivers. “The right to education is in a state of brain death in the world”, denounces it, by reaffirming the urgency to counter the “threats obscurantists”. In particular in the Arab countries: a woman on two is illiterate there.
If many Arab leaders always do not use the resources of their countries for the general interest, nourishing frustrations and the extremism, Qatar, large like Corsica but equipped with the third gas world reserve, massively invests its petrodollars to educate its inhabitants, in particular the women. The wife of the emir in made her combat. In fifteen years, the only princess of the Gulf, with the
Rania queen
of Jordan, to show itself as a public, upset the statute of the women. Yesterday confined with their hearth, today
working girls ambitious, they are the “generation Sheikha Mozah”.
While a forest of cranes are activated with far, setting up bluish skyscrapers which give to Doha an air of Manhattan of the desert, Deena, 25 years, gracile at the wheel of its Arranges Rover, crosses the city in waterspout by listening to a compil Buddha-Bar. Later, Louboutin with the feet, this graduate in international business surveys the building site of its future restaurant, 191 square meters of white marble located in the “evil” (shopping mall) of his/her father, Salam Plaza. Especially, do not speak to him about the charms of idleness. “My God! Never of the life! exclaim it. Thanks to Sheikha Mozah, we are the first generation of active women in Qatar. I feel a little the heart of the pioneers who, like my grandfather, built empires in the desert. ”
Qataries return by far. Fifteen years ago, in this rigorous country, which practises Islam wahhabite (near to that of the Saoudis) and governed by the charia (Islamic law), their fate was not distinguished from their Saoudi or Iranian, identical neighbors phantom blacks cloîtrées at them in prisons of luxury. But in 1995, the new emir Ahmad ibn Khalifa Al-Thani puts the course on modernity, influenced by his “third” wife - actually First Lady official. The women then obtain the right to inherit the ground, to vote and be elected.
Sheikha Mozah opens centers of calls for the beaten women. And even if it means to irritate the most preserving members of the royal family, it multiplies public appearances. “As the emir supported it, nobody dared to protest openly, tells Malika Benlarbi, sub-prefect's wife in Paris and close to Sheikha Mozah. She showed with her people that a woman could be Moslem and active. ”
Especially, this couple of monarchs enlightened autocrats but builds schools, makes the schooling free and obligatory until the end of the college. Today, the rate of elimination of illiteracy of the girls passes very close to the 90%. With the funds of powerful Qatar Foundation, which it chairs, Sheikha Mozah builds an ultramodern campus of 1.000 hectares, baptized Education City, where it founds co-education. “At the beginning, when Profs raised a question, the coeds did not dare to answer, remembers the person in charge of education. Four years later, they leave there transformed, opened out, sure of them. And claim even the microphone! ”
Today, this graduate news unloads on the job market. Helped by the “qatarisation” of the economy, launched in 1996, which forces all the foreign companies to recruit and form a quota of natives, they invest the media, finance, industry. Remain that these evolutions run up against the conservatism of certain families. “For me, it is a double challenge, explains Mariam, 26 years, journalist in Qatar News Agency. I must face the men of my family, my uncles and my brothers, who fear that I do not become “unstable” while working. And my superiors, who refused that I go on the ground. To only defer drafting, I prove to them, each day, that a woman is equalizes it of a man. ”
These resistances tend to disappear in younger sectors, like new technologies: “When I started to work, I did not dare to speak with my male colleagues, tells Zeina, 28 years, marketing manager at Meeza, specialized company in the high-tech. I believed them preserving. But makes some, at all! They also aspired to modernity. ” Because in this country where Qataris account for only 20% of the population, to promote the women is also a manner, for them, to keep the seizure on their economy.
But this “generation Sheikha Mozah” especially dreams to undertake. ******* of ideas and energy, they innovate. Sara, 24 years, polyglot (she speaks four languages) and set on mode, will launch, next March, a mark of ready-made clothes, baptized Toujouri. Iman, 35 years, mother of three children, imported an American concept of artistic awakening for the children. Installed in Villaggio, the “evil” more attended of Doha, this “momprenor” - it created its company when it was pregnant - opened his company where it directs six paid: “Of the design to the plates, I carried out all myself, tell it. I worked seven days out of seven, without one day off. ”
However, in this company in full change, of the bolts still resist: the girls live in their parents until their weddings, polygamy remains legal - although rare at the young people - and freedom of expression, non-existent. Nevertheless, manners evolve/move little by little. The Middle Age of the marriage of the girls moved back in the 22 year old neighbourhoods, against 18 years before the years 2000. And they can choose unites to them.
To continue the combat: such is also the ambition of Hamida, 21 years, which dreams to become “Arab Oprah Winfrey”. In October, it animated with brilliance first Tribeca Festival of Doha, inspired by the New Yorkean festival created by Robert De Niro, who was held with the museum of Islamic Arts of Doha. In 2010, it will launch its webmagazine on YouTube, “to carry the voice of the Arab women”. “At the bottom, it continues, we look for a way which reconciles our faith and our personal blooming. ” Because between the islamist vice and the emancipation with Western, Qataries try to invent a third way, a kind of Islam of the Lights. Here, perhaps, the true revolution of Qatar: by incarnating a “islamo-compatible” modernity, Sheikha Mozah makes a success of with ringardiser the integrism. And the hope gives again, by rebound, with all the society women Arab.