I think I might have something of interest to say... I am a muslim (Turkish) born and raised in the USA and just last year moved to Palestine after getting married to an Arab Christian and I have to say that I have been enlightened more than ever, maybe the reason my detiny brought me here.
Anyway, I just have to say, Turkish Muslims are very different than Arabic people. I have had the opportunity to travel to Egypt, Jordan, UAE-Dubai, and Arabic women that choose to wear hijab fall into 2 main categories, the really religious and then the women who wear hijab because all the women in their families and community wear it and you just look and feel naked when you are the only one that is uncovered in a room, so you put one on too... The really religious women that are covered wear little make-up if any at all, and all in all don't attract any attention, where as the ones who wear it "just because" take the modesty thing a lot lighter, those are the women that will wear very heavy make-up, anklets, and other adornements. Seriously, if you see a modestly dressed woman that doesn't wear hijab but looks modest, you look at the hijabed woman with tons of make-up, seriously they are SEXY!! Nothing modest about it, I will try to get some candids...
I remember the first time I was at Mecca mall in Amman, and there was this woman, from the gulf, who had an all black jacket thingy on and her hair was covered and she had the thickest spakled make-up, I would have thought she was a hooker if she hadn't had the hijab on!!
So, just becuase a woman has hijab on doesn't mean she is more muslim than the girl without hijab, hijab doesnt make you muslim, the feelings, thoughts and beliefs in your heart make you a good person, not the cloth on your head, whether it is chanel or kmart brand scarf...
Another thing that ticks me off, is if people in some parts of arabic countries see a woman without hijab it means to the stupid ones that they "have a right to gawk." I mean, what kind of standard is that, because you don't have hijab you are less holy, and hello what if you are an arab christian, hence why so many arabic christians make sure that they wear their cross, that way they are not looked to be complete whores, because there hair is uncovered.... uhhh, I cant stand it.