My house was built in 1927 and all the closets are small. My primary closet is my hall closet, which I recently had painted and better finished inside (definite improvement). The previous owners of my house installed double rods in all the other closets, and the high rods are too high for me to reach. I need to have them redone ... I want to have most of them lined in raw cedar, but I've got other higher priority projects
On the shelf in the hall closet I keep the bags I'm not carrying right now, lavender sachets, and other stuff like A/C filters and vacuum bags and cloth napkins folded in tissue paper
On the floor are a rug and chair my dog has chewed, and my off-season shoes are stowed on the floor at the back.
On the horizontal rod are current season tops and dresses, and on the perpendicular one, current season bottoms. In reality, also in there are anything that came back from the cleaners, including curtains, tablecloths, and whatnot.
I have an off-season closet in my storage room.
In my bedroom (and I just organized this over my Christmas vacation) I have current season shoes in large clear storage boxes (I buy the men's size so my short boots will fit too and if the heels aren't too high the shoes can stand up), and on top I have 3 canvas drawers with my socks, underwear, and hose. I have a chest of drawers, but I use it to store my wrapping paper, tissue paper, and ribbon
I also have a double hook over the closet door in my bedroom, a single hook on the outside of the bathroom door, and a triple hook inside the bathroom door. Clothes have been known to hang in these locations
Nothing is ever thrown on the floor. I have a big bed ... sometimes clothes can be found there.