How Much Can an AVERAGE Model Expect to Get Paid? (PLEASE READ POST #1 BEFORE POSTING)

allure magazine had a page of model-related statistics-
according to them, a model of the ranks of daria or gemma could get up to $20,000 for walking in just one show...
^I'd never think that Gemma, a girl with a sweet, Powerpuff Girl-like face could make that much money all on her own! It's amazing.
How much do starting models with small (but legitimate) agencies get paid, on average? :unsure:

That's impossible to say. People assume that there is a set salary, but it's always different depending on the type of job, the client, the hours...etc. So it's really difficult to say. If you're with a legit agency, you're being managed well and you're booking good jobs, you should do well for yourself. There is no ballpark figure. It's different for every model depending on what kind of work she/he does and how much.
i'm sure that models do make all different kinds of money, but another allure statistic- the average model makes somewhere around $27,000...
maybe that will give a ballpark figure for anyone who's wondering-
i'm guessing that as long as you keep getting work, you will keep earning more and more. but if you aren't getting any work then you might just end up being in debt to your agency..
so linda's "10k" quote is true?

10k isn't even that much. :blink:

If you add up the number of times they'll walk a runway in a year-- you can figure that their yearly salary rarely exceeds $200,000 (again, not really an OBSCENE amount of money), and even then, it's not consistent (always new faces showing up).

The only models that make more than that are the ones that branch into stuff like television commercials, being an actress, etc.

i'm sure that models do make all different kinds of money, but another allure statistic- the average model makes somewhere around $27,000...
maybe that will give a ballpark figure for anyone who's wondering-
i'm guessing that as long as you keep getting work, you will keep earning more and more. but if you aren't getting any work then you might just end up being in debt to your agency..

You shouldn't be obligated to pay your agency back. If your agency takes you on and assumes the paradigm that they'll be able to find you work, if they can't, then the agency should calculate who it takes and who it doesn't more carefully. :rolleyes:

Oh, and em692, you said that the average model makes 27k, now, is that a model that works for like Ford or IMG, or is that a model who works for some regular suburban model/talent agency?
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oh wow...
i wish im blessed with the height and the look and the body.
10k isn't even that much. :blink:

If you add up the number of times they'll walk a runway in a year-- you can figure that their yearly salary rarely exceeds $200,000 (again, not really an OBSCENE amount of money), and even then, it's not consistent (always new faces showing up).

The only models that make more than that are the ones that branch into stuff like television commercials, being an actress, etc.

You shouldn't be obligated to pay your agency back. If your agency takes you on and assumes the paradigm that they'll be able to find you work, if they can't, then the agency should calculate who it takes and who it doesn't more carefully. :rolleyes:

Oh, and em692, you said that the average model makes 27k, now, is that a model that works for like Ford or IMG, or is that a model who works for some regular suburban model/talent agency?

I don't think that's true. :huh: Is it just your opinion?
Most agencies take 20% of what each model makes...they have to have a way to make money and run their business. They need computers, phones, an office space, etc.

As for models, I can't really say how much the HUGE models make, but - I know that at my agency which is relatively small compared to somewhere like Ford or IMG, often the models make like $1500 just for one day of shooting - so I'm sure that the more well-known people make tons more than that.
Originally Posted by marsmars:
Oh, and em692, you said that the average model makes 27k, now, is that a model that works for like Ford or IMG, or is that a model who works for some regular suburban model/talent agency?

the magazine just said "average model", so i don't think the average model would be with img...
..i'm no expert- i've just read a couple of those semi-autobiographical novels about modeling written by former models, so hopefully what they write is somewhat close to the truth :innocent:
Most agencies take 20% of what each model makes...they have to have a way to make money and run their business. They need computers, phones, an office space, etc.

As for models, I can't really say how much the HUGE models make, but - I know that at my agency which is relatively small compared to somewhere like Ford or IMG, often the models make like $1500 just for one day of shooting - so I'm sure that the more well-known people make tons more than that.

How many days a year do they shoot?

Oh, and, $1500?? This isn't p*rn*gr*phy, is it? :p
marsmars said:
If you add up the number of times they'll walk a runway in a year-- you can figure that their yearly salary rarely exceeds $200,000 (again, not really an OBSCENE amount of money), and even then, it's not consistent (always new faces showing up).

but then take into account editorials, campaigns etc..models don't make money purely off runway
^they don't really make money in editorials, though, i thought?
those are just meant for exposure and portfolio building.
probably not alot of money..but i assume for some jobs they would. not really sure :p
^they don't really make money in editorials, though, i thought?
those are just meant for exposure and portfolio building.

Editorial pays almost nothing, so no one should really expect to make any money off of that, but if your agency invested money into you and you're not making anything, you still have to pay your agency back whether or not you found work. The agency only fronts the money to you so you will have to pay it back, and whether or not you get work is not always a fault of the agency (as it could be yourself who is the problem).

And 1500 a day doesnt sound that bad, considering being an average model at a smaller agency is shooting for catalogues and what not, but being with a larger agency and having notoriety from good editorials and campaigns will surely get you a higher rate and better paying clients.

Anybody who knows this for sure correct me if i'm wrong.
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Big clients such as Neiman Marcus, Saks..etc. pay 10 000 upwards for a days work.
Editorial pays almost nothing, so no one should really expect to make any money off of that, but if your agency invested money into you and you're not making anything, you still have to pay your agency back whether or not you found work. The agency only fronts the money to you so you will have to pay it back, and whether or not you get work is not always a fault of the agency (as it could be yourself who is the problem).

And 1500 a day doesnt sound that bad, considering being an average model at a smaller agency is shooting for catalogues and what not, but being with a larger agency and having notoriety from good editorials and campaigns will surely get you a higher rate and better paying clients.

Anybody who knows this for sure correct me if i'm wrong.

Editorials does indeed not pay that much at all, and most of the time barely anything that will make you jump out of your chair, especially if you don't have a well known name. Despite the low pay nobody cares becasue the exposure a models gets from having their face in a popular fashion magazine is priceless.

As for an agency investing money in a model, a modelling career is in 95% of the cases economically risk free and should be. A real agency will never make you pay them money in any circumstance. Their income is 100% commision and if they send you off Milano for castings and you fail to book any jobs they will never make you pay them back for all the expences.

There really isn't an average salery for models since modelling careers vary as much as the saleries themselves. But what's common for all model reglardless of fame is that campaigns bring in most dough. You can be a new model with experience from 5-8 jobs easily earn 5 000- 10 000 euro/dollars on a campaign for a non high-fashion brand. Campaigns are simply the best when it comes to income and exposure. They can earn you 3-20 times more than a runway job.

Photoshoots for companies or fotographers who are planning on using the pictures commercially pay very well too. Thirdly comes runway shows will also gives an attractive pay. My fellow model collegue walked run the runway for Valentino and made 1 400 Euro and he's just your average unkown male model represented by a reputable agency.

But in general it is very difficult to tell how much most models earn since their pay for a job depend on several variables like:

How famous they are.
How popular they are at the moment of booking.
What clients they have previously worked for.
How good their agency are at negotiating.
Who the client is.
What job it is, i.e runway, editorial, campaign.
The magnitude of the job. Will the pictures be used as ads, billboards, in catalouges, for how long, where, how many copies?
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"As for an agency investing money in a model, a modelling career is in 95% of the cases economically risk free and should be. A real agency will never make you pay them money in any circumstance. Their income is 100% commision and if they send you off Milano for castings and you fail to book any jobs they will never make you pay them back for all the expences."

I'm afraid you are sadly mistaken on this point. :innocent:
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Yea...they ALWAYS make you pay back for all the expenses. lol

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