How Much Can an AVERAGE Model Expect to Get Paid? (PLEASE READ POST #1 BEFORE POSTING)

I actually don't know .... the agency decides that, probably with input from the model. It is probably in the contract that he/she must sign.

We have some bookers here as members ... maybe one of them will see this and give us a general ballpark as to how much time the model has to pay back expenses, if she's not working.
I actually don't know .... the agency decides that, probably with input from the model. It is probably in the contract that he/she must sign.

We have some bookers here as members ... maybe one of them will see this and give us a general ballpark as to how much time the model has to pay back expenses, if she's not working.

Thank you for replying.
(And for maintaining this thread. We all really appreciate it).

Moderator's note: Quoting the pertinent info from this article showing what an average or rookie model can make:
.... However a rookie in the industry would earn a lot less. According to the study, conducted by the Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT), 18 year-old Molly Bair, from Philadelphia, earned just £1,700 ($2,637) for walking in 48 shows so far this year, including Alexander McQueen and Chanel Couture.

The big money at this level, apparently, is all in the advertising campaigns, worth around £15,000 ($23,271) each - even for someone with under a year's experience.


At the middle of the scale, Lexi Boling, 20, who has been modelling for two years, walked over five times more shows than Karlie but only earned a fifth of her pay-cheque. Although the American-born starlet currently ranks in the top 50 by and has walked 117 shows this year, Lexi cashed in a mere £16,000 ($24,823). However, the exposure gained from walking so many shows as well as featuring on several Vogue magazine covers resulted in her securing ten lucrative advertising campaigns, generating revenue of £1.1m ($1,706,705).

So gaining ‘super’ status really is everything.
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Greta Varlese showed on her snapstory that she got an $1000 gift card for doing one of the shows. I can't remember which one it was but I think it was Rag & Bone. I'm not sure if that's the normal rate for a show though.
The point is that there is no "normal" rate. It's all negotiated in advance by the modeling agency and the client (the designer or whoever is paying for the show). More desirable models will be able to get more than regular models and rookie models. It all depends on the perceived value of that model ... and how much the client is willing to pay to get her.
There's an interesting article here about what Givenchy were paying last year.

that's a lot more common than people will ever really know...

its like with Prada where you can get canceled just before you hit the runway cause Miuccia deems your look obsolete, even after the whole wait and makeup and all. but i guess at Prada you still get paid?
Idk if this is the right place to ask this but I've been wondering this for some time and I'm hoping you guys can clarify^_^...

If a major earning, established, top model (lets say for this instance Gemma Ward or Agyness Deyn) during the height of their popularity decides to quit for a significant period of time. Now making a comeback, could they demand the exact same amount of money for runway or campaign or commercial work they got when they were more relevant or do they have to slash their rates to rebuild relationships with designers/brands etc:unsure:???

Good question!

But as you suspect, it is off topic for this thread since this is more about what an aspiring model can expect if she is reasonably successful and gets the average pay.

So, I will use your post to start a new thread in Etc.s of the Modeling World, where members talk about famous models and their experiences.

If anyone can answer this, please go to the new thread:
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honestly I wouldn't count on going into modelling at all if all I could only expect to be was average. I would see no point in pursuing it as a career, I've read way too much on the subject to even be involved, but I won't get into that. I hope this doesn't come off as rude as it may sound, but there are so many other ways to make money. I wouldn't want to rely on modelling as a main source of income, or a reliable paycheck, if all I were expecting were an average models pay (which I suspect not only varies by location, but it also VERY low).
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Same, I often wonder how some models (even some in the Top 50) can afford rent. So runway shows dont pay much, editorials pay also nothing, and apparently campaigns dont pay a whole lot either? Why model if you can literally get a job at McDonalds and get a better salary?
You are right about editorial and runway (unless, of course, you are among the very top models) do not pay much at all. But ... major campaigns pay a lot as I understand it!

The editorials and runway gigs are done for mostly for exposure ... with the goal of being noticed by some big designer, a major cosmetics company or something like that.

It is true that most models never make it to the big time and are just a little splash in the pond which lasts for a very brief time. But they do it ... because they have the dream of "making it big".

What the heck ... they are young and have lots of time to move on to another career if it doesn't work ....
What do they have to lose - if they don't make it - anyway? Say they spent a couple years in NY or Paris and never made it big. So what? They at least got to see the world a little bit and got to be a part of the fashion world - which most of the population could only dream of. Can't beat that experience working at McDonalds. And even if they lost some money for the agency, once they go back home, would the agency really be able to get anything out of them? Besides, even if they couldn't make it in the modeling world, some are able to make other... business connections.
if they're being sent out on innumerable castings and rarely getting booked they're spending time better spent, oh, I don't know—earning money? getting an education so one day they will earn money? a lot of struggling models live off credit cards. but " connections?" will fix all that. meaning...well, meaning what exactly?
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if they're being sent out on innumerable castings and rarely getting booked they're spending time better spent, oh, I don't know—earning money? getting an education so one day they will earn money? a lot of struggling models live off credit cards. but " connections?" will fix all that. meaning...well, meaning what exactly?

But I suppose yu dont ignore that 's the main reason why a a majority of models are from eastern or south countries?
You have to think from a world social point of view, not just from western living point of view.
we re in 2017, but in russia, ukrainia, lithuania average normal full job will just bring you less than 400$ per month, and even after studying 7 years of university a doctor will not have much more.
So modeling, and modeling earning goals are not exactly view in same way for a girl from there than for you.
And for exact meaning of other connections thake that there are different ways, first to spend time abroad gives some experiences which can helps, but also it is no secret that a lot of failing models will chose the easy way or in trying to find a good husband, or still making money from guys...
Does anyone know how much regular models (not Angels) get paid for walking the VS show? I read somewhere that it was 80, this true?

I'm not talking about Kendall Jenner or Gigi Hadid, but someone like Sui He or Sanne Vloet.
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I suggest that you go to the most current VS thread in The ETC's of the Modeling World forum .... and ask there. There are tons of model fans in there, some of whom might know:

Per the thread rules (Post #1) ... this thread is intended to let aspiring models learn what to expect, if they just make a living at modeling. Any model in the VS show would never be considered a "average model" .... :flower:
And for exact meaning of other connections thake that there are different ways, first to spend time abroad gives some experiences which can helps, but also it is no secret that a lot of failing models will chose the easy way or in trying to find a good husband, or still making money from guys...

I remember an old fashion forum where a model specifically said exposure to wealthy men was the biggest perk of the job.
That said, not one model she knew had actually married one.
And ones that did marry were all badly divorced.
But THIS time might be different.
I remember an old fashion forum where a model specifically said exposure to wealthy men was the biggest perk of the job.
That said, not one model she knew had actually married one.
And ones that did marry were all badly divorced.
But THIS time might be different.

To get married not alwas the goal, for girls "open" to that, there is in that business evey day possibility to go to the easy money.
If you start to be successfull model, you will naturally stay away from that, if you dont work much and come from poor country..thats more tempting.
If you go to Milan, first thing you will get is VIP invitation to go to the best clubs, and there after 10 minutes you will have a nice guy inviting you to a super yacht on Genoa lake the new week-end...
From might find out than for a pretty girl to be invited to spend life on super yacht is more easy than modeling:)
Does anyone know how much campaigns pay? For example, a H&M campaign vs. a Prada campaign. How much can each model expect to earn?

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