How much makeup do you own?

Too much though I don't even use most of them. I'm just addicted to buying makeup.
Much too much! There are at least 60 lipsticks :kiss: carefully hidden from my boyfriend in drawers and boxes all over our apartment... :p :lol: He'd think I'm crazy - which would be absolutely correct. :doh: :innocent:
This includes only what is in my In-Circulation Drawer, not my Drawer of Doom where cosmetics go to die. :lol:

Face Moitsturizer: 3
Eye Moitsturizer: 1

Eyeshadow: 37
Eyeliner: 27 sticks, 3 cream, 4 liquid
Eyebrows: 5
Mascara: 4

Foundation: 1
Concealer: 4
Powder: 3, pressed only, of the same kind, I stock up when possible.
Blush: 4

Lip Gloss: 6 Clear, 26 tinted
Lip Stick: 10
Lip Stain: 1
Lipliner: 0

I just realized how bad my eyeliner addiction is. :blush:
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Foudnation 2
blush/bronzer 3
concealer 2
setting powder
(loose, pressed) 2
base/primer (optional) 0

eyeshadows (cream, powder, mousse...) 123 :shock:
eyeliner (liquid, pencil, gel...) 3
mascara (clear, colored, black, brown....) 5
eyebrow (pencil, powder, gel...) 0

lipgloss 98 :o
lipstick 5
lip pencil 0

muti purpose palettes (optioanal) 2
Other (optional, if any)
I went through a recent cleanout last time I replied, so here's my updated list, with the useless junk I've acquired since. :ninja:

(powder, liquid, cream, mousse, gloss....) 2 liquid
blush/bronzer 6 blush
concealer 2
setting powder (loose, pressed) 2
base/primer (optional) 1

eyeshadows (cream, powder, mousse...) 1 quad, 2 trios, 7 duos, 7 singles
eyeliner (liquid, pencil, gel...) 11
mascara (clear, colored, black, brown....) 1
eyebrow (pencil, powder, gel...) 0

lipgloss 2
lipstick 15
lip pencil 3

multi purpose palettes (optional) 0
Other (optional, if any) 2
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Foundation 8
blush/bronzer 10
concealer 3
setting powder 2
base/primer 0

eyeshadows 30
eyeliner 6
mascara 5
eyebrow 1

lipgloss 10
lipstick 25
lip pencil 4

multi purpose palettes (optional) 0
Other (optional, if any) ?
lcm said:
^ :lol: :D

i worked as an intern for MAC/estee lauder (in the offices) over the summer, they gave me soooooo much makeup...i dont know what to do with myself! i dont even wear a lot of makeup, but its always fun to play around with everything :)

damn, you are lucky!
Probably still more than I actually use, but not a ridiculous amount (unlike clothes & shoes) as I have frequent clearouts. I know a few transvestites & drag artistes & pass my 'mistakes' on to them
I have only one makeup that I use daily - powdered black kohl from Egypt. Oh well, two... if Vaseline counts. :D If I'm going to something fancy prancy, I have a makeup artist do my look of the moment.
oh man i'm addicted to buying makeup too...

(powder, liquid, cream, mousse, gloss....) 5
blush/bronzer 10/1 (i ALWAYS wear blush)
concealer 2
setting powder (loose, pressed) 3
base/primer (optional) 3

eyeshadows (cream, powder, mousse...) 50?
eyeliner (liquid, pencil, gel...) 5
mascara (clear, colored, black, brown....) 3
eyebrow (pencil, powder, gel...) i use my eyeshadows

lipgloss 25
lipstick 18
lip pencil 0

muti purpose palettes (optioanal) 2
Other (optional, if any) brushes!!!
Foudnation 1
blush/bronzer 1
concealer 1
setting powder (loose, pressed) 1
base/primer (optional)

eyeshadows 4
eyeliner 1 and it's bright purple :lol:
mascara 1
eyebrow 0

lipgloss 2
lipstick 2
lip pencil 0

muti purpose palettes 0
Other 0

i don't have a lot of makeup which is good because i never wear it!. :D
Foudnation (powder, liquid, cream, mousse, gloss....) 6 powders. 3 liquids.
blush/bronzer: 2 blushes and 2 bronzers (i'm not really a fan of blush/bronze)
concealer: 1 concealer (i need to get another one perhaps thicker)
setting powder (loose, pressed): 1 pressed setting powder (i need a loose)
base/primer (optional): none (something else that i need!)

eyeshadows (cream, powder, mousse...): close to 40 (pigment, powder, cream)
eyeliner (liquid, pencil, gel...): about ten to fifteen
mascara (clear, colored, black, brown....): five
eyebrow (pencil, powder, gel...): one

lipgloss: about five
lipstick: 6
lip pencil: 1

muti purpose palettes (optioanal): none are multipurpose. 2 eyeshadow palettes.
I have 53 lipsticks!

Two foundations
two primers
one powder
three eyeliners
one mascara
one brow pencil
unsure of eyeshadows....I don't wear them very often
around 15 lipliners
I don't wear blush or bronzer

Lipsticks are by far my weakness
Foudnation 4? I only use 1.
Blush/Bronzer 1 Bronzer, maybe 2 blushes? I never use blush, though. My bronzer IS my blush.
Concealer 2
Setting Powder 1
Base/Primer 1

Eye shadow 10-12
Eye liner 3
Mascara 4
Eyebrow 1 (brow gel)

Lip gloss 10?
Lipstick 4?
Lip pencil 3

Multi-purpose palettes 3?

This was actually difficult to answer because what I have and what I use are completely different stories. :) I used to buy makeup constantly, now I use a small selection that I'm really happy with.
I have very little makeup (especially compared to you lot!).

Foundatin 2
Blush 4
Bronzer 2
Concealer 1
Primer 1

Eyeshadow 20 (?)
Eyeliner 4
Mascara 4

Lipgloss 20 (?)
Lipstick 8
Lip pencil 1
Lily530 said:
I have 53 lipsticks!

Lipsticks are by far my weakness

I have heard lipsticks last about two years.I don't wear most of my lipsticks that often so some of them are like five years old :ninja: do you throw them away after two years or do you keep using them ?
I think as the long as the lipstick smells fine and hasn't changed consistency it's fine. The only thing to be super wary of is mascara, and maybe liquid eyeliner. But generally creams and powders don't go bad nearly as fast.

And back to the topic... I own way too much. I'll have to do a count when I move back home (I keep the majority of my stash at home). I'm kind of afraid really :D
Foudnation liquid 3
blush one cream and one pressed
concealer 3
setting powder pressed 1

eyeshadows powder 5
mascara clear 1 black 3
eyebrow gel 1
Eyeshadow Palettes 10

lipgloss Around 30 I think
lipstick I think 6

I try to keep it to a minimal and I am trying to use it all up befor I buy new stuff. I fill go crazy at boots and superdrug this summer.. Hihi
I've had the same 3 lipsticks for the past 4 years: Chantecaille, by Terry, & Chanel--- two of which I didn't even buy 'cause they were gifts, LOL. Besides that, I have one of everything, from foundation to blush. Really boring to report, but they are what I like and I stick to what works!

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