Starting To Wear Makeup: Makeup for Beginners

i think mascara and lipgloss is good but for for special occasions wear tinted moisturizer.. i love titned mositurizer- it gives you a bit of colour and evens out your skin tone and no where near as much as foundation
Hi Gigi!

Bobbi Brown Beauty is a book by makeup pro Bobbi Brown. It has a chapter devoted to teen makeup, that would be quite useful for you and your friends. You don´t need to buy it at all, but maybe you can just take a look at it in a bookstore, and review that chapter... it´s just a couple of pages.
It has the basics for teens, with a couple of "how-tos" quite useful when you´re just beggining. It´s interesting because she teaches how to conceal breakouts and zits, quite common when you´re a teen.

Anyhow, as everybody before me has said, you don´t need too much right now: Enjoy your natural beauty and stay natural, you´ll have a lot of time later to try more complicated styles.
Sometimes I piled on makeup when I was a teen and when I see the pics I just wanna burn them. :cry:

Good luck....:flower:
thanks newprincesita , next time when i go to the book store (which is this friday). i will look for it.
I agree great brushes are a must.

Eyelash Curler - Instead of mascara that you don't need you could buy an eyelash curler (it really makes a difference)
Shu Uemura's is great and I've heard good things about Shiseido's as well..try a couple of different labels since different shapes of eyes might mean that one labels curler will suit you better than another.

Blush - Get a bronzing powder (Mac has a great selection).
It'll give you a natural and healthy glow and can help you enhance your features.

Powder - Little goes a long way. If you suffer from shine I'd suggest Mac's Blot powder (it's a handy little compact)

Concealer - if it's just for the under eye area YSL Touch Eclat is easy to apply and among the best.

Eyeshadow - Bobby Brown and Laura Mercier have some very nice neutral eyeshadow palettes, colours that enhance your features w/out screaming that you are wearing eyeshadow.
You can also use a dark eyeshadow as eyeliner see :

thanks Hanne. i think i will get the eyelash curler. i already know how to use it. since i use to play with my mom when i was little and i got pretty good at it.

PS. too cute avatar!!! way too cute! :D
Hi there, You're so lucky, you mom's letting you wear makeup at 12! I had to beg to wear it until I was liike 15, and finally could wear eyeliner. Anyhow, I used to sell Avon, and they have the best line out there for girls your age. It's called Mark. They have all the right colors, they look natural, and everything. You can't go wrong with it. I used to buy drugstore makeup when I was 12, use Wet n' Wild cosmetics, and by the end of the day, I looked pretty bad because the makeup would be gone. If you or your mom knows an Avon lady, or Mark representative, ask for a brochure. I used to have a customer who bought Mark products (she went to a private school too), and after 2 months, she started selling it herself.
I hope this helps! Good luck! :p
I'd try Clinique or Avon for not-too-expensive-but-good-quality make-up. I agree with eyelash curler and I'd suggest using good skincare products to make sure that your skin looks naturally good without the help of powder/etc. For under eye circles, I like Yves Saint Laurent Touche Eclat, but a cheaper version could be L'Oreal airwear concealer.

I like lipglosses with a touch of naturally pink/red colour but don't go for anything too dark/dramatic. As for eyeshadow - it depends on your skin colour/eye colour/hair colour, but usually beige-light type of eyeshadow really opens up your eyes. At your age, you can also pull off the slightly (not overboard, again) glittery eyeshadow look. And I wouldn't use eyeliner if I were you, or if you really want to...make sure you really really smudge/blend it well.
Twilight_fairy: thanks for the good tips. i do know a avon lady. i am not going to wear all that make-up. my friends mom started letting her use all that around the same time i made this thread. i was over her house for the weekend and it seemed like way to much trouble to go through. i mean she was using the works. it was'nt much to put on the powder and lipgloss(of course), shadow or blush. but seriously after watching her put on eyeliner,black mascara, and lots of other stuff. i was amazed. i mean she looked pretty and all and some how managed to keep it natrual looking. but it took her like half a hour to put it on. i need something thats quick and easy. so i can be out the house for school or whatever im going to. so i think for now ill stick with powder(i have very oily shiney skin in the T-zone of my face) , eyelash curler( i just think it would be faster than the masacra), lip gloss , and maybe a few au natrual shades of eyeshadow to wear sometimes and maybe a light shimmer eyeshadow to wear on special occasions.after seeing my friend i now have set sorta like a schedule of what i can wear depending on my age. here it is.

AGE 12: powder,lipgloss, natural shades of eyeshadow, eyelash curler
NORMAL DAYS: eyelash curler, lip gloss, powder
SPECIAL DAYS: same as normal but i can wear natural shades or light shimmer eyeshadow

AGE 13:powder, lipgloss, natural shades of eyeshadow(maybe of few light shimmer ones), eyelash curler, some clear mascara
NORMAL DAYS: powder , lip gloss , a natrual shade of eyeshadow sometimes, eyelash curler
SPECIAL DAYS: same as normal but maybe some clear mascra

AGE 14:powder, lipgloss, natural shades of eyeshadow, eyelash curler, some clear mascara or brown mascara
NORMAL DAYS: same as AGE 13
SPECIAL DAYS: same as normal but mabe some clear or brown mascara

AGE 15: same as the past years for both normal and special

AGE 16 & 17: same as past years but now maybe some eye pencil

AGE 18: anything i want
well i seriously dont want to go for the LOOK-AT-ME-IM-WEARING-MAKE-UP !- CAN -YOU -TELL? type of look. i just want something natrual. an personally myself im not to big on colors that instantly make you look more dramtic than a daytime soap opera(yeah, i know corny).
it's understandable that you are very excited in the beginning...
i started wearing make-up two years ago,when i was 14,and i was like it, too...
but after some months the excitement ebbs and you'll stay with one product or two...

right now i am satisfied with mascara.
thanks Ahinoam , my mom said thats how she was. but now she sticks with mascara,powder,liquid eyeliner and lip chap. :) but thats a whole nother story. she said after a few moths i would get tired of it too and limit myself. but if ya read my other post to Twilight_fairy i kinda already have.
^ Its wonderful you're starting off with few natural looking products since you really don't need much at a young age and it usually looks out of a place to be so done up.

I started very similar to you....I used a light peachy shimmer, mascara, a bit of gloss...

Soon though I grew a bit older and got pimples and got interested into emphasizing the eyes.... I learned basics by going to a make-up basics class at Shisheido, but you can go to any counter and ask for advice if you ever need something like how to apply the concealer naturally and they'll help you figure out your shade. So I highly recommend that when in doubt, try a counter and ask.

For now though I like what you're limiting yourself to. Honestly even most highschool girls wear that much makeup...simple basics. I think I'm one of the few who does interesting shades and blends on my eyes, but it works for me and I keep the rest of the stuff toned down. It's something I'm interested in and express myself through... now I run about school helping make-up victims who over do and people who want help to learn to apply makeup.

Kudos to you ladies who wear nothing...I'll die without my makeup I think :lol:
thanks Sephora_Socialite. thanks. it make me reasurred that i doing the right htingby limiting myself. but i still would do it notmatter what.
Eyelash curlers are terrific, as someone else said. You can curl your lashes, and you probably won't need mascara with that, except maybe a touch of clear. Keep the curler clean by wiping it with a makeup remover that's formulated for use around the eyes.
Oh for an affordable, subtle eyeshadow that won't cause allergies, look for Physician's Formula. They have a lot of shadows that come in peach-y shades.
Hi, Gigi, I think you are so sweet to be so patient with *20 rules*!

Luckily the kind of makeup your mom wants you to wear is totally in right now! For some of the Fall shows, the models didn't wear mascara. Take a look at, Marc Jacobs show in particular, for inspiration. (There are separate shots of the makeup for each show. Donna Karan was really pretty too.)

However, I personally would take a bit different approach if I were your mom. I would say brown mascara yes, eyeliner no. I would get this:

* brown mascara, not thickening (and possibly not lengthening either) Btw, it's faster than a curler once you learn--
* Matte or satin eyeshadows, ivory (for all over) and pale taupe
* blush, light pink or peach depending on your coloring
* tinted moisturizer (if you're going to use concealer, you need to use something all over for the powder to stick to so you don't get an uneven finish), concealer, powder--get this stuff at a department store so you can be sure it matches--maybe Clinique or MAC? For hard to match skin, visit Prescriptives--more expensive but it has to match!
* sheer lipstick (subtle but without the high shine and stickiness of lipgloss, but with all the moisture--it's only bad lipstick that's dry), light pink or peach (whichever you went with before)
* Brushes: eyeshadow, concealer, blusher, powder (MAC's are good & they will last you for years, particularly if you take good care of them--you can use your own shampoo and conditioner on them)

I'm a MAC user for most stuff & one thing I really like about it is not only do they recycle all the plastic containers, but they give you a free lipstick (you could get the sheer) for every 6.

Enjoy :flower:
thanks. fashionista-ta. thanks for all that you said. some of it i can use now and some later. ill repost what i limited myself to. now that i saw my friend with everything done up. she looks pretty but it took her too long to do it. can ya give me any advice on what i can do for the make-up ill use now.

AGE 12: powder,lipgloss, natural shades of eyeshadow, eyelash curler
NORMAL DAYS: eyelash curler, lip gloss, powder
SPECIAL DAYS: same as normal but i can wear natural shades or light shimmer eyeshadow

AGE 13:powder, lipgloss, natural shades of eyeshadow(maybe of few light shimmer ones), eyelash curler, some clear mascara
NORMAL DAYS: powder , lip gloss , a natrual shade of eyeshadow sometimes, eyelash curler
SPECIAL DAYS: same as normal but maybe some clear mascra

AGE 14:powder, lipgloss, natural shades of eyeshadow, eyelash curler, some clear mascara or brown mascara
NORMAL DAYS: same as AGE 13
SPECIAL DAYS: same as normal but mabe some clear or brown mascara

AGE 15: same as the past years for both normal and special

AGE 16 & 17: same as past years but now maybe some eye pencil

AGE 18: anything i want

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