Hi Ladies. Nice thread.
Really, all of the suggestions are appropriate especially those regarding the simplicity in jewelry and the classic, tailored clothing, except I believe that with a few key pieces, careful research and an attention to detail, one can cultivate the look and demeanor with relative ease. Of course, a formal education and money don't hurt... But, one can be well read without having graduated from an Ivy League college and since a classic look is timeless, one can buy classic clothes from the right places that are on sale at great prices.
In reference to achieving the east cost socialite look, I think a few key investments might help, at least with respect to the look of one’s every day clothing:
First, get a nice 18" single strand of pearls and matching pearl earrings. Pearls are absolutely classic and a must have. If you wear them every day, they become a signature piece inextricably tied in with what one would think of when they think of you. Now, I am a bit divided on what color the pearls should be and I used to think white only, but my husband bought me a beautiful 18” single strand of Tahitian pearls for my birthday last August and I wear them always. The color goes with almost all of my clothes and they are unique (or at least more so than the white), which makes me feel like the individual I am. So, I think whatever color pearl you prefer would be suitable just make sure they go with most of your clothing since you will wear them very frequently and consistency is key.
Second, while money does help, there are PLENTY of flat broke east coast aristocrats out there so one doesn’t necessarily have to be rich. I suggest looking at Brooks Brothers clothing (
http://www.brooksbrothers.com/) on the sale rack. From the sale rack, you can get beautiful, truly classic clothes at very reasonable prices that they will tailor for you. Last summer, I purchased a gorgeous black linen jacket for $90, which I think was originally $200+! It will last me a lifetime, never go out of style (at least as far as the classic look is concerned) and I didn’t pay too much. Brooks Brothers is one of the quintessential clothiers of those privileged to have been born into “old” east coast money.
Third, act naturally. People who were "born into" this type of fashion think nothing of it and are comfortable in their own skin. Some of them are eccentric, some are prudish and some are very out going, charitable and easygoing people - just like everyone else. Really, it's all about having the manners (which can be learned), the look (which can be bought) and the ability to mix it all together while still being comfortable with your own personality and that part is all up to you
