How to dress like a socialite

say very little
learn how to hold a glass
wear simple clothes (i cant express this enough)
preen yourself every day
Originally posted by Acid@Jan 29th, 2004 - 9:12 am
say very little
learn how to hold a glass
wear simple clothes (i cant express this enough)
preen yourself every day
very good advice....

i read once a great article on how these "people" live... and it comes down to simplicity....

wear only pale pink nailpolish on toes and nails, always manicured.
wear lots of black, white, cream.... and subdued colors.
wear lots of suits, tailored clothing
and always look impeccably groomed.....
less is more with jewlery
classic styles with everything, handbags, shoes, sunglasses, dont follow trends....
I agree with what leyla said about education. You can look as expensive as you want but unless you can carry on an intelligent conversation- you are not classy!
really, you'll exude so much more class if you grow into your own style. mimicking ones style only feels won't feel like yourself and you won't be as confident.
it's also not what you wear, as several other people have noted, but how you act. good breeding is essential. confidence and grace when you walk, when you speak be refined. be understated, never talk about money or wear clothes/accessories with labels or logos that are obvious.
wear luxe fabrics such as cashmere, silks, fine woollens, but think casual. and pay a lot of attention to grooming. don't wear too much makeup.
to dress like a classy socialite, i think you need the following!

a sense of inner beauty

and to have admire gracious people like Jackie Kennedy, Audrey Hepburn and Grace Kelly cos i do
Dont follow the trends- wear things that are classic- well cut slacks & jakets- pencil skirts, button down shirts, v neck and turtleneck sweaters.

get a good quality coat

Your most expensive items should be a good pair of shoes and a bag.
everything else can be from h&m, but your shoes had better be manolo or at least look like it-
and save up and get one expensive leather bag that you can wear with absolutely everything

Dress up rather then down, and never let yourself leave the house in sweats-Ever.

Wear heels- but not high heels, or chunky heels, abut 2.5 to 3 inches
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Wear whatever the heck you want and wear it with confidence.

A great socialite is usually a woman with the self-confidence to wear whatever SHE wants with confidence and ease. Many influential, classy women are the ones who don't spend all day worrying about whether their outfits "fit in" or actually desperately trying to look the part of the socialite.
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Do a Google search on Tara Reid, and mimick her look accordingly..
Works for me! Never fails! :lol:
yeah so much resemblance between you and Tara Reid, Trophy :lol:
Yeah, wait 'til you see my left t***y! :woot:

Alright-moving on, as Im going really off topic..
They should all be sent on some desert island so they can socialize there and pollute the society.
I think everyone has good points here! What an interesting thread!! I think that having grace and style like Jacke Kennedy is not only a manner of dressing, but a way of life. Here are a few of my suggestions:

- Education - if you don't have an expensive college education, read books. Even if you do have a good education, read books. Society women (and men) are well read and you can run in their circles if you are too.

- Take an interest in the fine arts. Go to museums, the ballet, the opera and the theatre.

- Wear simple, elegant clothing -- NO trends. Find a good tailor and make sure all of your clothes fit properly. Opt to save for a month or two and buy one nice item of clothing rather than buying lots of cheap items. Keep your clothing dry cleaned, pressed, repaired and tailored.

- Buy expensive shoes and a bag. A nice coat too. You can have nice shoes resoled and always keep them polished.

- Own a strand of pearls, a nice watch, and diamond studs. Make them your staples until you can afford "investment" pieces. Or until you find a man to buy them for you!

- Maintain a good haircut and never wear too much makeup!

- Maintain a mani/pedi with neutral polish. But, you can do color on your toes...and perhaps on your nails (if they are cut short) for a special occassion (like a Christmas party). But never go about with chipped nails.

- Own, read, & study Emily Post's bible on etiquette. Trust me, good manners will get you far in life and every blue blood was brought up adhereing to the rules of etiquette.

- Purchase some good stationary and use it for thank you's (and always send a thank you note when receiving a gift) and other correspondence!

- Take up golf, chess, tennis or croquet. Or all of them.

- Develop a taste for, and knowledge of, good wine and champagne. Join a wine tasting class, read some books on wine, tour some vineyards.

- Always act like a lady. Refer back to Emily Post!
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Oh...I have another one...anything you see Paris Hilton do, wear or say...don't do it, wear it, or say it!:lol:
Acid said:
say very little
learn how to hold a glass
wear simple clothes (i cant express this enough)
preen yourself every day

Substance said:
My quest is to develope a personal style much like the blueblood girls of East coast society. You know the type, born rich and stylish. For example Jackie Kennedy Onassis or Carolyn Besset Kennedy. I want to have that upper class style before "Sex and the City" and before socialites thought it was cool to act like Paris Hilton. What are their secrets? What makes them so utterly classy and timeless?


Its important to work with your body... if you have a large bust dont wear low cut dresses... it isnt classy...
this thread is so great! thank you all for great tips

and good manners will get you far in life even if you are not trying to be a classy socialite
A lot of you have made excellent excellent comments so I won't repeat (entirely) but I would say the 2 big ones for me personally would be

1.) Education
2.) No trends; classic items in classic colors- black, cream,etc.
Hi Ladies. Nice thread.

Really, all of the suggestions are appropriate especially those regarding the simplicity in jewelry and the classic, tailored clothing, except I believe that with a few key pieces, careful research and an attention to detail, one can cultivate the look and demeanor with relative ease. Of course, a formal education and money don't hurt... But, one can be well read without having graduated from an Ivy League college and since a classic look is timeless, one can buy classic clothes from the right places that are on sale at great prices.

In reference to achieving the east cost socialite look, I think a few key investments might help, at least with respect to the look of one’s every day clothing:

First, get a nice 18" single strand of pearls and matching pearl earrings. Pearls are absolutely classic and a must have. If you wear them every day, they become a signature piece inextricably tied in with what one would think of when they think of you. Now, I am a bit divided on what color the pearls should be and I used to think white only, but my husband bought me a beautiful 18” single strand of Tahitian pearls for my birthday last August and I wear them always. The color goes with almost all of my clothes and they are unique (or at least more so than the white), which makes me feel like the individual I am. So, I think whatever color pearl you prefer would be suitable just make sure they go with most of your clothing since you will wear them very frequently and consistency is key.

Second, while money does help, there are PLENTY of flat broke east coast aristocrats out there so one doesn’t necessarily have to be rich. I suggest looking at Brooks Brothers clothing ( on the sale rack. From the sale rack, you can get beautiful, truly classic clothes at very reasonable prices that they will tailor for you. Last summer, I purchased a gorgeous black linen jacket for $90, which I think was originally $200+! It will last me a lifetime, never go out of style (at least as far as the classic look is concerned) and I didn’t pay too much. Brooks Brothers is one of the quintessential clothiers of those privileged to have been born into “old” east coast money.

Third, act naturally. People who were "born into" this type of fashion think nothing of it and are comfortable in their own skin. Some of them are eccentric, some are prudish and some are very out going, charitable and easygoing people - just like everyone else. Really, it's all about having the manners (which can be learned), the look (which can be bought) and the ability to mix it all together while still being comfortable with your own personality and that part is all up to you :flower:.
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