How to start the fashion thing - what are the basics?

same problem as everybody else, i have absolutely no idea what i'm doing when it comes to fashion
i've spent ridiculous amounts of money on clothes only to find i have nothing to wear in the morning, so i will just throw on sneakers, jeans, and a hoody
when i first purchase something, i love it, after a while, i absolutely despise my wardrobe because i can't put anything together, any help is appreciated!

First, get a girlfriend who can pick your clothes out for you :lol:

Just kidding.

I would say start with where you are, the sneakers, jeans, and hoody. But make each one best in class. And if you like color, have a color scheme in mind for the season before you begin, so everything will work together.
^lol well the majority of my clothes are black/white/gray, with other dark colors here and there

what do you mean by "But make each one best in class"?

^ I figured, but I thought I'd put that out there just in case ;)

I mean, make the jeans not just jeans you found on your bedroom floor, but a considered choice of the very best ones you can find--deliberately choose the cut, the color, the finish. I don't mean the most expensive, but the ones that best fit you and your taste. Maybe a cashmere hoodie. Maybe suede sneaks. Make each piece a little bit unique, and your pick for "best in class."

And if color doesn't seem evil to you (it does to many here I gather :lol:), choose a piece with just a bit of a color you like.
You could always cut out pictures from magazines that grab your attention. When you look at most of the pictures, you will start to get an idea of what your style is. Then go to stores and look for similar items.
@ fashionista-ta: thanks, appreciate it
maybe 2 years from now i'll make significant progress, fyi colors is like the devil to me, jk, but no really

p.s whats karma?

@caitlinc: well i gather photos from online and store it in a folder and look through it when im bored
^ We have a whole thread that explains karma ... search on 'karma' with titles only selected, that should bring it up for you. Any questions you have, you can post there & we'll answer ...
I have bunch of clothes but sometimes I feel I am not making the best out of it so I search throught the web read the fashion related blogs and offcours TFS helps a lot.......
when I am alone I play arround in my closet and make the outfits...
^ We have several threads you might like ... a Playing Dress-up thread, the Does this work? thread, and the "French" wardrobe combinations thread ...
^ We have several threads you might like ... a Playing Dress-up thread, the Does this work? thread, and the "French" wardrobe combinations thread ...

Oh wow thanks fashionista-ta I just checked out these threads they are great...:clap:
I think it's important that you get comfortable with the basics, like knowing what works for your body type. Even if you're just wearing jeans and a plain white tee, if it fits well you'll end up looking like a million bucks.
From there, you can start changing things up and adding your personal touch to the outfits -- scarves, necklaces, arm candy, printed tops, crazy shoes.
Hi I dont know if this is the right place to post this question plz feel free to remove it if its not.

I have bunch of clothes that I am confuzed "where" to wear... I mean what occasion or what place to wear them.
do we have any forum thread that discusses this thing ? Like we can post the pictures of the clothes and ppl on tfs can discuss what event or what place would they wear them?
^ I just did a search & I don't believe we do have a thread like that. You could start one. Where could I wear this?
i found a simple yet really great article on
how to develop a personal style :flower:

i'm starting one now :innocent:
a "personal style book"
i find myself pasting artwork as well as clothes
i'm now in the getting rid of junk stage :meow: since i have too many
well after posting in this thread about a month ago
ive been making more use out of my monotone closet, and making 'new' outfits with the same clothes
i personally think im getting better, but i could be wrong
(if only i could pull it off as well as kate lanphear)
the problem i have right now is that:
a. i dont feel inspired, at all
b. being financially independent, it if hard for me to be a good shopper (or get something that everyone is happy with).
c. being the odd ball in my community, i honestly feel like a douchebag with whatever i wear...
^ Sometimes it's best to wait for inspiration to arrive :flower:

If you are financially independent, isn't it just yourself you need to please? ;)

I am so used to being the oddball that I feel free to wear whatever whenever wherever :lol: As long as you feel good within yourself, that's what matters.
^ wait i mean dependent >.< i still need to get money from my parent >.<
if you buy very inexpensive clothes how can they say no ;)
i was just at two second hand shops here and the coats are SO nice! really quite new.. real leather ,real wool and everything

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