Obsessing a little over this....so I'm compiling a list over actresses it could be. Assuming it's Jagger's kid Gabriel.
1. Famous actress.
2. Her career was taking off in the late 90s.
3. She was married to a celebrity.
4. She has worked with Jagger somehow.
5. She is a brunette with dark eyes and olive complexion.
Kate Winslet - has associated with Jagger. Married slightly after the birth of Gabriel.
Rachel Weisz - has worked with Jagger on the movie Bent, released in 1997. However, was not married around 1997/1998.
Demi Moore - married to Bruce Willis, divorced in 2000. Took a break from around 1997 to 1999 (no movies released in 1998, 1999). However, they don't seem to have worked on a project together.
Linda Hamilton - married to James Cameron at the time. Divorced in 1999. Plus: She starred in "Beauty and the beast". Minus: Her career wasn't really taking off in '97.
Angelina Jolie - fits perfectly, but the kid doesn't look like her.