In Vogue: The Illustrated History of the World's Most Famous Fashion Magazine


May 8, 2003
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a new book coming out...from wwd...

"The Devil Wears Prada" may have presented a fictionalized glimpse inside Vogue, and now the magazine is set to show its version of the truth. Unlike most of the glossies on newsstands, Vogue may be the only publication that has the pull to get Cameron Diaz to shoot out of a cannon wearing Atelier Versace or Drew Barrymore to pose next to a lion. With stories like these, it's hard to believe that after 115 years, a comprehensive book about Vogue hasn't been published, but authors Alberto Oliva and Norberto Angeletti are about to change that. "In Vogue: The Illustrated History of the World's Most Famous Fashion Magazine," is a 440-page tome that details the magazine's history; its notable contributors, including editors, photographers and fashion designers, and its influence on culture. Oliva and Angeletti were given unprecedented access, including attending editorial meetings and being privy to choices in photographers and content. The book includes commentary from Anna Wintour, creative director Grace Coddington, photographer Steven Klein, Condé Nast Publications Inc. chairman S.I. Newhouse Jr., an excerpt from Susan Sontag and even a story by former editor Grace Mirabella, whose departure was less than amicable. Oliva enjoyed the opportunity to go behind the scenes at Vogue, but admitted it was a little daunting to be the first inside. The cover features a black-and-white photograph that has appeared inside the magazine, featuring models Linda Evangelista and Kristen McMenamy. It was done by Steven Meisel in 1996 at a château in France.

Oliva is the editor in chief of the Spanish version of Parents Magazine and Angeletti is the editor of Clarin, a newspaper in Argentina. They also have coauthored the book "Magazines That Make History," published in 2004. Their new book will be available Oct. 10 and will cost $75. Approximately 15,000 copies will be printed by Rizzoli International Publications. A launch party will be held Oct. 23 at The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

i'm definitely picking this up...
Thanks kimair!:heart:

It can be pre-ordered as a discounted rate from various vendors. Here is the cover:



There are a few Vogue histories already - rather many in fact. One called In Vogue which is from the 70s. But this sounds great, although the focus on the Wintour era which I suspect will be the case, may be less interesting. Perhaps.:wink: That said, I'll be picking it up of course.

Gorgeous cover.
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