Is Katie Holmes faking her pregnancy?

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brokenenglish said:
As I said in the Katie Holmes thread, when did they announce they were expecting?
A long time ago it seems so that makes me think they announced as soon as they themselves found out...
don't celebs usually wait until after the third month in case of misscarrige?
This is very fishy...

I don't remember the date but I know what you mean, it seems like it's been dragging on forever, taking a looong time for her to change size, whereas normal celebrities like gwen stefani announce it late enough that before you blink an eye they're huge and going into labor. Tom and Katie had to have announced it like day 1.

It's so pathetic that I'm so intrigued by this ^_^
mundodabolsa said:
It's so pathetic that I'm so intrigued by this ^_^

Me too.:blush:
It's hard not to, they made such a spectacle of it.:lol:

I just did bit of research and from what I could find they announced the pregnancy in early October....
does that sound right?:huh:
So if they announced right away after finding out she could be pregnant until July.:shock:
They must have waited then, because currently she looks like she is due soon.
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Thing is that you usually wait to announce your pregnant until you're 3 months preganant - due to fear of miscarriage. I found out I was pregnant in mid oct - due in early July and i swear I remember those two having already announced it and her looking 'pregnant' before that... Its odd this timeline
My mom told me the other day that she saw on tv that now tom is trying to get sole custody of the baby....has anyone else heard this? If so, he's even more nuts than I thought
daddyslittlegrl8 said:
My mom told me the other day that she saw on tv that now tom is trying to get sole custody of the baby....has anyone else heard this? If so, he's even more nuts than I thought

why am I not in complete disbelief?

haven't heard of it but wouldn't doubt it.
This conspiracy stuff really intrigues me I have to admit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TomKat is a disaster
daddyslittlegrl8 said:
My mom told me the other day that she saw on tv that now tom is trying to get sole custody of the baby....has anyone else heard this? If so, he's even more nuts than I thought

That would be hard for him to do unless Katie is deemed by the courts as an unfit mother.

And as far as I am concerned, if courts think that Courtney Love and Kate Moss are fit mothers then it will be pretty hard to get Tom to prove that Katie is an unfit mother.
my attorney friend (who knows a lot of high power people in the "industry") told me this:

tom cruise was in a relationship w/nicole kidman's brother while the 2 of them were married. nicole knew about this and agreed to fake the marriage in exchange for fame and a nice chunk of change. when he broke up w/her brother, that's when nicole and tom divorced - thus him always telling the media "nicole knows why the marriage ended" or something along those lines. he supposedly paid katie holmes $5 million and the "promise of fame" to play the same charade (althought it back fired cuz everyone thinks she's just as nuts as he is) and the baby is def. tom's. just because he's gay doesn't mean he's sterile.

one thing she did mention was the time he was w/penelope cruz. people speculate he also paid her so the media can blame her for his break-up w/nicole so they wouldn't question anything else or come up w/more damaging theories (like him being gay).

the man, and the people around him, are either frighteningly crazy or PR geniuses.

either way, i think cruise is nuts.
vintage-chick said:
my attorney friend (who knows a lot of high power people in the "industry") told me this:

tom cruise was in a relationship w/nicole kidman's brother while the 2 of them were married. nicole knew about this and agreed to fake the marriage in exchange for fame and a nice chunk of change. when he broke up w/her brother, that's when nicole and tom divorced - thus him always telling the media "nicole knows why the marriage ended" or something along those lines. he supposedly paid katie holmes $5 million and the "promise of fame" to play the same charade (althought it back fired cuz everyone thinks she's just as nuts as he is) and the baby is def. tom's. just because he's gay doesn't mean he's sterile.

one thing she did mention was the time he was w/penelope cruz. people speculate he also paid her so the media can blame her for his break-up w/nicole so they wouldn't question anything else or come up w/more damaging theories (like him being gay).

the man, and the people around him, are either frighteningly crazy or PR geniuses.

either way, i think cruise is nuts.
Thats total crap.Nicole kidman doesn't have a brother.She only has a sister.I think Tomkat is strange but i don;t believe any of these conspiracy theories going around^
One thing I know for sure (at least as far as tabloid fodder goes) is that rumours are usually rumours for a reason....
I had no idea she didn't have a brother.:blush:

Who knows? Maybe the Nicole/Tom marriage was for real?
He was seemingly less nuts then.:innocent:
:lol: Now I'm just playing around but maybe by brother he actually meant her "brother-in-law", Angus Hawley?

That is him on the left. (Picture from

sonjanicky29 said:
Thats total crap.Nicole kidman doesn't have a brother.She only has a sister.I think Tomkat is strange but i don;t believe any of these conspiracy theories going around^

i said the same thing to my friend about nicole not having a brother. she said nobody in the public knows about her brother but that she does have one (and not a bro-in law). and they've kept him a "secret" because he's gay and they didn't want to give people an oppurtunity to speculate anything about him and tom.

i know, it sounds really fishy. eh, who knows for sure. doesn't really change our lives. :flower:
I'll admit. I thought that she was faking her pregnancy but now she IS very pregnant. I think she's having a boy. Isn't that perfect? :innocent:

Am I the only one who remembers this national enquier article about Tom looking for a young hollywood actress to be his wife? Before Tom met Katie (which was in May of 05?) a month or two before they met Tom wanted to inseminate and convert a young actress to scientology. I think he approached Scarlet Jo and other up and coming actresses. This sounds crazy but this article was published before Tom and Katie were a couple. I know. It does sound crazy and out there but then again this is scientology. This is hollywood. Anything could happen :unsure:
^Ya, I'm sure everyone remembers the young starlet 'interviews' he held... namely b/c it was so freaking bizarre.

I personally hope she delivers a healthy baby boy on April 1st :innocent:

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